Bedside Testing of CYP2C19 Gene for Treatment of Patients With PCI With Antiplatelet Therapy
Coronary Artery DiseaseMyocardial Infarction9 moreClopidogrel is crucial as antiplatelet treatment in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent implantation and during one year after PCI, to prevent atherothrombotic complications. However, clopidogrel is ineffective in certain patients due to genetic mutation in CYP2C19 gene a specific enzyme in the liver required for metabolism of clopidogrel. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to test these patients genetically at bedside and prescribe an alternative drug such as Ticagrelor (90 mg twice daily) or prasugrel ( 10mg once daily or 5mg once daily if the patient older than 75 years or a body weight < 60kg) if they are carriers of the allele 2 or 3 of the mutated gene.

The Effect of Anticoagulation in Cirrhotic Patients With Portal Vein Thrombosis:A Multicenter RCT...
Portal Vein ThrombosisLiver CirrhosisThe purpose of this study is to determine the effect and safety of anticoagulation after endoscopic therapy in cirrhotic patients with portal vein thrombosis and to explore its effect on long-term rebleeding rate and mortality.

Hepatic Resection Versus Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Complicated...
Hepatocellular Carcinoma With PVTTThe treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) with Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis (PVTT) is still controversial, and there is no universally agreed protocol for its treatment. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) has become the most popular palliative treatment for patients with unresectable HCC, and it is no longer considered as a contraindication to HCC with PVTT. Unfortunately, the long term outcomes are generally poor for HCC treated with TACE, especially for HCC with PVTT. HR remains the only therapeutic option that may still offer a chance of cure. With advances in surgical techniques, it has become feasible to remove all gross tumors, including PVTT which has extended to the main portal vein, safely by surgery. This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of HR as compared with TACE to treat patients with HCC with PVTT. The investigators also aimed to identify patient groups that might benefit more from either treatment with HR or TACE.

Ultrasound Enhanced Thrombolytic Therapy of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Intracranial EmbolismThrombosisThe purpose of the present, randomized, controlled multicenter phase III trial is to investigate the safety and efficacy of continuous 1-hour insonation of occluded middle cerebral artery with 2 MHz TCCS in stroke patients treated with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) within 3 hours after symptom onset.

Effect of Emergency Department Bedside Compression Ultrasonography on Door-to-Disposition Time in...
Lower Extremity Deep Vein ThrombosisComparing the disposition time of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) versus formal lower extremity doppler in emergency department patients.

Hypercoagulable Phenotype by Thrombinography (in Presence of C Protein Dynamic Inhibitory System)...
Venous ThrombosisThe purpose is to determine the hypercoagulable phenotype by thrombinography associated to an increased risk of symptomatic and objectively confirmed first venous thrombotic event. This is a case-control study in a population with patients having systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or antiphospholipid antibodies (APL). Secondary purposes are: To determine the frequency of hypercoagulable phenotype in study population; To analyze the sensibility: consequences of variation of hypercoagulable phenotype threshold on the importance of risk; To identify (genetic and not) factors for hypercoagulable phenotype and their frequency in different groups.

Platelet Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase Phosphorylation in Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery DiseaseAcute Coronary Syndrome1 moreIn human purified platelets, only thrombin, and not the other platelet agonists, leads to a transient activation of the protein kinase activated by AMP (AMPK) and to phosphorylation of its "bona fide" substrate, ACC on its Ser79. ACC phosphorylation (P-ACC) can be an interesting marker of thrombin action on platelets. Indeed platelet and coagulation interplay, though undoubtedly present in atherosclerosis and atherothrombosis, remains difficult to assess. Our group showed that atherosclerotic mice (SRBI/Apolipoprotein E knock-out) had higher platelet P-ACC compared to corresponding control mice (C57BL6). In agreement with these data, preliminary results showed increased platelet P-ACC in a small cohort of patients admitted for coronary angiogram, with demonstrated coronary artery disease (CAD). In the light of our preliminary results, we sought to analyze platelet P-ACC in a large prospective clinical trial (ACCTHEROMA) in patients admitted for coronary angiogram. The aim of the study is to compare platelet P-ACC in platelets of patients with CAD and more particularly in unstable CAD patients to non-CAD patients. This study could potentially identify patients at high risk of future ischemic cardiovascular events, because of a higher level of thrombin generation.

Healing Potentiality Of Blood Clot ,S-PRF and A-PRF In Treatment Of Necrotic Mature Single Rooted...
Healing Potentiality After Regeneration Using Standard PRF and Advanced PRF in Mature Necrotic Single TeethEarlier, it was believed that successful regeneration cannot be achieved once tooth has become infected. However, recent studies suggest that regenerative endodontics may in fact be possible in teeth with pulpal necrosis and periapical pathology. The primary goal in regenerative procedure is to eliminate clinical symptoms and resolve apical periodontitis. The blood clot acts as a scaffold, and the growth factors inside recruit stem cells, most likely from periapical papilla. But unfortunately, the erythrocytes in the clot of the blood column undergo necrosis, affecting its properties so the blood column is augmented by the use of different types of scaffolds. Platelet-rich fibrin is classified into four types (Standard PRF, Injectable PRF, Advanced PRF and Concentrated Growth Factor CGF) according to speed and time of centrifuge with the overall aim to increase the number of platelets and leucocytes

Prognostic Value Related to the Presence of Thrombosis or Portal Vein Invasion in Patients With...
Hepatocellular CarcinomaPortal Vein Thrombosis1 moreA retrospective study based on analysis of medical records of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated at the Hospital Sírio-Libanês (Sao Paulo-Brazil) between 2001 and 2011 with diagnosis confirmed by imaging or histological specimen underwent surgical resection with curative intent. The study aims to determine the prognostic value of vascular complications related to cancer and to evaluate the survival rate of these patients, comparing the data with those reported in the literature.

The Incidence of Perioperative Deep Venous Thromboses of the Lower Extremities
Perioperative DVTsThe study's hypothesis is that there are some patients who come for surgery who have asymptomatic clots in their lower extremities upon their arrival to the hospital for their surgical admission. We will be performing duplex studies of the subjects' legs before their surgery to determine how often clots are present. We will also perform duplex scans of the legs after the subjects' surgeries to determine what factors (surgical, anesthetic, co-morbidities)are correlated with the development of DVTs.