Effect of Interceptive Strategies on the Clinical Outcome of Maxillary Impacted Canines
ToothImpactedThis study aims to investigate the effect of 3 randomly applied interceptive measures (slow maxillary expansion, extraction of deciduous canines and no intervention) on maxillary canine impaction in patients with early mixed dentition and lack of space in the dental arch. Additionally, these groups are compared with a control group with adequate space. Patients with at least one impacted maxillary canine, presence of deciduous canines and absence of crossbite were included. The canine position is assessed by measuring five variables (sector of the canine cusp, canine to midline angle, canine to first premolar angle, canine cusp to midline distance, and canine cusp to maxillary plane distance) on 2 panoramic radiographs at 0 (T1) and 18 months (T2).

Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on Tissue Healing After Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars (LM3)...
ToothImpactedHyaluronic acid (HY) is used in dentistry to improve wound healing after oral and periodontal surgical interventions. After the application of HY, a positive effect on the wound healing of extraction sockets and periodontal defects has been described. The removal of a mandibular wisdom tooth (LM3) often leads to remaining residual defects with increased probing depths distal to the second molar. To date, the influence of HY on periodontal healing of the distal aspect of the second molar after removal of the LM3 has not yet been investigated. Accordingly, the aim of this double-blind, controlled and randomized clinical study is the influence of the application of HY Gel or HY Gel in combination with an absorbable collagen sponge on the periodontal healing of the second molar after surgical removal of the LM3 compared to the standard procedure (blood clot). A total of 102 patients with an impacted LM3 and a pre-existing bone defect of at least 5 mm distal to the second molar will be included. In the HY test group (n = 34), HY gel is applied to the LM3 extraction socket, and in the HY + C test group (n = 34) HY gel and an absorbable collagen sponge, while the control group (n = 34) does not receive any additional treatment. Patients are followed up for 12 months and the presence of an increased probing depth (≥ 5mm) on the distal side of the second molar is defined as the main parameter. A more stable blood clot and thus improved wound healing including periodontal healing is expected through the use of HY.

Analgesic Effects of Extraoral Ultrasound Block of Mandibular Nerve for the Extraction of Lower...
MolarImpacted TeethThis is a study about the dynamics and effects of different types of blocks (intraoral conduction anesthesia of the alveolar nerve and extraoral US block of the mandibular nerve) for extraction of lower third molars.

Application of Surgical Templates in the Surgical Exposure of Impacted Canines
Impacted ToothThe first choice therapy in case of palatally impacted canines is their exposure and orthodontic eruption to improve facial esthetics and prevent pathologies associated with impacted teeth and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Current solutions in digital dentistry allow the registration of three dimensional imaging datasets such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital impression of the dentition and soft tissues obtained via intraoral scanning using orthodontic planning software. This allows the surgeon to visualize the position of the impacted canine prior to surgery and to design and manufacture a surgical guide to aid in the localization of the impacted tooth during surgery. The aim of this randomized clinical trial is to assess the feasibility of surgical exposure of palatally impacted upper canines with open-eruption technique using a surgical template. The secondary purpose of this study is to compare this method with the conventional free-hand surgical exposure. Patients included in this study are randomly assigned to two study groups. In Group 1 surgical exposure for open eruption of palatally impacted canines is performed following virtual planning using a surgical template. In Group 2 surgical exposure for open-eruption of palatally impacted canines is carried out using the conventional free-hand method. We hypothesize that guided exposure of the impacted canines will be as successful as the conventional method with shorter surgical intervention and higher associated costs.

Efficacy of 300mg Ibuprofen Prolonged-Release Tablets for the Treatment of Pain After Surgical Removal...
PainThis is a single centre, randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel group, multiple-dose, active and placebo-controlled efficacy study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 2×300mg ibuprofen Prolonged Release (PR) tablets in subjects with postoperative dental pain.

Different Oral Doses of Clindamycin in Preventing Post-operative Sequelae of Lower Third Molar Surgery...
Impacted Third Molar ToothImpacted MolarThe objective of the study is to determine the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis with three different doses of clindamycin on preventing infection and other complications after surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars.

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HR18042 Tablets for Postoperative Analgesia After...
PainThis is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, dose finding, parallel controlled with active drug and placebo, phase II clinical trial, and the purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HR18042 tablets for postoperative analgesia after impacted teeth removal surgery.

Does Extraction Difficulty of Mandibular Impacted Third Molars Mirror Post-op Outcomes?
Impacted Third Molar ToothThe tooth of the patient who applies to the clinic for the impacted wisdom tooth will be classified according to Pell-Gregory and Winter Classifications. Before the extraction, patients' interincisal, tragus-commissural, and lateral canthus-angulus distances, and Oral Health Impact Profile -14 (OHIP-14) scores will be measured. Operation time will be recorded. After the operation, on 3rd-day patients' interincisal, tragus-commissural and lateral canthus-angulus distances, OHIP-14 scores, and Visual Analogue Scale scores will be recorded. On the 7th and 14th day, all these measurements will be replied. On the 30th day and the 60th day, OHIP-14 scores will be measured again. All these data will be evaluated to find any correlation between; operation time, classification, and post-op outcomes.

The Effectiveness of Laser Acupuncture and Standard Medication Therapy on Mandibular Post-Odontectomy...
Laser AcupunctureImpacted Third Molar ToothAcute toothache is a problem that often occurs in the oral cavity. Toothache can be caused by an impacted tooth, in which the tooth cannot or will not erupt into its normal position. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMFS) states that 9 out of 10 people have at least one impacted tooth, and impacted mandibular third molars have the greatest prevalence. Laser acupuncture is an acupuncture modality that has the benefit of reducing pain after third molar extraction. The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to evaluate the group that received a combination of laser acupuncture and standard medication compared to the group that received the combination of sham laser acupuncture and standard medication alone, in management of post-mandibular odontectomy patients. The main objective of this study is to analyze the combination of laser acupuncture and medication significantly improving the patient's pain intensity, interincisal distance and post-odontectomy swelling compared to the combination group of sham laser acupuncture and medication.

The Effect of Surgical Technique on PDC
Embedded and Impacted TeethPermanent maxillary canines are the second teeth that most commonly assume ectopic positions after the third molars. They are diagnosed as impacted and have an incidence of 1 % to 3% In their ectopic path of eruption, they can cause damage (resorption) of the adjacent roots, a severe complication that may lead to the loss of anterior teeth. When cone-beam computed tomography (CT) scanning is used for diagnose, root resorption is detected in two-thirds of the lateral incisors adjacent to impacted maxillary canines before treatment. The treatment of this condition comprises two stages: a surgical intervention to uncover the canine crown followed by orthodontic treatment to move the canine into correct position. The surgical intervention commonly involves two different techniques: the open and the closed technique. The open technique procedure involves removing the bone and mucosa covering the crown of the canine. The exposed crown is left uncovered and a pack is placed over the area to avoid overgrowth of tissue. When enough spontaneous eruption of the canine has occurred, an orthodontic attachment is bonded to the crown and the tooth is moved above the mucosa with orthodontic appliances into the correct position. The closed technique procedure involves bonding an orthodontic attachment to the crown with a chain after exposing the canine during the surgery. The palatal flap is sutured back covering the exposed crown and the chain is left through the palatal mucosa free in the oral cavity. Shortly after, the canine is forced to erupt through the palatal mucosa and moved into the correct position with orthodontic appliances. The purpose of this prospective randomized clinical trial is to compare outcome variables between the Open and Closed surgical exposure techniques regarding the success of treatment, patient's perceptions of pain and discomfort experienced and analgesic consumption, treatment time, and complications. The null hypothesis is that similar outcomes occur when the surgical exposure of palatally impacted canines is performed by using the open or the closed surgical technique.