Systemic Hypothermia in Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjuryAcuteThis study is a prospective multi-center trial designed to determine the safety profile and efficacy of modest (33ºC) intravascular hypothermia following acute cervical (C1 to C8) Spinal Cord Injury (SCI).

Study of Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries
Foot InjuryThis trial is designed to compare different treatments on Lisfranc fractures. The trial consist of 2 different strata. Stratum 1: In mild injuries the comparison is between conservative treatment and operative treatment with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Stratum 2: In severe injuries the comparison is between operative treatment with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) and primary arthrodesis. The primary outcome measure will be AOFAS Midfoot Score, and secondary outcome measure will be VAS Foot and Ankle.

Acute Intermittent Hypoxia on Leg Function Following Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjuriesThe purpose of this study is to determine how the nervous system controlling leg muscles is altered following spinal cord injury and how they may be affected by brief periods of low oxygen inhalation over time. The investigators hypothesize: Acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) exposure will increase maximum voluntary leg strength in persons with incomplete cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) AIH exposure will increase multijoint reflex excitability of leg muscles in persons with incomplete cervical SCI AIH exposure will increase walking performance in persons with incomplete cervical SCI

Autologous Cartilage Implantation vs Arthroscopic Debridement
Knee InjuryCartilage Injury82 patients aged 18-49 years with an isolated focal cartilage defect in the knee will be randomized to either receive autologous cartilage implantation or arthroscopic debridement. Both groups will then undergo a systematic physiotherapy training regime for 6-9 months. The Groups will then be compared for results, after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months, by using validated patient reported outcome scores (Lysholm, KOOS, Tegner) and EQ5D (European Quality of Life 5 dimensions) as well as clinical examination and radiological findings at 2 years (MRI).

Use of AC5® Advanced Wound System in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Non-healing WoundDiabetic Foot UlcerThe purpose of this clinical evaluation is to collect and compare outcomes data from patients with UT 1A diabetic foot ulcers treated with 510K FDA cleared, commercially available self-assembling peptide, AC5®Advanced Wound System, as compared to an advanced standard of care. Patient outcomes will be compared at the end of the study.

Closed Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Post-surgical Wound Care of Patients With Periprosthetic...
Wound HealPeriprosthetic Joint InfectionIn the proposed study, we will apply Prevena on the surgical wound right after closure of the wound in the operating theater. Prevena will be used for 7 days, unless there is ongoing infection or much wound drainage that requires debridement. Most periprosthetic joint infections are from hematogenous origin. Hence, it is considered clean wound unless there is a discharging sinus.

Clinical and Comparative Evaluation of the Treatment Results of Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Cartilage...
Cartilage DamageCartilage Injury1 moreClinical and comparative evaluation of the treatment results of arthroscopic reconstruction of cartilage defects in the knee joint with the use of autogenous cartilage graft with PRP GF (platelet-rich plasma with growth factors)

INPWT on Wound Complications & Clinical Outcomes After Lower Extremity Sarcoma Surgery Preop Radiation...
Soft-tissue SarcomaWound ComplicationProject Summary - Aggressive soft tissue cancers are commonly treated with radiation followed by surgery. These wounds have a very high rate of wound complications and infection (30%), resulting in more surgeries, longer hospital stays and complex nursing care. Previous research shows that negative pressure (vacuum) dressings applied to the incision at the end of surgery can reduce these complications. The Investigator and his team across Canada will perform a clinical trial comparing standard dressings to these vacuum dressings. The results of this study have the potential to immediately improve the quality of life of soft tissue cancer patients. It can also decrease the amount of time required in hospital and reduce the cost to the Canadian healthcare system.

Treatment of Acute ACL Injuries in Young Patients Using a Rebound ACL Brace
Anterior Cruciate Ligament InjuriesAnterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture1 moreThis study evaluates the use of a brace in acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in children and adolescents. Half of the participants will receive a so called rebound ACL brace together with a standardized rehab program supervised by a physiotherapist, while the other half will receive only the standardized rehab program supervised by a physiotherapist

Assessment of the Benefit of an Inclusive Health Organization on the Prognosis of Severe Trauma...
Wounds and InjuriesAppropriate management reduces the mortality of severe trauma victims. This is based on a pre-hospital medical assessment of severity, the initiation of life-saving treatments at the pre-hospital level, and referral to a hospital with human and material resources adapted to the patient's severity. The objective of this research project is to show that the 28-day mortality after severe trauma is lower in a structured health system, compared to a non-structured system.