Spinal Cord Stimulation for Spinal Cord Injury Patients - Regain Walk and Alleviate Pain
Spinal Cord InjuryThe study aims to examine the plausible interventional mechanisms underlying the effects of epidural spinal cord stimulation.

Restrictive Versus Liberal Rate of Extracorporeal Volume Removal Evaluation in Acute Kidney Injury...
Acute Kidney InjuryFluid Overload3 moreCritically ill patients with acute kidney injury and fluid overload who are frequently treated by fluid removal during dialysis are at an increased risk of complications and death. Both slower and faster rates of fluid removal may cause injury to the vital organs. This proposed clinical trial will examine the feasibility of restrictive compared with a liberal rate of fluid removal in order to develop effective treatments for fluid overload and to improve the health of critically ill patients.

Efficacy of a Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy for...
Cervical Spinal Cord InjuryThe study's main goal is to determine the efficacy of a therapy with brain-computer interface controlled functional electrical stimulation for neurorehabilitation of spinal cord injury patients' upper limbs. For this purpose, a randomized controlled trial will be performed to compare the clinical and physiological effects of the brain-computer interface therapy with those of a sham intervention comprised by the application of functional electrical stimulation independently of brain-computer interface control.

Subscap Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
Shoulder InjuriesRotator Cuff InjuriesThe subscapularis is part of the rotator cuff and is release as part of a reverse shoulder replacement. The decision to repair this tendon is controversial. This research is being done to help determine if rotator cuff repair improves or hinders shoulder replacement. A worrisome but rare complication after shoulder replacement is dislocation. Rotator cuff repair may help reduce this risk. The repair may hinder some of the range of motion afterwards or could help with internal rotation strength. There is a chance that the repair doesn't matter at all. The goal of this study is to delineate outcomes after reverse shoulder arthroplasty with the respect to management of the subscapularis tendon. Further information about rotator cuff repair after reverse shoulder replacement can help define complications, potentially decrease OR time, and improve functional outcomes. A total of 148 patients will be enrolled and the duration of the study will be 5 years. All patients will be required to follow-up at 2¬-week, 6-week, 3-month, 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year post-operative marks. Any time information is collected for a study there is a small risk of breach of confidentiality. There are no monetary costs or payments associated with this study. You may or may not benefit by taking part in this study. There is no guarantee that you will receive direct benefit from your participation in this study. To be clear, participation in this study is completely voluntary.

Systemic Hypothermia in Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjuryAcuteThis study is a prospective multi-center trial designed to determine the safety profile and efficacy of modest (33ºC) intravascular hypothermia following acute cervical (C1 to C8) Spinal Cord Injury (SCI).

The Efficacy of Denosumab in Incomplete Patients Spinal Cord Injury
Secondary OsteoporosisSpinal Cord InjuryThe purpose of this study is to determine the usefulness of a drug, denosumab, to prevent the loss of bone in participants legs due to SCI. This drug is FDA approved to treat osteoporosis in women after menopause who have an increased risk for fractures, to treat women receiving certain treatments for breast cancer who have an increased risk of fractures, and to treat bone loss in men receiving certain treatments for prostate cancer who have increased risk for fractures. This drug is considered experimental for the purpose of this study. Study participation will last for approximately 12 months (6 study visits total), visits will range from1-4.5 hours depending on the number of tests that need to be completed. The study is a double-blinded placebo trail in which the participant will be randomly assigned to on of two groups, Denosumab injections or placebo - inactive salt solution injections.

Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO) in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. (EOS) - Pilot Study
Traumatic Injury of the Spinal CordHypothesis of the Study: Based on the presented results, the investigator hypothesises that HBO preserves neurons that are not irreversibly damaged (i.e. severed) during initial trauma, thus enabling regain of their function. The investigator predicts that HBO treatment protects and enhances motor function in initially paralysed regions, including improvement in function of the extremities as well as recovery of urinary bladder control and bowel function. Outline of the Proposed Study: Within a prospective "proof of principle" trial, a total of 100 patients will be included. Fifty patients will be recruited at the Division of Thoracic and Hyperbaric Surgery, Medical University of Graz. In parallel, 50 control patients will be included at the Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Paracelsus University Salzburg, Salzburger Landeskliniken (SALK), Austria. Thereby, all patients that are admitted at the Medical University of Graz can be treated and the enrolment of 50 patients into the treatment group can be implemented within the outlined time frame. The active recruitment period is planned for three years. Both HBO treated and control patients will undergo the same surgical and nonsurgical procedures. HBO treatment will be started within 24 hours after the injury. A total of 21 consecutive daily sessions will be applied, followed by routine rehabilitation programmes. By matching control and HBO-treated patients, an evaluation of the treatment effect of HBO is possible. The outcome will be evaluated by implementing the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA)-scores and magnet resonance (MR) imaging. Additionally, inflammatory and regenerative blood markers will be analysed (neuroendocrine markers/neuro-transmitters: S100beta, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Growth Factor [BDNF], Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein [GFAP], Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), norepinephrine; array of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines).

Humacyte Human Acellular Vessel (HAV) in Patients With Vascular Trauma
TraumaVascular System InjuryThis study evaluates the use of the Human Acellular Vessel (HAV) in adults with vascular trauma below the neck who are undergoing vascular reconstructive surgery. There will be a torso cohort and a limb cohort. All subjects will be implanted with a HAV as an interposition vessel or bypass using standard vascular surgical techniques. There is no control arm.

Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Stimulation to Restore Upper Extremity Functions in Spinal Cord...
Spinal Cord Injury CervicalUpper Extremity DysfunctionStimulation of the spinal cord may induce the growth and reorganization of neural pathways leading to the re-animation of paralyzed limbs. Growing evidence indicates that electrical spinal cord stimulation improves motor functions immediately via modulating the excitability of spinal circuitry in patients with spinal cord injury. Recently, a novel, non-invasive, well-tolerated and painless transcutaneous electrical stimulation strategy was demonstrated to be effective for improving lower limb motor function in healthy individuals and in patients with spinal cord injury. The investigators hypothesize that transcutaneous cervical electrical stimulation can enhance conscious motor control and functions of hand and arm via neuromodulation of spinal network. This study is a prospective efficacy trial of transcutaneous cervical electrical stimulation for improving upper limb function in patients with traumatic or degenerative cervical spinal cord injury. Transcutaneous electrical spinal stimulation device is not regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration for treatment of spinal cord injury. The interventions include either transcutaneous cervical spinal electrical stimulation combined with physical therapy or physical therapy only. The order of the interventions will be randomized for each subject in a delayed cross-over design. Total duration of the study is 6 months, including 4 weeks baseline measurements, 8 weeks intervention and 12 weeks follow-up. Both immediate and lasting improvements in hand motor and sensory function via transcutaneous cervical spinal stimulation will be evaluated.

Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain InjuryThis study will evaluate the changes in respiratory mechanics following traumatic brain injury and determine the effect of inhaled nitric oxide on gas exchange.