Intermittent-pneumatic Compression in Inhalation-injury Children: Effects on Diaphragm Mobility...
Inhalation Injuryinhalation injury is very common in infants, young, children. complications of this problems are low pulmonary functions and limited mobility of main inspiratory muscle.

Spinal Cord Stimulation Assisted by Motor Rehabilitation Training for Restoring Motor Function After...
Spinal Cord InjuriesInterventional prospective longitudinal on the evaluation of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) assisted by motor rehabilitation training for restoring motor function in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). The investigators will enroll ten research participants with clinically incomplete/complete SCI (patients with paraplegia or severe paraparesis) who will undergo SCS subsequently assisted by motor rehabilitation training for restoring motor function at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. The main goal of the project is to evaluate the improvement in motor function generated by the combination of SCS and locomotor training. In line with recently published studies, the investigators propose that daily locomotor training in the presence of SCS with continuous stimulation parameters setting will enable the SCI individuals to stand and step independently while bearing full weight.

Wound Healing Following Tooth Extraction and Ridge Preservation Using DFDBA Alone in Particulate...
Dental ExtractionWound HealThe primary aim of the study is to determine the amount of newly formed vital bone, residual graft material, and "connective tissue/other" 18 to 20 weeks after ridge preservation is performed using DFDBA fibers alone, DFDBA particulate alone, a combination of xenograft and DFDBA particulate, or a combination of xenograft and DFDBA fibers.

Robotic Walking for Children Who Cannot Walk
Cerebral PalsyMobility Limitation3 moreA common problem among children with nervous system disorders is difficulty walking on their own. This has impacts beyond mobility including short and long-term health conditions associated with physical inactivity and different developmental experiences as a result of the mobility impairments. A robotic trainer can both provide rehabilitation and be an assistive device to help compensate for difficulties. Figuring out how to prescribe it is critical to improve daily life for children with significant disabilities. Preliminary use of robotic trainers have shown many benefits, such as better head control and improved independence in transfers, which greatly increases ability to live independently. Additionally, vital functions that are frequently impaired in those with less physical activity, such as sleep and bowel habits, seem to improve. Finally, these children enjoy using them. This project aims to determine who is most likely to benefit from training with a robotic trainer and investigate key details about the dose of training that is needed. Families that are already using or hope to use robotic training need this data to help improve their access to the intervention. Clinicians need this systematic approach to building evidence to ensure a future multi-centre randomized control trial is well designed. This study is needed to help improve the lives of those who live with significant disabilities. The objective is to evaluate the feasibility and impacts of delivering robotic gait training at home. Integral in this study is capturing the user perspectives. This will both provide preliminary evidence-based advice to potential users, their families, and clinicians as well as provide key metrics to design a definitive multi-centre randomized control trial. The investigators will provide robotic gait trainers, specifically Trexo robotic gait trainers, to participants and their families to use in their home communities for 12 weeks to evaluate the feasibility and impacts of intensive robotic gait training in people who cannot walk independently. Assessments will be completed throughout the duration of study, including before, during, and after the training intervention, with the goal of evaluating a wide range of feasibility considerations and impacts from robotic training.

Sensorimotor Stimulation, Routine Physical Therapy, Balance, Cognitive Performance Mild Traumatic...
Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryStudy design: Randomized controlled trial Settings: Physiotherapy department of Allied hospital, Faisalabad Sample size: 27 in each group Control group receive: Routine physical therapy Experimental group receive: Routine physical therapy+ Sensorimotor stimulation

Stratified Medicine of Eplerenone in Acute MI/Injury (StratMed-MINOCA)
Myocardial InfarctionAcute2 morePatients with heart attack or heart injury are tested (angiogram) for blockages in their arteries. Many patients develop heart problems caused by damage to small (microvascular) blood vessels. These issues are also relevant to patients with coronarvirus-19 disease (COVID-19). Eplerenone reduces blood vessel injury and is used to treat heart failure. Aim: to test the use of eplerenone in patients with heart attack/heart injury who have small vessel disease, including patients with COVID-19 Patients referred to the Golden Jubilee hospital with a suspected heart attack heart / injury will be invited to participate into a registry-based clinical trial. Screening, enrolment and verbal, informed consent will be obtained during the angiogram then written consent on the ward. Small vessel disease will be assessed using a 'diagnostic' guidewire during the standard angiogram. People with small vessel problems will be allocated to a clinical trial of usual care or eplerenone. Coronary microvascular dysfunction is defined as an index of microvascular resistance ≥25. Coronary flow reserve (CFR abnormal <2.0) and resistance reserve ratio (RRR abnormal <2.0), measured simultaneously with IMR, are predefined parameters of interest. Patients will be allocated into one of the 3 groups: Group 1: Patients without coronary microvascular dysfunction. No eplerenone Group 2: Patient with coronary microvascular dysfunction. Usual care, no eplerenone. Group 3: Small vessels abnormal. Eplerenone tablets. The primary outcome for the trial will be reduced heart injury (biomarkers) in patients with microvascular disease. We will also test heart function (MRI scan) at enrolment and at six months. All patients (Groups 1, 2 and 3) will have an angiogram. Standard blood tests will be collected during the hospital stay, and then again at 1 and 6 months. Other outcomes include questionnaires (health status). We will gather information on longer-term health outcomes (hospitalisation, death) using confidential electronic record linkage. We will ask for permission to store blood samples for future research. The research will improve scientific knowledge about eplerenone therapy in this patient group. The study will create a repository of clinical samples and images which will provide vital data for studies of COVID-19.

HFNC Compared With Facial Mask in Patients With Chest Trauma Patients
Chest TraumaHypoxiaGuidelines for noninvasive ventilation (NIV) recommend continuous positive airway pressure in patients with thoracic trauma who remain hypoxic . However, no any suggestion was applied for high flow nasal cannula (HFNC). Therefore, Our aim was to determine whether HFNC reduces intubation in severe trauma-related hypoxemia.

Scar Appearance After Postoperative Hydrocolloid Dressing Versus Standard Petrolatum Ointment
ScarSkin Scarring7 morePatients will be randomized either to receive standard daily dressing or hydrocolloid dressing using a randomization generator. After closing the wound with the sutures,the scar will be covered by a hydrocolloid dressing, which will be left in place for 7 days(Experimental) or the standard dressing (Control) that will be covered with petrolatum jelly and bandaging during this time period, which has to be re-applied daily. Patients and dermatologic surgeons will then complete surveys 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days after surgery to evaluate the cosmetic appearance of these scars.

Cast Or ePineural Suture for Digital Nerve Injuries - a Randomised Controlled Study
Digital Nerve InjuryNerve injury in the fingers is a common injury and affects people of all ages. The treatment usually offered to patients is surgery and various types of rehabilitation. There is a lack of knowledge and research on how these injuries should be treated in the best way and how well sensory function can be restored after an injury. In this research project, we will investigate results after treatment for digital nerve injuries by entailing a randomised controlled trial allocating patients with isolated digital nerve injuries to either surgical repair or non-operative treatment in a cast. Primary outcome is digital nerve function as measured by 2-points discrimination at 1 year after treatment. Secondary outcomes include finger mobility, dexterity, handfunction, occurence of pain and anxiety and time on sick leave.

Comparative Effect of Air Heat Versus Infra Red Heat on Pain and Wound Healling After Vaginal Delivery...
Episiotomy WoundTo become "mother" is a beautiful gift given by God to woman. Giving birth is a powerful and life changing even with a lasting impact on women and their families. Pregnancy and labor are exceptional occasions in women's lives. Post-delivery is very decisive period for compassionate woman who had under gone episiotomy which is a throbbing and disquiet procedure during this time. Episiotomy wound healing takes weeks to years depending on health conditions and treatment of the perineum itself. Episiotomy care is very essential, if neglected it can lead to severe complications like infection, wound gapping.