Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain InjuryIndividuals with mild traumatic brain injury will be randomly assigned to an active heart rate variability biofeedback condition and a sham condition. The investigators will use a randomized pre-post design that will consist of two data collection phases and a 5-week treatment condition. The heart rate variability biofeedback active condition is designed to increase heart rate oscillations (Osc+ condition) consistent with current best practices, while the sham control heart rate variability biofeedback condition is designed to decrease heart rate oscillations (Osc- condition).

Promoting Healing of Injured Nerves With Electrical Stimulation Therapy
Nerve InjuryPeripheral Nerve Injuries2 moreThis study is evaluating a new therapeutic use of electrical stimulation to promote nerve healing and improve functional recovery following surgical intervention for peripheral nerve injury in arm. Participants will be randomized into one of two groups, treatment or control, with all participants receiving standard of care treatment for the nerve injury. The treatment group will also receive a single dose of the therapeutic stimulation during the surgical intervention for their nerve injury.

Evaluation of Chlorhexidine Plus Hyaluronic Acid Mouthwash in Surgical Wound Healing Following Third...
Wound HealSurgical Wound1 moreEvaluation of the response of gingival tissues to the use of mouthwash with chlorhexidine and chlorhexidine + hyaluronic acid in terms of healing of the surgical wound following third molar surgery.

Early FES Cycling in Acute Spinal Cord Injury for Neuromuscular Preservation and Neurorecovery
Acute Spinal Cord InjurySpinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition that often leads to paralysis and multiple health problems such as muscle wasting, bone loss and spasticity. Despite the paralysis, functional electrical stimulation (FES) on the skin surface muscles may produce muscle contractions. People who have had an SCI for a long time (chronic SCI) already use FES cycling to exercise, and it is known that it can reverse muscle atrophy and has a wide range of health benefits. Furthermore, animal research suggests that starting exercise training early after new SCI may promote spinal cord recovery. However, not much is known about early FES cycling in humans. Therefore, the investigators propose to study if early FES cycling could prevent muscle wasting, pain or spasticity, and help with spinal cord recovery. The study will recruit 36 participants with a new, acute SCI, between 14 and 21 days after their injury into 3 groups. An Early-FES group starts FES cycling early after injury (between 14 and 21 days after injury), and for a duration of 6 months. A Delayed-FES group starts FES cycling 3 months after enrolling in the study, and for a duration of 3 months. A Control group does not perform FES cycling. This pilot study will allow us to study if early FES cycling, in addition to normal care, has greater benefits on the preservation and recovery of the leg muscles and spinal cord function than delayed FES cycling or standard care only. The results of this pilot study may lead to the development of a larger study with early FES cycling after new SCI.

Developing a Trauma-focused Intervention for Older Adults Living With HIV
TraumaHiv1 moreInvestigators are adapting the LIFT and REFLECT interventions for older adults living with HIV who have been exposed to childhood sexual abuse.

Topical Vaginal Estrogen for Postpartum Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury Recovery
Obstetric; Injury Pelvic FloorSexual Dysfunction2 moreObstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) cause significant morbidity and are well known risk factors for sexual dysfunction, urinary and anal incontinence. Postpartum and breastfeeding are relative hypoestrogenic states with risk factors for dyspareunia and vaginal atrophy. Estrogen deficiency results in changes in the vaginal epithelium and poor tissue quality which results in poor wound healing. For postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy undergoing surgery for pelvic organ prolapse, early administration of topical vaginal E2 therapy resulted in improved markers of tissue quality. Currently, there are limited studies to reference for proposed treatment modalities to improve sexual function and incontinence in this population. In this proposed randomized, placebo-controlled trial, women who sustain OASIS will be recruited and randomized to begin intravaginal estrogen therapy or placebo at their 2-week follow-up visit after hospital discharge. Participants will complete validated questionnaires relating to sexual function and pelvic floor disorders (urinary and anal incontinence) symptom distress and impact. The primary outcome of this study will be sexual dysfunction symptom severity measured by the female sexual function index (FSFI) at 6 months postpartum. Secondary outcomes will be urinary and anal incontinence distress and impact measured by St. Mark's score and the fecal incontinence quality of life (FIQOL) questionnaire for anal incontinence and urogenital distress inventory (UDI-6) for urinary incontinence. The objective of this study is to determine if intra-vaginal estrogen therapy improves sexual function and incontinence symptom distress and impact for postpartum women after OASIS.

The PASTDUe Nutrition Ecosystem Project (PASTDUe)
DietHealthy12 moreThis is a research study to determine if a particular method of providing nutrition improves the clinical outcomes of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who have undergone abdominal surgery and would require nutrition delivered via the bloodstream (called total parenteral nutrition or TPN). The nutrition method we are testing is a structured nutrition delivery plan that involves tube feeding, oral nutrition supplements, and the use of a device (called an indirect calorimeter or IC) to measure calorie needs. This study will also use two devices to measure fat and muscle mass to examine changes during hospitalization. Subjects will be followed throughout hospitalization where nutrition status and fat and muscle mass will be closely monitored. Study activities will begin within 72 hours of a patient's abdominal surgery. TPN (total parenteral nutrition, a method of feeding that bypasses the usual process of eating and digestion) will be started, a non-invasive method of assessing calorie needs (indirect calorimetry (IC)) will be started, a urine sample will be collected to help assist in protein needs, and fat/muscle mass will be measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and an ultrasound. This is a minimal risk study and all products/devices used are non-invasive and FDA-approved. Indirect calorimetry and urine sample collection will be conducted every 3 days during the stay in the Intensive Care Unit - ICU, then every 5 days until hospital discharge. BIA and muscle ultrasound will be conducted every 7 days during ICU stay, then every 14 days until hospital discharge.

Wound Treatment With 3% Sodium Pentaborate Pentahydrate
Wound HealingChronic foot wounds which is very difficult to treat are common especially in diabetic and peripheral arterial or venous insufficiency patients. This research is aim to observe the foot wound's recovery with 3% Sodium pentaborate pentahydrate hydrogel.

An Early Real-Time Electronic Health Record Risk Algorithm for the Prevention and Treatment of Acute...
Acute Kidney InjuryThis is a single center randomized trial that seeks to determine if the use of an automated real-time electronic medical record Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) risk score can improve patient outcomes through the use of an early standardized nephrology focused intervention.

Real World Evidence With the Debritom+ TM Novel Micro Water Jet Technology at a Single Wound Center...
Diabetic Foot UlcerVenous Leg Ulcer2 moreProspective, single-blinded, single-center, parallel group, randomized controlled trial (RCT) to assess rate and frequency of wound healing and associated financial savings, when using Medaxis debritom+ versus standard of care as a choice of debridement method, where both arms follow normal wound care practice in use of advanced wound care treatments.