Establishing a Dose-response Relationship With Accelerated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Treatment Resistant DepressionThis study evaluates an accelerated schedule of theta-burst stimulation using a transcranial magnetic stimulation device for treatment-resistant depression. In a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled fashion, half the participants will receive accelerated theta-burst stimulation while half will receive sham treatment.

Accelerated Theta Burst Stimulation for Suicidal Ideation
Suicidal IdeationTreatment-resistant DepressionThis is a prospective clinical trial to confirm the effectiveness of bilateral accelerated theta burst stimulation (aTBS) on suicidal ideation (SI), while exploring cortical inhibition measures in this treatment paradigm. In this proposed study, the investigators will evaluate the anti-suicidal effects of bilateral aTBS over the DLPFC compared to accelerated intermittent theta burst stimulation (aiTBS) over the left DLPFC in participants with TRD and SI. Additionally, the investigators aim to identify neurophysiological targets through which bilateral aTBS induces remission of SI in TRD differentially from aiTBS.

Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation in Treatment-resistant Depression : an Open-label Pilot Trial...
Treatment Resistant DepressionThe primary objective of this study is to optimize the protocol for the TUS administration in patients with TRD while gaining an initial impression of treatment efficacy.

BPL-003 Efficacy and Safety in Treatment Resistant Depression
Treatment Resistant DepressionThis is a Phase 2 study randomized, quadruple masked, multi-center study designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of a single dose of BPL-003 combined with psychological support in patients with treatment resistant depression (TRD).

OSU6162 as add-on in SSRI/SNRI-resistant Depression
DepressionDepressive Disorder5 moreThis is a randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial comparing OSU6162 at flexible dosage with placebo as add-on to treatment with an SSRI/SNRI in patients with depression that have not responded to treatment with an SSRI/SNRI per se for at least 6 weeks. The study will last for 6 weeks, after which those not having responded will leave the trial and those having responded will be offered to continue treatment without unblinding for another 4 weeks. While assessment of the efficacy and safety of OSU6162 is the main objective of this study, possible differences between the two treatment groups with respect to a number of biomarkers in serum will also be explored. Multicenter trial: Multiple sites four Gothenburg, Lund, Stockholm and Uppsala.

Schema Therapy for Patients With Chronic Treatment Resistant Depression
Treatment Resistant DepressionChronic DepressionThe goal of this clinical study is to test a particular form of psychotherapy, called schema therapy, for people with difficult-to-treat depression (when depression is very lengthy or difficult to cure with antidepressive medication). Researchers will compare the group of participants receiving schema therapy to a group receiving standard psychotherapeutic treatment to see if schema therapy is more effective on depression symptoms and other important issues for the participant. The main question the study aims to answer is: - Can schema therapy be a more effective treatment for difficult-to-treat depression than other forms of psychotherapy offered in psychiatry today? People who have difficult-to-treat depression are a special group of patients who are more strained in a wide range of areas of life than other people with depression. They also more often have childhood trauma, as well as simultaneous personality disorder or personality traits that brings challenges in everyday life. Currently we can not offer a sufficiently effective psychiatric treatment for this group of people. Schema therapy was developed to help patients who do not have sufficient effect of the usual psychotherapeutic treatments. It also addresses personality disorders or problematic traits and childhood trauma directly in the therapy. The project will include 129 participants in total, of which half will receive schema therapy. Treatment is provided at four psychiatric centers at both the Southern and the Capital Region of Denmark. Participants receiving schema therapy will be given 30 sessions of weekly therapy, as well as the opportunity for the rest of the standard care package in the Danish secondary mental health system, that is, treatment with psychopharmacological medicine and meetings with next-to-kin and other parts of the participant's support system. Participants receiving the standard treatment will receive 6-16 sessions of individual or group therapy with a range of other psychotherapies that are not schema therapy, as well as the other parts of the standard care package as listed above. If schema therapy proves to be more effective for treatment of difficult-to-treat depression than the treatment offered today, it may give rise to more extended use of schema therapy in and outside psychiatry. This means that the toolbox for the treatment of difficult-to-treat depression is expanded with a new specialized and effective psychotherapeutic tool.

The Safety and Efficacy of Psilocybin in Patients With Treatment-resistant Depression and Chronic...
Treatment Resistant DepressionSuicidal IdeationThis study aims to explore the safety and tolerability of a single dose of psilocybin (25mg) administered under supportive conditions to adult participants with TRD and chronic suicidal ideation

Low-dose Ketamine Infusion Among Adolescents With Treatment-resistant Depression
Treatment-resistant DepressionMajor Depressive DisorderIn the past decades, the prevalence of adolescent depression and suicide increased significantly in Taiwan and worldwide. To date, the suicide mortality is the second mortality cause in the adolescent and young adult population in Taiwan. Previous studies reported that up to 40% of adolescents with major depressive disorder did not respond to at least two traditional antidepressants with the optimal dose and adequate duration. Those patients would be considered the cases with treatment-resistant depression (TRD), which is related to the poor prognosis, chronic depressive course, higher suicidal risk, severer cognitive dysfunction, and greater family burdens. However, much less studies investigated the treatment strategy for adolescent TRD compared with that for adult TRD. In this decade, low-dose ketamine infusion has been proved as a rapid-acting antidepressant for adult patients with TRD. In recent 5 years, the investigators study team finished two randomized, double-blind, and placebo-control trials to support the rapid antidepressant and anti-suicidal effect in Taiwanese adult patients with TRD. The investigators published several SCI studies about the investigators clinical findings and the underlying brain mechanisms. In the following 4 years, the investigators will conduct a new randomized, double-blind, and placebo-control trial in the adolescent TRD. It will be the first clinical trial for ketamine effect in adolescent TRD worldwide. The investigators will enroll 54 adolescents aged between 13 and 19 with TRD in four years. The investigators hypothesize that low-dose ketamine will be effective and well tolerable for adolescents with TRD.

Does Psilocybin Require Psychedelic Effects to Treat Depression?
Treatment-resistant DepressionPsilocybin, the chemical component of "magic mushrooms", has been administered with psychotherapy in several randomized clinical trials (RCTs) showing large and sustained antidepressant effects. In healthy volunteers, the psychedelic effects of psilocybin have been shown to be blocked by administration of serotonin (5HT)2A receptor antagonists such as risperidone. The purpose of this "double dummy" proof-of-concept trial is to evaluate whether psilocybin's antidepressant effects are dependent on its psychedelic effects. Sixty participants with treatment-resistant depression will be randomly assigned to one of three groups: 1) Psilocybin 25 mg plus risperidone 1 mg; 2) Psilocybin 25 mg plus placebo; and 3) Placebo plus risperidone 1 mg. The investigator's hypothesize that the combination of psilocybin and risperidone will be well tolerated, safe, and will block the psychedelic effects of psilocybin in patients diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression.

Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a Single Administration of COMP360 in Participants With TRD...
Treatment Resistant DepressionEfficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a single administration of COMP360 in participants with treatment-resistant depression (TRD)