Evaluating Impact of Improved Floors on Health
Diarrhoeal DiseaseHookworm Infection3 moreThe goal of this intervention study is to learn about the impact of household flooring on health in rural Kenya, and test whether providing an improved (cement stabilised, washable) floor improves the health of children and their care providers. The main questions the study aims to answer are: What is the effect of providing a sealed, washable floor on the prevalence of infections that cause diarrhoea, intestinal worms and sand flea infections? To what extent does the intervention reduce contamination of floors with pathogens within the home? What is its effect of the intervention on the wellbeing of caregivers and children? Over the course of a year, do the new floors remain undamaged, with no cracks? Do participants living with the new floors, and the masons that helped to install the floors, like them and feel they are practical and affordable? The study will involve a trial, where half of the recruited households will be randomly chosen to receive the new floor in addition to some support on how to care for the floor and keep it clean. The other half of households will not receive anything at first, but at the end of the research project will also receive a new floor. Before the new floors are installed, the investigators will make several assessments in all study households. These will include a survey to measure household characteristics; a stool survey, to measure how many people are infected with diarrhoea-causing microorganisms and parasitic worms; a jigger flea examination among children; wellbeing assessments among children and caregivers; and soil sampling to identify microorganisms on the floor of the household. When households receive the new floor, participants will have to move out of their house for up to 7 days during installation. Participants will also be asked to attend some group meetings to discuss ways of taking care of the floor and keeping it clean. Assessments will be repeated 12 months after the floor has been delivered, and additional interviews will be held with a small number of randomly selected participants. Throughout the 12 months following delivery of the intervention, investigators will make unannounced visits to households to check the condition of the floor. Participants will also be offered treatment for parasitic worm infections after assessments have been completed at the start and end of the project.

Efficacy of Oxfendazole in the Treatment of Trichuris Trichiura Infection in Adults
Trichuris InfectionThe main objective of this study is to provide data on the efficacy profile of different doses of oxfendazole when used in Trichuris trichiura infection. The drug will be also be examined for efficacy against other common nematodes encountered in man (Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus). The study will also provide data on the safety and tolerability of the oxfendazole in patients.

A Safety and Efficacy Study of Different Doses of Oxfendazole Compared to a Single Dose of Albendazole...
TrichuriasisThis is a Phase 2 trial to evaluate the efficacy of different doses of oxfendazole versus a single dose of albendazole in curing or reducing the egg burden in subjects with T. trichiura infections. 249 subjects will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to one of three dose-groups to receive a single dose of oxfendazole 400 mg or 800 mg, or a single dose of albendazole 400 mg. The study team members and study subjects will not be blinded to the dose group. However, the laboratory assessors evaluating the stool samples will be blinded. Subjects will be recruited in Iquitos, Peru, and surrounding villages where there is a high prevalence of T. trichiura infection. Subjects will be solicited through town hall meetings and local clinics and through recommendations from local care providers. A two-stage screening process will be utilized. If subjects are found on the screening stool exam to have only a stool parasite other than T. trichuria or if the subject chooses not to participate in the study, the subject will be referred to a local health provider. If stool analysis performed at the end of the study period demonstrates stool parasites, the subjects will be contacted and referred to their local health provider where they will receive standard of care treatment. The primary objective is to assess the cure rate of different dose regimens of oxfendazole vs. albendazole in the treatment of T. trichiura infections using the Kato-Katz stool examination method.

Controlled Human Infection Study of Orally Administered Trichuris Trichiura Eggs in Naïve Adults...
WhipwormTrichuriasis1 moreA Controlled Human Infection Model (CHIM) is being developed to provide early proof-of-concept that experimental infection with the intestinal nematode, Trichuris trichiura, is feasible and safe. The proposed model consists of enrolling consenting, healthy, trichuriasis-naïve adults and challenging them with the investigational product, Trichuris trichiura Egg Inoculum, to assess their ability to result in detectable infection. The proposed study will be a feasibility study that will consist of administering different doses of the Trichuris trichiura Egg Inoculum to healthy adult volunteers to determine the optimal dose (i.e., number of T. trichiura eggs) that is safe, well-tolerated and results in consistent infection.

Efficacy of Ivermectin-albendazole vs Albendazole Alone in School-aged Children Infected With Trichuris...
TrichuriasisThe goal of this parallel open-label randomized controlled superiority trial is to demonstrate that co-administered ivermectin (200 µg/kg) plus albendazole (400 mg) is superior to albendazole (400 mg) monotherapy in terms of cure rates against Trichuris trichiura infections assessed by Kato-Katz at 14-21 days post-treatment in individuals aged 6-12 years. The main questions it aims to answer are: Is single oral dose combined ivermectin-albendazole superior to albendazole alone in terms of cure rates and egg reduction rates against T. trichiura infections in children aged 6-12 years in Uganda? Is single oral dose combined ivermectin-albendazole superior to albendazole alone in terms of cure rates and egg reduction rates against co-infecting soil-transmitted helminth infections such as Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworm in children aged 6-12 years in Uganda? Is single oral dose combined ivermectin-albendazole as tolerable and safe as albendazole monotherapy in children aged 6-12 years in Uganda? Participants will be asked to provide two stool samples at baseline that will be subjected to microscopic analysis using the Kato-Katz thick smear technique for detection of soil-transmitted helminth eggs. T. trichiura-infected participants will be: clinically examined for general health, anthropometric parameters including height and weight as well as temperature randomly assigned to either receive one single oral dose of combined ivermectin and albendazole or albendazole monotherapy checked for any potential adverse events and will undergo a brief questionnaire on specific symptoms 3h after drug administration asked to provide another two stool samples to be microscopically examined for helminth eggs 14-21 days post-treatment Researchers will compare individuals treated with ivermectin-albendazole and albendazole alone to see if the proportion of T. trichiura egg-negative individuals and/or reduction in egg counts differs between these two groups 14-21 days after treatment.

Cement flooRs AnD chiLd hEalth (CRADLE)
Ascaris Lumbricoides InfectionNecator Americanus Infection2 moreThis randomized trial in rural Bangladesh will measure whether installing concrete floors in households with soil floors reduces child enteric infection. The trial will randomize eligible households to receive concrete household floors or to no intervention and measure effects on child soil-transmitted helminth infection, diarrhea, and other enteric infections. The study will collect longitudinal follow-up measurements at birth and when children are ages 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months.

Efficacy and Safety of Ascending Dosages of Moxidectin and Moxidectin-albendazole Against Trichuris...
Trichuris Trichiura; InfectionThe study rationale is to provide evidence on effective doses of moxidectin and/or moxidectin-albendazole in adolescents (16-18 years old) infected with Trichuris trichiura. The study will take place on Pemba Island, Tanzania.

Efficacy and Safety of IVM/ALB Co-administration
TrichuriasisThis study is a double-blind randomized clinical trial conducted with two settings in Africa and one in Asia, namely Côte d'Ivoire, Pemba (Zanzibar, Tanzania) and Lao PDR. This study aims at providing evidence on the efficacy and safety of co-administered albendazole and ivermectin versus albendazole monotherapy (standard of care) against whipworm (T. trichiura) infections in children and adults (6-60 years). The efficacy of the treatment and potential extended effects on follow-up prevalence will be determined 14-21 days, 6 months and 12 months post-treatment by collecting another two stool samples. The cure rate will be calculated as the percentage of egg-positive subjects at baseline who become egg-negative after treatment.

Efficacy and Safety of MOX/ALB Co-administration
TrichuriasisAscariasis1 moreThis study is a double-blind randomized controlled superiority trial aiming at providing evidence on the efficacy and safety of co-administered moxidectin and albendazole versus albendazole monotherapy (standard of care) against whipworm (T. trichiura) infections in adolescents and adults (12-60 years) in Côte d'Ivoire. One arm of patients will be treated with albendazole-ivermectin. As measure of efficacy of the treatment the cure rate (percentage of egg-positive subjects at baseline who become egg-negative after treatment) will be determined 14-21 days post-treatment.

Efficacy and Safety of Emodepside in Adults Infected With Trichuris Trichiura and Hookworm
Trichuris Trichiura; InfectionHookworm InfectionsThe rationale of the study is to provide evidence on the efficacy and safety of Emodepside in adults infected with Trichuris trichiura and hookworm.