Clostridium Histolyticum Collagenase Injection for Urethral Disease
Urethral StrictureThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of clostridium histolyticum collagenase (XIAFLEX®) in treating urethral strictures.

Nanofat Grafting in Male and Female Subjects Affected by Urethral Strictures
Urethral StrictureIn 2001 Zuk showed that lipoaspirate contains multipotent adipose stem cells (ADSCs) like in the bone marrow, thereby expanding opportunities in multiple fields. ADSCs have emerged as a key element of regenerative medicine surgery due to their ability to differentiate into a variety of different cell lineages. Moreover, their capacity of paracrine secretion of a broad selection of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors makes them highly clinically attractive. More specific, of particular interest are the anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, proangiogenic, immunomodulatory, and anti-scarring effects that have been demonstrated for ADSCs, which effects on wound healing, soft-tissue restoration, and scar remodeling. Nanofat firstly introduced by Tonnard in 2013, is an ultra-purified adipose tissue-derived product that is devoid of mature adipocytes but rich in ADSCs and with regenerative properties. Nanofat represents a particular formulation of adipose grafting because it is liquid and it is easily transferable to tissues by injection. The nanofat because is free of whole adipocytes does not have the side effects of others adipose-derived formulations containing whole adipocytes (microfat, lipofilling, macrofat), such as the formation of deposits, granulomas, oily cysts, keloids. Investigators aim to evaluate the use of nanofat grafting in the treatment in urethral strictures of the female and male urethras.

Anatomical and Functional Outcome of PSG Vs BMG for Urethral Substitution in Long Segment Anterior...
Anterior Urethral StrictureMaleThis study aims to compare the penile skin graft and buccal mucosal graft for substitution of long anterior urethral strictures using one-sided dorsal perineal approach.

The Nanofat Regenerative Surgery for Management of Genital Lichen Sclerosus in Male and Female Patients...
Urethral StrictureRegenerative surgery is an emerging multidisciplinary field actually based on derived adipose tissue. Autologous fat grafting was first described by Neuber in 1893 and since then it has developed over the next century. The initial goal of fat grafting was to treat volume losses created by disease or trauma. Further studies done by Zuk et al. in 2001 showed that lipoaspirate contains multipotent adipose stem cells (ADSCs) like in the bone marrow, thereby expanding opportunities in multiple fields. ADSCs have emerged as a key element of regenerative medicine surgery due to their ability to differentiate into a variety of different cell lineages. Moreover, their capacity of paracrine secretion of a broad selection of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors make them highly clinically attractive. More specific, of particular interest are the anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, proangiogenic, immunomodulatory, and anti-scarring effects that have been demonstrated for ADSCs, which effects on wound healing, soft-tissue restoration and scar remodelling. Nanofat firstly introduced by Tonnard in 2013, is an ultra-purified adipose tissue-derived product that is devoid of mature adipocytes but rich in ADSCs and with regenerative properties.

Optilume PoST AppRoval Clinical Evaluation of Andrology ParaMeters
Urethral StrictureSingle-arm, prospective study assessing semen quality after treatment with the Optilume Urethral DCB in men between 22 and 65 years of age.

Treatment of Urethral Stricture With Urethral Drug Ball
Urethral Stricture Less Than 2 cmTo evaluate the safety and efficacy of urethral drug balloon catheter in the treatment of urethral stricture.

Multi-stage Urethroplasty With Augmentation Using a Dorsal Graft Inlay Technique Comparing Graft...
Urethra StenosisUrethral StrictureThe principal aim of this pilot study is to directly compare both approaches and analyze the failure rate after one year of follow-up. These data will serve as the basis to design a larger phase II or III trial in the future with failure rate as the primary end-point. Other study objectives are thoroughly described underneath.

Role of Paclitaxel in Stricture Urethra
Stricture UrethraStricture urethra is a common disease and has various causing factors. The most common performed procedure is direct visual internal urethrotomy (DVIU), but unfortunately has a high recurrence rates. Multiple trial were performed to improve the outcomes of DVIU. Various intralesional injections were used. in this trial we will evaluate intralesional paclitaxel injection following DVIU.

DoVe Trial: Dorsal Onlay Versus Ventral Onlay in Isolated Bulbar Urethral Strictures
Urethra StenosisFor bulbar urethral strictures, it remains unclear whether ventral onlay graft urethroplasty is non-inferior to dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty in terms of patency rates.

Peri-operative Oral Pain Control Following Buccal Graft Urethroplasty
Urethral StrictureMalePatients undergoing buccal urethroplasty will often have significant post-operative oral pain from the graft site. Various graft harvest techniques and methods for post-harvest hemostasis including graft site closure have been explored. Despite the frequency of this clinical scenario there is no established best practice for peri-operative pain management in this patient population. In addition to traditional post operative pain control, groups have sought various peri-operative anesthetic regimens to improve post operative pain. This has led recently to the description of various regional blocks including buccal and periorbital blocks for peri-operative local anesthetic. No study has looked at superiority of regional pain management in this patient population. This study will aim to assess three established anesthetic protocols for oral pain control in a blinded, randomized controlled trial. Hypothesis: Patients who have buccal block will have lower post op pain without any increase adverse oral outcomes.