Midodrine for the Early Liberation of Vasopressor Support in the ICU (LIBERATE Multi-Site)
VasoplegiaVasopressors are medications that are given intravenously to increase the blood pressure of patients with illnesses that cause dangerous blood pressure drops. When a doctor prescribes a vasopressor, they ask that the dose be adjusted to achieve a specific blood pressure. This kind of medical support with intravenous (IV) vasopressors are usual treatments in intensive care unit (ICU) settings. Oral vasopressors, such as midodrine, have been historically used to maintain blood pressure in non-critically ill patients. In this study, the investigators will be using midodrine to reduce the need for IV vasopressors as blood pressure improves during the stay in the ICU. The LIBERATE multi-site study will continue the work of the pilot study to evaluate the role of midodrine for patients with low blood pressure in the ICU.

Methylene Blue vs Cyanokit for Intraoperative Vasoplegic Syndrome in Liver Transplant Patients
Vasoplegic SyndromeLiver Transplant; ComplicationsThis study will evaluate if Hydroxocobalamin may be a new and possibly superior treatment for refractory vasoplegic syndrome during liver transplant surgery.

Angiotensin II in Liver Transplantation
Liver Transplant; ComplicationsVasoplegiaThe purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy and safety of Angiotensin II as a second-line vasopressor (drug that raises the blood pressure) during liver transplantation.

Evaluation of the Superiority of VAsopressin Versus NOradrenaline in the Management of Patients...
Scheduled Cardiac Surgery With Extracorporeal CirculationVasoplegic SyndromeThis is a randomized, double blind, multicenter study following surgery with extracorporeal circulation to compare blood pressure optimization with vasopressin versus noradrenaline. It is planned to include 840 patients in order to have 420 patients with vasoplegic syndrome. The primary objective of this study is to determine whether the use of vasopressin to maintain blood pressure following cardiac surgery decreases the number of patients with acute renal failure and/or death compared with the usual use of norepinephrine. Participation in the study involves daily follow-up at D1, D2, and D7 of the onset of the syndrome and then follow-up at D30 and D90.

Prevention of Low Blood Pressure After Cardiac Surgery in Heart Failure Patients With a Filter Called...
Heart FailureVasoplegiaVasoplegia is a common complication after heart surgery for heart failure. With vasoplegia, the blood vessels can no longer squeeze properly, causing low blood pressure that is sometimes difficult to treat with medication. One of the causes of this complication is likely to be the use of the heart-lung machine, a device that takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery. The blood then comes into contact with a foreign environment and this can cause a reaction of the immune system. Patients with heart failure are extra sensitive to this reaction. CytoSorb device is a filter that can be built into the heart-lung machine and can reduce the response of the immune system. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the use of this filter during heart surgery in patients with heart failure results in a less frequent occurrence of vasoplegia after surgery.

Assessment of the Hemodynamic Effect of Hydroxocabalamin in Refractory Vasodilatory Shock
VasoplegiaHemodynamics2 moreThrough clinical cases or retrospective work with small sample size, some authors have observed an improvement in hemodynamic parameters, with a reduction or even withdrawal of norepinephrine after administration of a single dose of hydroxocobolamin (HCB) in refractory vasoplegic shock (cardiac surgery, liver transplantation and septic shock). HCB produces beneficial alterations in NO metabolism and may be suitable in vasoplegic syndrome. In addition, HCB seems to be involved in the elimination of hydrogen sulfide which also has an endogenous vasodilator function in the vascular endothelium. By these different actions it would cause vasoconstriction in vascular smooth muscle cells. Previous reports demonstrate that HCB was useful for refractory vasoplegic syndrome. The investigators will conduct a retrospective data collection of patients who was given intravenous HCB for refractory vasoplegic shock since January 2019.

CytOSorb TreatMent Of Critically Ill PatientS Registry
Critical IllnessSeptic Shock10 moreRegistry intended to provide a data repository and reporting infrastructure for the surveillance of CytoSorb device use in real-world critical care settings, and to serve as an objective, comprehensive, and scientifically-based resource to measure and improve the quality of patient care

Midodrine as Novel Treatment of Post-Cardiopulmonary Bypass Vasoplegic Syndrome
Use of Midodrine in Post-cardiopulmonary Bypass Vasoplegic SyndromeVasoplegic syndrome (VS) is a common and serious complication of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) procedures associated with a significant increase in morbidity and mortality. VS is defined as significant hypotension, high or normal cardiac outputs, low systemic vascular resistance, low cardiac filling pressures, and vasopressor requirement despite adequate fluid resuscitation following CPB. Extensive research has been performed regarding the pathophysiologic response to CPB and risk factors associated with VS. No safe and effective preventive strategy has gained widespread use. Supportive care with intravenous (IV) vasopressors has thus been adopted as standard of care. The use of these medications, while effective in the majority of patients, generally necessitates close monitoring in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting. These patients are subject to prolonged ICU and hospital stays, as well as the potential complications of prolonged use of central venous lines (CVL) required to give these medications. Recent studies suggest midodrine, a generic oral vasopressor, may accelerate the decline in IV vasopressor requirements in select ICU patients. At our institution, the addition of midodrine to IV vasopressors for the treatment of VS has been observed to be effective in reducing IV vasopressor duration. No literature exists describing the use of midodrine in this patient population. The goal of this study is to investigate the novel use of midodrine in CPB surgery complicated by VS. Ultimately, we hope to produce literature supporting its use that may be applied on a global scale to improve patient care

Reducing Acute Kidney Injury Occurence by Administering Angiotensin II
Cardiac SurgeryVasoplegia1 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate whether adding angiotensin II to the standard of care is superior compared to the standard of care alone with respect to kidney damage (personalized approach) after cardiac surgery.

Endotoxinemia and Vasoplegia Following Cardiothoracic Surgery With Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB)...
VasoplegiaVasoplegic ShockThis observational study investigates the effect of endotoxinemia on the postoperative incidence of vasoplegia or vasoplegic shock in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.