Enhanced Transcutaneous Delivery of Betamethasone for the Treatment of Vitiligo
VitiligoVitiligo is the commonest acquired depigmenting disorder characterized by loss of melanocytes from the basal layer of skin causing white patches which leads to great psychological distress in many patients. Even though the pathogenic mechanisms of the loss of melanocytes are well researched, a permanent cure for the disease is still elusive. The key principle in the management of vitiligo is to attain stability and to induce active residual melanocytes to repopulate within the depigmented patch thus resulting in repigmentation. In recent years the use of various devices for enhanced transcutaneous delivery of various topical preparations has become more and more common in Dermatology. The aim of this study is to see whether using the Tixel device to enhance the penetration of topical betamethasone can improve the effectiveness of the treatment of pigment regeneration in vitiligo.

Combination of Methotrexate and Phototherapy Versus Phototherapy in Adults With Progressive Vitiligo...
VitiligoThis is a phase 2, randomized, double blind, multicenter study evaluating the efficacy and safety of the combination of methotrexate plus UVB TL01 in vitiligo.

Tofacitinib for Immune Skin Conditions in Down Syndrome
Down SyndromeAlopecia Areata4 morePeople with Down syndrome (DS) display widespread immune dysregulation, including several immune skin conditions. This study hypothesizes that pharmacological inhibition of the increased interferon (IFN) signaling seen in DS is safe and could improve associated skin conditions. The study evaluates the safety and efficacy treatment with Tofacitinib, an FDA-approved drug known to block IFN signaling, in adolescents and adults with DS and an autoimmune and/or autoinflammatory skin condition. Investigators will also measure the impact of interferon inhibition on a variety of molecular markers, as well as the cognitive abilities and quality of life of participants.

A 52-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults and Adolescents With Vitiligo (Active and...
Non-segmental Vitiligo (Both Active and Stable Vitiligo)A 52-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults and Adolescents with Vitiligo (Active and Stable)

A Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Ruxolitinib Cream in Participants With Genital Vitiligo...
Nonsegmental Vitiligo With Genital InvolvementAn open-label study in which participants with non-segmental vitiligo with genital involvement will apply ruxolitinib 1.5% cream twice a day (BID) to all depigmented areas (up to 10% BSA) for up to 48 weeks. Participants should continue to treat depigmented areas identified for treatment at baseline regardless of whether the area begins to improve or fully repigment.

Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Metformin in Vitiligo
VitiligoMetformin modulates metabolism in multiple cell types and is currently used to reduce glucose levels and insulin resistance in diabetic patients. The investigators hypothesize that oral metformin can regulate the metabolism of CD8+ T cells, reduce their cytotoxic activity and thus serve as a novel treatment for vitiligo.

Evaluation of AMG 714 for Vitiligo
VitiligoThis study is designed to evaluate the efficacy of AMG 714 for the treatment of adult participants with vitiligo.

Promoting Repigmentation After Epidermal Cell Suspension Grafting and preVENTing the Loss of Melanocytes...
VitiligoMedical approaches remain the gold standard treatment for non-segmental forms of vitiligo. Topical ruxolitinib cream has demonstrated its efficacy and good tolerance for treating vitiligo. While about 30% of patients will achieve at least 90% of repigmentation on the face after 1 year of treatment, some locations on the body, such as hands, feet, bony prominences remain highly challenging, and most patients won't get satisfactory repigmentation on those areas despite months of application of topical treatments, even when combined with UV. The poor rate of repigmentation in these locations are probably explained by the difficulty to stimulate the differentiation and proliferation of melanocytes stem cells in those areas. To study the efficacy at 3 months of epidermal cell suspension grafting followed by twice daily applications topical 1.5% ruxolitinib cream compared to epidermal cell suspension grafting followed by placebo in vitiligo resistant areas.There will be 2 arms with intra individual comparison. Both groups will receive epidermal cell suspension (provided by Cutiss®). After 7 days the dressing will be removed. Each grafted side of the body will be randomly assigned to receive twice daily application of topical 1.5% ruxolitinib cream (Group A) or twice daily application of placebo cream (Group B). After 3 months, both sides will be treated by twice daily applications of topical ruxolitinib for 3 additional months.There will be 8 visits in total during the 7 months duration for each subject.

A Study to Assess the Changes in Pigmentation and Safety of Afamelanotide in Patients With Vitiligo...
VitiligoThe CUV104 study will assess the efficacy and safety of afamelanotide in patients with vitiligo on the face and body as a monotherapy in repigmentation.

Improved Phototherapy in Patients With Vitiligo
VitiligoVitiligo is a common acquired depigmentation skin and mucosal disease in dermatology, with or without white hair. Vitiligo with white hair is difficult to treat. Phototherapy and topical therapy are the first line treatment methods for vitiligo. The peripheral leukoplakia irradiation of phototherapy covers the central area of the leukoplakia and performs phototherapy on the edge of the leukoplakia and surrounding normal skin. This study aims to compare the efficacy and safety of peripheral leukoplakia ultraviolet family phototherapy and leukoplakia family combination in the treatment of vitiligo.