Effects of Esketamine on Acute Abdominal Pain After TACE in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma...
Hepatocellular CarcinomaTranscatheter Arterial Chemoembolization1 morePain is the main complication after TACE(Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization) for hepatocellular carcinoma, and its pathogenesis is not clear.The pain may be related to partial liver tissue swelling after blocking the tumor blood supply artery embolization agent, transient hepatic swelling causing tension or strain on the liver capsule, and chemical irritation by the anticancer drug-Lipiodol mixture,the inadvertent embolization of normal organs and individual sensitivity to pain. Ketamine produces anesthetic and analgesic effects mainly by inhibiting NMDA receptor(N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor), and previous studies have shown that low concentrations of ketamine have obvious analgesic effects. Not only that, ketamine also produces analgesic effects by inhibiting opioid receptors via G-protein coupling. In addition, ketamine can bind to monoaminergic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system, showing an anticholinergic effect and producing an antispasmodic effect. Ketamine also inhibits inflammatory pain by reducing nitric oxide production by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase. Esketamine is about three to four times more potent than ketamine. Therefore,esketamine requires a lower dose, about half the dose of ketamine, to produce anesthetic and analgesic effects, with fewer side effects.

Direct Resuscitation of the Open Peritoneum
Wound; AbdomenAbdomen2 moreThe DROP trial evaluates two ways of treating patients whose abdomens are left open after their abdominal surgery. The current standard of care at Sanford is for patients to have their wound covered with a sterile dressing connected to a vacuum with suction, which removes fluid from the abdomen. In this trial, we are evaluating the benefits of adding dialysis fluid to the abdomen periodically, prior to suctioning it out with the vacuum system. This trial will show if the addition of this fluid lowers the risk of complications and death, and allows the surgeon to close the abdomen sooner

A Research Study of Abdominal Ultrasound (FAST) in Children With Blunt Torso Trauma
Blunt Trauma to AbdomenWounds and Injuries4 moreBleeding from intra-abdominal injuries is a leading cause of traumatic deaths in children. Abdominal CT is the reference standard test for diagnosing intra-abdominal injuries. Compelling reasons exist, however, to both aggressively evaluate injured children for intra-abdominal injuries with CT and to limit abdominal CT evaluation to solely those at non-negligible risk. The focused assessment sonography for trauma (FAST) examination can help focus patient evaluation in just this manner by potentially safely decreasing abdominal CT use in low risk children. This research study is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial to determine whether use of the FAST examination, a bedside abdominal ultrasound, impacts care in 3,194 hemodynamically stable children with blunt abdominal trauma. The overall objectives of this proposal are 1) to determine the efficacy of using the FAST examination during the initial evaluation of children with blunt abdominal trauma, and 2) to identify factors associated with abdominal CT use in children considered very low risk for IAI after a negative FAST examination. The long-term objective of the research is to determine appropriate evaluation strategies to optimize the care of injured children, leading to improved quality of care and a reduction in morbidity and mortality.

MRI as an Alternative to CT for Exploration of Acute Abdominal Pain in Young Women
Acute Abdominal PainPelvic PainObjective : To demonstrate diagnostic performances of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as compared to Computed Tomography (CT) as a second intention imaging modality in young women with acute non traumatic abdominopelvic pain and non contributive ultrasonography.

Intravenous Contrast Computed Tomography Versus Native Computed Tomography in Patients With Acute...
Acute AbdomenRadiocontrast NephropathyComputer tomography (CT) is the primary imaging option for acute abdominal pain in adults. Intravenous (IV) contrast media is used to improve the CT quality. In patients with impaired renal function, post-contrast acute kidney injury (PC-AKI) has remained a significant concern. Modern retrospective studies have shown no association between worsened baseline renal function and IV-contrast CT. However, no randomised controlled trial has been done to conclude this. The INCARO (INtravenous Contrast computed tomography versus native computed tomography in patients with acute Abdomen and impaired Renal functiOn) trial is a multicentre, open-label, parallel group, superiority, individually randomised controlled trial comparing IV-contrast enhanced CT to native CT in patients with impaired renal function. Patients requiring emergency abdominal or body CT with eGFR 15-45 ml/min/1.73 m2 are included in the study. The primary outcome is a composite outcome of all-cause mortality or renal replacement therapy within 90 days from CT.

Acute Abdomen in Adults- a Prospective Study on Emergency Department Admissions
Abdominal PainThis is a non-randomized, prospective, population-based, single-center study designed to evaluate conditions resulting emergency admission in patients with abdominal pain. Furthermore, we are interested in how many patients are discharged with "non-specific abdominal pain" but later readmitted and diagnosed with a specific diagnosis.

Children's Acute Surgical Abdomen Programme
ChildrenOnly4 moreTo describe the type and quality of care being delivered to children (aged 1 - 16 years old) undergoing emergency abdominal surgery in the United Kingdom by measuring baseline compliance against evidence-based recommendations and identifying variations in care between individual hospitals.

MINS, AKI and Pulmonary Pathology in Patients Undergoing Acute Abdominal Surgery
AbdomenAcute3 moreExplorative study to investigate potential predictors of myocardial injury, acute kidney injury and pulmonary disorder after acute high-risk abdominal surgery.

Standardized Perioperative Management of Patients Operated With Acute Abdominal Surgery in a High-risk...
LaparotomyPeritonitis3 moreThe objective of the study is to handle patients with the need for an acute laparotomy according to a standardised perioperative protocol and to document the measurement as they are performed (i.e. adherence to the protocol) and to measure the outcome with regard to both short- (30 days) and long-term (3 and 12 months) mortality. Several secondary endpoints will be measured, such as: hospital stay, length of stay at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), readmission to ICU and surgical complications according to the Clavien-Dindo score. These results will then be compared to published rates of mortality from the literature and to similar outcomes for a cohort of all patients operated at NÄL on the same indication the years prior to the project/study.

A Safety and Tolerability Study of Doripenem Compared With Meropenem in Children Hospitalized With...
AbscessIntra-Abdominal10 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of doripenem compared with meropenem in children hospitalized with complicated intra-abdominal infections.