Effects of Complementary Therapies Delivered Via Mobile Technologies
Acute PainAnxiety1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the effects of complementary therapies delivered via mobile technologies have a therapeutic effect on surgical patients' anxiety, pain, and self-efficacy in healing reports before, following, and at 10-day follow-up.

The Effect of Music in the Pediatric Emergency Department Waiting Room on Caregiver Anxiety
AnxietyThe purpose of this research study is to examine the effects of playing classical music in the waiting room on caregiver anxiety. People who enter the study will be asked a few identifier questions including age and relation to patient and then will be asked fill out a survey regarding anxiety.

Limited-English Proficiency (LEP) Virtual Reality (VR) Study
AnxietyParents1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if non-invasive distracting devices (Virtual Reality headset) are more effective than the standard of care (i.e., no technology based distraction) for preventing anxiety in parental and pediatric populations with limited English proficiency (LEP).

Effectiveness of Mobile Application Intervention in Day Surgery
PainFear2 moreIn Finland about 50% of surgical operations for all under 16 years of age are made as day surgery which means that the patient comes to the hospital and is discharged on the day of the operation. Day surgery will continue to grow in the next few years. Its benefits include shorter hospitalization, family reunion and rapid recovery. The preschool children and their parents who come in for day surgery feel fear, anxiety and stress, which depend on the amount of knowledge and its quality. By developing the preparation of preschool children and their parents for day surgery, and by testing new methods more attention can be paid to the special features of day surgery, supporting the families, and increasing family involvement in the whole process. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate the effectiveness of a new mobile application intervention compared to the effectiveness of the traditional preparing method when measuring preschool children's fear and pain and their parents' anxiety and stress. The aim is to produce new information and to develop day surgery of preschool children. The study consist of two phases. The first phase of the research is a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. The purpose of the review is to assess and describe the methods previously used in the preparation of parental day surgery and their effectiveness for preschool children fear and pain and parents' anxiety and stress. The second phase of the study is carried out as a randomized controlled trial (=RCT). The parents of the preschool children are randomized to the mobile application group (n = 50-60) and the control group (n = 50-60). The sample size is based on power-analysis, with anxiety as the primary outcome. The material for the second phase of the study is collected at the day surgery department of the Oulu University Hospital. The study group is prepared for day surgery with a new mobile application and the control group according to the traditional preparing method. The study examines the effectiveness of a new intervention compared to the effectiveness of the traditional preparing method when measuring preschool children's fear and pain and their parents' anxiety and stress. The collected data are analyzed using the Mann-Whitney, t-test, Khi square test, and Fisher's accurate test.

Teacher Anxiety Program for Elementary Students
AnxietyThe purpose of the study is to compare two teacher trainings developed to assist elementary students who struggle with excessive anxiety. The goal of both teacher trainings is to improve teachers' knowledge and skills for identifying and assisting students with excessive anxiety. The first training program is called TAPES (Teacher Anxiety Program for Elementary Students) and involves a 6 hour teacher training. Teachers in this training program will implement anxiety reduction skills in the classroom and complete 5 brief (approximately 30 minute) meetings with the student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s). The second training program, Teacher Anxiety Training (TAT), involves a 3 hour teacher training. Teachers in the TAT condition learn to implement anxiety reduction skills in the classroom, but do not conduct individual meetings with parents and students. The investigators do not know if TAT and TAPES work equally well, or if one is better than the other. Both will be administered by teachers to see if they help youth with excessive anxiety feel less worried.

The Effect of Music on Anxiety in Patients Prior to Gastrointestinal Procedures
MusicAnxietyThis study investigated the effect of listening to self-selected music on anxiety and physiological responses in patients prior to gastroscopy. A randomized controlled trial was conducted, in which patients scheduled for gastroscopy in a medical center located in Taipei, Taiwan, were enrolled. The experimental group listened to self-selected music with earphones for 15 min before the procedure, whereas the control group rested for 15 min. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate, respiratory rate, and anxiety level were measured immediately before and after the intervention.

Integrative Medicine on Exam Anxiety
AnxietyEducational ProblemsIntroduction: Test anxiety, one of the forms of situational anxiety, is a crucial biopsychological factor negatively affecting the wellbeing and academic performance of students throughout their education. The study aims to determine the effects of music therapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) on situational anxiety and vital signs in nursing students before they take the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam). The study was a randomized controlled experimental study and conducted with 90 volunteering students studying at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing at a university in Istanbul. A computer-based random number generator was used to randomly assign the students into three groups (Music, EFT, and control), each of which consisted of 30 students. Data collection was carried out using a Student Identification Form, the Situational Anxiety Scale, and the Vital Signs Form.

Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Emotion Regulation
Psychiatric DisorderAnxiety Disorders4 moreAmygdala is highly involved in emotional response, emotional reactivity and anxiety. Amygdala functions are therefore involved in a wide range of psychiatric disorders including generalized and social anxiety, specific phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Therefore, potential clinical implications of amygdala stimulation are great. However, to date, such efforts have been limited by the inability of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques (e.g. transcranial magnetic stimulation - TMS) to reach the amygdala and the highly invasive (i.e. neurosurgical) nature of methods (e.g. deep brain stimulation - DBS) which can, but to our knowledge has rarely been used, target these areas. In order to overcome these current limitations, study invesitgators propose the use of low intensity focused ultrasound pulsation (LIFUP) to affect amygdala activity to improve emotion regulation.

Efficacy of Counseling for Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests on Pregnant Women: Randomised...
Decision MakingChromosome Abnormality4 moreThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of counseling for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on pregnant women's decisional conflict, being sure of the decision, anxiety levels, and attitudes towards the tests. This prospective randomized controlled intervention study was conducted between the dates June 2017 and March 2018 in a training and research hospital, department of obstetrics and gynecology. The sample of the study consisted of 210 pregnant women who took antenatal care between the 8-11th gestational weeks of whom 112 were in the intervention group and 98 were in the control group. The data were collected by using Data Collection Form, The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI I-II), Decisional Conflict Scale (DCS), Sure Scale (SURE), Knowledge Evaluation Form about Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests, Prenatal Counseling Satisfaction Form, Decision Satisfaction Form and Attitudes towards the tests Scale. The study carried out in two stages. In the first stage; women's data were collected before and after participating prenatal genetic screening tests. After the results of the screening test were taken, the data were collected again. Counseling was provided for 112 pregnant women about prenatal screening and diagnostic tests before participating tests. Routine clinical information was given for 98 pregnant women who were in control group. Both groups were pre and post-tested at the same times. In the second phase, pregnant women who had diagnostic tests were evaluated. Counseling for prenatal genetic diagnosis tests was provided for 31 pregnant women in inetervetion group women and routine clinical information was providen for 26 pregnant women who were in control group. Data were collected again with data collection tools before and after the diagnostic test.

Benson Relaxation Technique Combined With Music Therapy for Fatigue, Anxiety, and Depression in...
Hemodialysis ComplicationFatigue1 moreThis study carried out in the HD unit of a large-scale training and research hospital, and at a dialysis center associated with this hospital located in Ankara, Turkey. Participants will be randomized to one of two study arms. Arm 1: Intervention group Arm 2: Control group Hypothesis 1. The HD patients in the 8-week intervention of BRT combined with music therapy will report lower fatigue scores than those in the control group. Hypothesis 2. The HD patients in the 8-week intervention of BRT combined with music therapy will perceive lower anxiety and depression than those in the control group.