
Active clinical trials for "Anxiety Disorders"

Results 1801-1810 of 2478

Randomized-controlled Trial of Aftercare-Coordination by Phone for Depression and Anxiety


The primary objective of this study is to test in a randomized controlled trial if aftercare-coordination by phone subsequent to inpatient treatment is an effective aftercare approach in the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Pilot Study of Pharmaceutical and Behavioral Interventions to Treat Anxiety Disorders

Posttraumatic Stress DisorderAnxiety Disorder

The aim of this project is to create fear conditioning paradigm within which the relative strengths of various novel pharmacological and behavioral interventions can be tested. These interventions are intended to reduce the fearfulness associated with fear conditioning by blocking a memory process known as reconsolidation. In fear conditioning, a "conditioned" stimulus (CS) is paired with an aversive "unconditioned" stimulus (US) such as an electric shock, until presentation of the CS alone comes to elicit a fear conditioned response (CR). The investigators hypothesize that by using a more highly prepared CS (i.e. video of spiders); more sensitive subjects (individuals with stronger acquired CRs); and additional experimental probes for the presence of the latent CR, the investigators may develop a normal human paradigm that is not plagued by previously observed floor effects (i.e. intervention is 100% effective), within which both the established techniques of propranolol and delayed extinction will produce significant, but only partial, CR reduction. This would leave room to test and compare potentially more powerful candidate reconsolidation-blocking or memory-updating interventions. To achieve these aims, subjects will undergo a four-day fear conditioning and delayed extinction protocol. Skin conductance response data will be gathered across the different phases of the experiment.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Internet Based Screening and Stepped Care for Cancer Patients With Anxiety and Depression Symptoms...

CancerAnxiety1 more

The aim is to evaluate the effects of Internet based Stepped Care on anxiety, depression and health related quality of life in cancer patients with anxiety and depression symptoms, compared to Standard Care, and to evaluate the health-economic effects of the intervention. The investigators also want to examine the development of anxiety and depression symptoms and health related quality of life in cancer patients without initial symptoms. The primary hypothesis is that Internet based Stepped Care (I-SC) is more effective in relieving anxiety and depression symptoms in cancer patients, compared to Standard Care (SC). Secondary hypotheses are that less anxiety and depression symptoms also means improved health related quality of life and that I SC is cost-effective or at least cost neutral compared to standard care. The IT-platform is developed within U-CARE. The platform will be used for delivering of interventions and for collection of all patient reported outcomes. Patients with anxiety or depression symptoms according to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale will be randomized to I SC or SC. Patients with no initial anxiety or depression symptoms will be included in descriptive studies. All patients, in the randomized controlled trial and the descriptive study will followed up during 24 months I-SC comprises interactive support (Step 1) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT; Step 2). Step 1 starts directly after randomization and extends over a 24 months period. Step one comprises web-based patient education including psycho-education and easy interventions strategies employed in CBT. Step 1 also includes a FAQ, a discussion board for patients and a personal diary. Project staff (nurses) is responsible for the FAQ and to moderate the discussion board. The nurses will be supervised by a CBT psychologist. They can also turn to other experts in the project group for advices about how to answer patients' questions. Patients with remaining anxiety or depression symptoms at 1, 4 or 7 months after randomization will be offered Step 2. Step 2 comprise conventional Internet based CBT for common psychological concerns. The participants' chooses to work with modules that correspond to prioritized concerns, e.g. anxiety or depression. The CBT is structured and manualized and include conventional treatment methods with homework and weekly contacts with the psychologist. Step 2 extends over a 10-week period.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Pediatric Laser Acupuncture and Renal Biopsy


The purpose of this study is to test if treatment with laser therapy in pediatric patients undergoing renal biopsies will improve patient satisfaction of the overall procedure. In this study, the participant will receive a laser acupuncture treatment targeting either kidney acupoints or targeting "sham" points not associated with the kidney; the participant will not get both. Both treatment sessions are given by a certified medical acupuncturist. The patient will still receive standard pain control protocols with anesthetic medications like lidocaine plus ketamine or fentanyl and versed during the biopsy, along with pain management after the procedure. All medication will be administered without regard for which group the participant has been randomized, as the treatment team will also be blinded. Hypothesis: We will test the hypothesis that treatment with laser acupuncture in patients undergoing renal biopsies will improve patient satisfaction of the overall procedure. Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1: Determine whether the use of laser acupuncture improves patient's overall satisfaction of renal biopsy. Specific Aim 2: Determine whether the use of laser acupuncture decreases the amount of sedative medication given during renal biopsy.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Validation and Pertinence of Anxiety Analogic Visual Scale in Pain Management


Screening of anxiogenic part of pain is an imperative during a medical pain consultation. The actual tools for evaluation of this specific part are complex and time consuming. To date, it lacked a reliable and reproductive tool to quickly evaluate anxiety of patient in pain. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the pertinence and validity of anxiety analogic visual scale by comparison with the actual reference the self-assessment questionnaire State Trait Inventory Anxiety Y-A form.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

COPE for Children With Asthma: Intervention for Children With Asthma

Childhood AsthmaChildhood Anxiety Disorder1 more

Children with a chronic condition are at a significantly higher risk for anxiety and depression than those without a chronic condition. Asthma is the most common childhood chronic condition. Children with asthma and co-morbid anxiety and/or depression are at risk of poor health outcomes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a manualized cognitive behavior skills-building intervention on key physical and mental health outcomes in 8 to 12-year old children with persistent asthma and co-morbid anxiety and/or depression. The results of this study will inform a large scale randomized controlled trial to fully test this needed intervention. COPE (Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment), developed by Dr. Melnyk, is a manualized intervention that has been implemented with children, adolescents, and young adults. COPE is a cognitive behavior skills-building program based on cognitive behavior theory. Results from previous studies using COPE have shown consistent decreases in anxiety and depression as well as an increase in healthy lifestyle behaviors in youth with elevated anxiety and depressive symptoms in inner city and rural settings, youth with obesity, and teens experiencing chronic recurrent headaches. However, the COPE program has never been adapted and tested with children who have persistent asthma. This study proposes to test an adaptation of this evidence-based program, "COPE for Asthma," with 8 to 12-year-old children with persistent asthma and elevated anxiety and/or depressive symptoms. COPE for Asthma combines components of asthma education with cognitive behavioral skills. This novel adaptation could fill a gap in research by providing a scalable intervention for this highly vulnerable population.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Anxiolytic Effect of Lavender Oil on Orthognathic Surgery Patients


The aim of this study is to determine the possible reducing effects of different concentrations of lavender oil on preoperative anxiety in orthognathic surgery patients who have high anxiety during preoperative wait.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Music of Choice to Decrease Anxiety During Radiation Treatment


The primary hypothesis of the study is that listening to music will reduce anxiety in female cancer patients during the first radiotherapy treatment session.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Validation of an Automated Online Language Interpreting Tool - Phase Two.

Mood DisorderAnxiety Disorder2 more

There is a pressing national need to provide higher-quality, more effectively accessible language interpretation services to improve the health outcomes of Americans who have limited English proficiency (LEP). This project addresses a critical component of this problem: The need to improve access to high quality, mental health services for diverse populations by improving the flow of clinical work across care settings (primary care and specialty care) through the use of innovative online asynchronous methods of language interpretation and clinical communication. The investigators are conducting a two phase study. The first phase is completed and involved developing and testing the interpreting tool. The second phase of the research is a clinical trial to compare two methods of cross-language psychiatric assessment.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Predicting Treatment Response to Exposure Therapy Using Carbon Dioxide

Generalized Anxiety DisorderSocial Anxiety Disorder2 more

Anxiety disorders affect over a quarter of the population, yet very little is known about the variables that predict treatment outcome. The planned study explores whether a patient's response to a physiological test involving inhalation of carbon dioxide predicts their response to exposure therapy.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

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