Methotrexate in Erosive Inflammatory Hand Osteoarthritis
Hand OsteoarthritisErosive OsteoarthritisA placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial exploring the effect of methotrexate on pain, function and structural outcomes in erosive inflammatory hand osteoarthritis.

99Tc-MDP Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis
Treatment OutcomeOsteoarthritis (OA) of knee is the most common form of arthritis in the world1e, and it has received growing attention in the society because of the increase of old age population, disabled people, and medical expenses from this disease. 99Tc-MDP is effective for rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, the investigators try to investigate the effects of 99Tc-MDP treatment in patients with osteoarthritis of knee as compared with celecoxib.

Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Mechanical Joint Loading in Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee OsteoarthritisThis project is designed to identify the biomechanical mechanisms of Tai Chi (TC) exercise and test a novel optimized TC intervention by modifying newly identified mechanisms for those with knee osteoarthritis (OA) and to assess the changes in mechanical load with the intervention. It combines unique real time torque biofeedback approach, and uses external knee adduction moment (EKAM) as modulation target tailored to TC intervention in this population. The potential benefit from this project is to provide biomechanical insights of TC and this novel TC approach may produce meaningful changes of mechanical load in these patients who can learn and practice safely during this intervention.

The Effect of Zoledronic Acid on Patients With Osteoarthritis of the Hip
OsteoarthritisHipHip Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common diseases affecting the ageing population. No specific and safe treatment slowing the development of hip OA as reflected in reduced joint space narrowing has been developed so far. Implantation of hip prosthesis has been a great success, but is expensive and puts a great financial pressure on hospitals and national healthcare programs. It also poses risks of serious complications. Current non-surgical treatment options focus on pain management and physiotherapy. Bisphosphonates have been shown to exert multiple beneficial effects in OA. Animal studies have demonstrated that bisphosphonates protect against subchondral bone degradation and preserve articular cartilage in mice and rats with OA. In this study 70 participants will be treated with either Zoledronic Acid (a potent Bisphosphonate) or Placebo (Saltwater). Allocation will be random and both parties are blinded. The investigators hypothesis is that participants treated with Zoledronic acid will have less pain, and better function after 12 months. The results will be tested with functional and pain scores, and functional tests. The study team will also measure the effects on disease related quality of life, bone quality measurements and the effect on bone marrow lesions on MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and histological examination

Evaluation of the Structural Modification Effect of Diacerein (Artrodar®) in Knee Osteoarthritic...
Knee OsteoarthritisThis study evaluates the structure-modifying effect of Diacerein (Artrodar ®) in knee osteoarthritic (OA) patients by measuring total cartilage volume from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee. Half of participants will receive Diacerein (Artrodar ®), while the other half will receive a placebo.

Robot-Assisted Partial Knee Replacement Versus Standard Total Knee Replacement
Knee OsteoarthritisThis is a pilot randomized trial to assess the feasibility of a definitive trial to determine the effect of robot-assisted partial knee replacements versus standard total knee replacements.

Rehabilitation Exercise Using Digital Healthcare System in Patients With Total Knee Arthroplasty...
Osteo Arthritis KneeThe study aims to examine the effect of short-term rehabilitation exercise support using digital healthcare system (Uincare homeplus) in the patients with total knee arthroplasty. The study is a two-arm prospective randomized controlled study comparing the effect of rehabilitation exercise digital healthcare system at home with conventional brochure-based home exercise. Gait speed (4-meter), Pain (using Numerical rating scale), knee joint range of motion (ROM), lower extremities motor power (using Manual muscle test), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and quality of life using EQ-5D-5L will be evaluation on enrollment, 3-weeks, 6-weeks, 12-weeks and 24-weeks after enrollment.

Fluoroscopic Versus Ultrasound Guidance for Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation of Geniculate Nerves...
Knee OsteoarthritisCooled radiofrequency ablation (cRFA) of the knee geniculate nerves is a promising treatment option for knee osteoarthritis, but has variable efficacy. Fluoroscopy is the typical guidance of choice, but uses bony landmarks to target these nerves which have variable positions around the knee. Alternatively, ultrasound allows for targeting based on visualization of bony landmarks, the nerves, and their accompanying vascular structures, and thus may offer greater accuracy. However, there are few studies which directly compare the clinical efficacy of these two guidance options. This study will compare these two options.

A Sequenced Strategy for Improving Outcomes in People With Knee Osteoarthritis Pain
Knee OsteoarthrosisThere is an urgent public health need to reduce reliance on opioids for effective long-term pain management, particularly in knee osteoarthritis (KOA). This effectiveness trial will compare commonly recommended treatments to reduce pain and functional limitations in KOA.These results will lead to improved patient selection for treatment and inform evidence based guidelines by offering well-tested, effective, non-surgical alternatives.

Different Modes of Isotonic Exercises for Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee OsteoarthritisThis is a randomized controlled trial examining and compare the effects of open and closed kinetic chain exercises on pain, function, and cartilage synthesis and degradation biomarkers after an eight-week rehabilitation program for knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients.