Extension Study of Pimavanserin in Irritability Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Irritability Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder52-week, open-label extension study of double-blind study ACP-103-069 to determine the long-term safety and tolerability of pimavanserin for the treatment of irritability associated with ASD in children and adolescents (aged 5 to 17 years). ACP-103-069 is a 6-week, randomized, double-blind, fixed-dose, placebo controlled, parallel group study of pimavanserin in children and adolescents with irritability associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

ASC - Autism Study
Autism Spectrum DisorderGastrointestinal Dysfunction3 moreThe ASC - Autism Pilot Study is a single center randomized open dose titrating phase I clinical intervention pilot trial with the aim of investigating safety and treatment effect of an allogeneic adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stromal cell product (C2C_ASC) in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Evaluating the Efficacy of Pathways Parent-Mediated Early Autism Intervention on Social Attention...
Autism Spectrum DisorderThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare the efficacy of Pathways parent-mediated early autism intervention (Pathways) and a parent education intervention (PEI) delivered to culturally and linguistically diverse families with children 12-42 months of age suspected of or diagnosed with autism. Question 1: Is Pathways more effective than a PEI at (a) fostering the development of social orienting, joint attention, and social communication and language in children with a research diagnosis of autism and (b) relieving their parents' stress? Question 2: Is the magnitude of the relationship between early and later developing attention greater in children whose parents receive Pathways compared to children whose parents receive PEI? Question 3: Is the magnitude of the relationship between joint attention and social communication and language greater in children whose parents receive Pathways compared to children whose parents receive PEI? Participants will be randomized into 24 weeks of Pathways or PEI. Participants will receive a battery of assessments to evaluate the child's cognitive, social attention, social communication, language, and adaptive functioning, and parental stress at four different time points spaced every 12 weeks from baseline to three-month follow-up.

The Plasticity of Social Brain Network in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder"Social brain" refers to brain regions dedicated to processing social information and enabling us to recognize and evaluate others' mental states. The social brain hypothesis suggests that our brains evolve to navigate complex social systems. The social brain is hypothesized to consist of a distributed network including the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), the dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortices (dmPFC and vmPFC), ACC and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), the amygdala, the orbital frontal cortex (OFC), and the fusiform gyrus (FG), TPJ, inferior occipital gyrus (IOG), and the insula. Each region serves distinct role while works together to support social processing, including perceiving, interpreting, and generating responses to the intentions, dispositions, and behaviors of others.

Immersive Room for Visual Attention in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Spectrum DisorderAutismAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by language delay, impaired social interactions, and repetitive behaviors. Its manifestation varies among individuals due to genetic and environmental factors. Technology-based interventions, such as robots, serious games, virtual reality and immersive room, have shown better results in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of ASD. Visual attention, which is often deficient in individuals with ASD, is a focus in these interventions, as it can aid stimulus processing. Virtual reality offers a more ecological environment for such interventions. In this study, it has been demonstrated the effectiveness of virtual reality training by comparing the performance of an ASD group delivering treatment through the immersive room with a control group delivering traditional treatment. Fifteen children with ASD between the ages of 5 and 10 years, with IQs between 55 and 85 will be included in the trial and, following an assessment related to visual attention processes, will be randomly assigned to the control group and the experimental group. The trial participants will, first, undergo structured sessions to foster or increase the receptive area related to the stimuli to which they will be subjected during the training.

Efficacy and Mechanism of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Children With Autism Spectrum...
Autism Spectrum DisorderThis study is a prospective, two-center, randomized, single-blind controlled trial to enroll 200 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The investigators hope to further explore the effectiveness of accelerated continuous theta-burst stimulation (a-cTBS) over the left primary motor cortex (M1) to improve core symptoms in ASD children based on a previous open-label clinical trial.

Effects of Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP) as a Health-enhancing Intervention in People...
Physical InactivityCerebral Palsy5 morePhysical inactivity is an increasing problem in the general population in society. However, in people with disabilities, inactivity is even more frequently reported. Physical activity on prescription (PAP) is a well-established method to enhance physical activity. The prescribed physical activity can be activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or gardening, and should be performed over a longer period. In children with cerebral palsy, PAP has shown to be feasible to increase participation in physical activity and to reduce sedentary behaviour, and the habilitation services in the Region of Skåne have decided to offer PAP to all children and youth with disabilities. It is of great importance to study these interventions when applied on a broader group of patients than previously studied. The aim is to study the effects of an individualised and health-enhancing intervention in physically inactive people with autism, intellectual and physical disabilities. Also, the cost-effectiveness of PAP will be studied. 60 physically inactive children, aged 8- 17 years, and 20 adults, with autism, intellectual or physical disability will be included. The participants are recruited by their clinical physiotherapists, who also will be carrying out the PAP-intervention. The self-selected physical activity/activities may either be a physical activity organized by a club and/or an everyday activity such as walking a dog or riding a bicycle to school. Each participant fills in an activity logbook. Motivational interviewing will be used to support the participants. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure can be used to identify what activities the participants are motivated to do, and to detect changes in the participants' perception of their performance of the activity. Quality of life will be monitored. Physical activity will be measured through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and a movement monitor (accelerometer). Study specific questionnaires will be filled in regarding costs and background information. Data on health care use of the participants will retrospectively be collected and studied using the health care database in Region Skåne. Data will be collected at 3 months prior to the intervention, just before the intervention starts, when the intervention is finished, and at 6, 12 and 24 months after the intervention. The study has been approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.

Effectiveness of Chinese Handwriting Intervention Program for Children With ASD
Autism Spectrum DisorderThis research aims to investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of the newly developed Chinese handwriting performance intervention program

Parent-mediated and Telehealth Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum DisorderThis study has two purposes: Aim 1: To develop a Telehealth Early Intervention Program (TEIP) for children with ASD that will be carried out by parents at home when interact with their children; and to train parents in delivering developmental and behavioral techniques to their children. The participating families will be randomized in parallel to treatment and comparison groups for teaching the knowledge and techniques: (1) Treatment group: providing the training of TEIP for parents via telehealth modalities as they learn critical skills with their child with the goal of increasing multidimensional child developments. Intervention provider will provide the training for parent-child dyad interaction to work with parents to implement these strategies at home environment; and (2) Comparison group: provide general care consultation of child development for parents. Aim 2: To evaluate this program's effectiveness by measuring changes in a child's developments and behaviors. Investigator will evaluate child outcomes on the symptoms of ASD and multidimensional developmental functioning. Furthermore, investigator will measure the changes in the parent's knowledge and behaviors of parent-child interaction. Moreover, investigator will determine if parental participation in the intervention is associated with an improvement in parenting competences and decreased levels of stress.

DOD Regulating Together Intervention
Autism Spectrum DisorderEmotion RegulationOur long-term goal is to validate Regulating Together (emotion regulation intervention) and improve psychosocial outcomes for youth with autism spectrum disorder and emotion dysregulation.