Study of the Effect of the Combined Extract of Lemon Verbena and Hibiscus on Health Indicators
DietMediterranean5 morePlant polyphenols have demonstrated the ability to ameliorate metabolic alterations induced by overweight and obesity, both in cellular and animal models, where most therapeutic approaches have failed. These have demonstrated the ability to improve appetite sensation, leading to improved body weight control, in addition to reducing fat accumulation and improving plasma glycemic and lipid profiles, as well as inflammatory process and vascular dysfunction. The plant polyphenols on which the extract to be studied will be based will be hibiscus and lemon verbena. A randomized controlled trial will be carried out in overweight or obese subjects from the province of Alicante. An electronic randomization will be carried out based on a two-branch design, therefore, there will be a control group (no intervention) and an experimental group (nutraceutical intake). Participants will have to ingest the nutraceutical for 3 months, as well as attend the agreed visits. Different satiety questionnaires, circulating parameters measured in capillaries (cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose), blood pressure and body composition measured by bone densitometry (DXA) will be collected. All variables will be measured at 4 different time points (baseline, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days). All these will be analyzed as a function of time; at the beginning and end of each intervention (intra-group analysis), as well as comparing the control group with the experimental group (inter-group analysis). A multidisciplinary team formed by physicians, nurses and nutritionists will be involved.

Targeted vs Standard Fortification of Breast Milk
BPD - Bronchopulmonary DysplasiaNEC - Necrotizing Enterocolitis3 moreBACKGROUND: Human milk (HM) is recommended for all very low birth infants (VLBW)). Breast-milk is highly variable in nutrient content, failing to meet the nutritional demands of VLBW. Fortification of HM is recommended to prevent extra-uterine growth retardation and associated poor neurodevelopmental outcome. However, standard fortification with fixed dose multicomponent fortifier does not account for the variability in milk composition. Targeted fortification is a promising alternative and needs further investigation. The aim of the study is to evaluate if targeted fortification of human milk may optimize growth and development in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized single blind controlled trial. METHODS & ANALYSIS: We will recruit preterm infants (≤ 32 weeks of gestation) within the first 7 days of life. After reaching 80 ml/kg/day of enteral feeding, patients will be randomised to receive standard fortification (HMF, Nutricia) or targeted fortification (modular components: Bebilon Bialko, Nutricia - protein, Fantomalt, Nutricia - carbohydrates, Calogen, Nutricia - lipids). The intervention will continue until 37 weeks of post-conception age, or hospital discharge. Parents and outcome assessors will be blinded to the intervention. The primary outcome - weight gain velocity will be measured starting from the day infants regain their birth weight up to 4 weeks, then weekly until discharge. Secondary outcomes such as neurodevelopment at 12 months of corrected age (CA) will be assessed with Bayley Scale of Development III, repeated at 36 months of CA. Additionally a Wescheler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence IV test will be applied at 3,5 years of CA. Secondary outcomes such as length and head growth, body composition will be assesed at discharge and at 4 months. Incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) will also be followed.

Cold, Appetite and Weight Loss in Individuals With Obesity
Weight LossCold Exposure1 moreThis study is an 8 week weight loss intervention with 3 randomly assigned groups: DIET, cold exposure (CE), and DIET+CE. The study will be a total of 13 weeks. All participants will undergo a screening session, two experimental sessions at baseline and two experimental sessions after the intervention. There will be a control (ambient) experimental session and a cold exposure experimental session These will be done in a randomized order both before and after the intervention. Therefore, a total of 5 lab visits will be required for all participants regardless of group outside of their assigned group intervention. Participants in the CE and DIET+CE groups will report to the laboratory every 2nd day for the 8 week intervention to undergo cold exposure as outlined below. The DIET and DIET+CE groups will have a weekly nutritional consultation at the lab as well as a weekly check-in with the nutritionist via text, phone, or email. Participants will be randomly assigned a group after completing the screening session and prior to the experimental session.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Delivery of Weight Loss Treatment
ObesityWeight LossProject ReLearn is testing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an Artificial Intelligence system for optimizing weight loss coaching. Participants are randomized to a 1-year weekly gold standard behavioral weight loss remote (video) group treatment or the AI-optimized treatment, which is made up of a combination of remote group treatment, short video call and automated message. In the AI-optimized condition, the system monitors outcomes (via wireless scale, mobile phone app, and wristworn tracker) and, each week, assigns each participant the treatments they have responding to the best, within certain time constraints.

The Evaluation of TCI378 and TCI507 Probiotics on Weight-lowering Efficacy in Adults
Weight LossTo assess the evaluation of TCI378 and TCI507 probiotics on weight-lowering efficacy in adults

MicroFIBERgut: Effects of Lifestyle Changes and Chitosan on Gut Microbiota and Weight Management...
ObesityLifestyleThe purpose of this study is to compare the effects of chitosan diet supplementation to a placebo supplement on changes in gut microbiota, body weight and different health parameters among different population groups, being either obese (BMI 30-50) and undertaking major changes in lifestyle (patients) or being those not undergoing any major lifestyle changes (volunteers, BMI 18.5-35).

Teen Weight Control
Adolescent ObesityWeight LossThe prevalence of obesity in adolescents is remarkably high, with 38.7% of youth 12-15 years of age and 41.5% of 16-19 year olds meeting criteria for overweight or obesity. Behavioral weight control interventions for adolescents have had limited impact on this field and there is considerably more that needs to be done. Notably, adolescents who have difficulty managing their feelings have been found to consume higher caloric foods and report greater amounts of sedentary time. Poor emotion management among adolescents has also been associated with more rapid weight gain and higher BMI. Data from adolescents with overweight/obesity attending our outpatient weight management program (N=124) indicate that 82% of these youth report emotion regulation scores that are comparable to youth with significant mental health problems. Despite documented relationships between adolescent weight control and emotion regulation, no proven adolescent weight management programs targeting emotion regulation exist. To fill this gap, our laboratory developed and piloted an adolescent weight control intervention (HealthTRAC) that combines two previously tested effective interventions, one targeting emotion regulation skill building, the other focused on behavioral weight control. Findings from our small pilot trial are promising and indicate that the newly created HealthTRAC intervention is acceptable to parents and teens, easy to deliver, and leads to modest weight loss and improved emotion management skills compared to a standard behavioral weight control (SBWC) program. These data suggest that emotion regulation is related to weight management and may assist adolescents with overweight/obesity who are seeking to lose weight. The current multi-site study builds on this previous work and will examine the impact of the developed HealthTRAC intervention on improving emotion regulation skills and reducing adolescent BMI in a larger sample with longer term follow-up (18 months after starting the intervention). Adolescents will receive 27.5 hours of intervention time over a 12- month period. We expect that adolescents enrolled in the HealthTRAC intervention will show greater reduction in BMI over the 12-month program and will sustain these losses up to 18 months after starting the intervention compared to teens enrolled in SBWC. The information learned from this project will help us better understand how helping adolescents manage their emotions can improve weight loss outcomes.

The Safety and Efficacy of a Bone Broth Diet on Weight Loss in Obese Adults
Weight LossThe primary objective of this study is to investigate the safety and efficacy of a bone broth diet on weight loss in obese adults. The change in weight and body mass index (BMI) following the bone broth diet will be measured from baseline at Days 22 and 50. Additionally, the safety and tolerability of the bone broth diet will be measured by the occurrence of post-emergent adverse events (AEs).

Efficacy of a Mobile Application to Help in Weight Loss Before Bariatric Surgery
Morbid ObesityWeight LossThe present randomized clinical trial aims to prove the safety and efficacy of an interactive mobile application (Care4Today®) to obtain sufficient weight loss and empower patients with morbid obesity before being submitted to a gastric by-pass.

The Effect of an Anti-obesity Drug, Semaglutide, as Treatment in New-onset Idiopathic Intracranial...
Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionIntracranial Pressure4 more50 patients with verified new-onset Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension are randomly allocated to standard weight management (dietician counselling) or trial intervention consisting of subcutaneous injections with Semaglutide for 10 months combined, in the initial 8 weeks following diagnosis, with a Very Low Calorie-Diet (max 800 kcal/day)