Applied in Patients With Neck Pain Added to the Conventional Physiotherapy Program Effectiveness...
Neck PainPainPurpose: The aim of this study is to examine the effects of pain training applied with conventional physiotherapy on pain, range of motion, disability, kinesiophobia and quality of life in patients with neck pain. Methods: The research is planned to be completed within 18 months at Istanbul Hospital. It is planned to include 40 individualsbetween the ages of 18-65 with neck pain persisting for 3 months or more.Individuals will be randomly divided into 2 groups. Conventional physiotherapy program will be applied to the first group. Conventional physiotherapy will be applied to the second group and neuroscience education will be given.Pain intensity will evaluate before and after exercise with 'Visual Analog Scale' (VAS), and algometer,range of motion will evaluate with C-ROM, kinesiofobia will questioned with Tampa Kinesiofobia Score, Quality of life will evaluate with Nottingham Health Profile, whereas the level of neck disability will evaluate before and after exercise with 'Neck Pain and Disability Score' (NPDS). The obtained results will analyze using appropriate statistical methods.

Prediction of Recovery in Patients With Neck Pain
Neck PainChronic Neck Pain1 moreThis prognostic prediction model will be a reference for the health care professionals in clinical decision making and subsequent outcomes in dealing with patients having sub-acute and chronic neck pain, as well as, it will be a guide regarding therapeutic management and patients' education. Although various studies have evaluated the prognostic factors for individual neck pain conditions or treatment, to author Knowledge, no such prognostic model is available yet that predict the recovery in patients of sub-acute and chronic neck pain when managed conservatively. Therefore, this study is aimed to create a prediction model suggesting the recovery time for neck pain.

Interventions For Neck Pain In Relation to Internet Usage
Internet AddictionAfter the rapid increase in the use of the Internet in the world, it has brought some negativities.People with internet addiction describe all the time they spend without internet as worthless and they want to be on the internet with an increasing desire.

The Effect of Kinesio® Tex Application on Pain, Functionality, Sleep Quality and Work Performance...
Neck PainBack Pain1 moreThis study was planned to examine the effect of Kinesio® Tex application on pain, functionality, sleep quality and work performance in drivers experiencing neck-back pain.

Effects of Multimodal Exercises Integrated With Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Subjects With Chronic...
Neck PainThe etiology of cervical pain is multifactorial and studies based on the bio-psychosocial model also link chronic neck pain to psychological factors. Among them, kinesiophobia has been reported as an important determinant. Over time, the use of multidisciplinary interventions for chronic vertebral pain (instead of segmental treatments) has grown in order to improve disability, pain and proactive behaviors towards the problem manifested. To date, the evidence relating to the effects of multidisciplinary approaches is inconclusive and lacking. In light of these premises, it appears necessary to deepen the conduct of studies aimed at evaluating the efficacy of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program that integrates cognitive-behavioral therapy based on kinesiophobia with specific exercises, in the treatment of chronic neck pain of working subjects.

The NEXERCISE-trial: Reshaping Exercise Programs for Patients With Non-specific Neck Pain
Neck PainChronic PainThe Nexercise-trial is a blended treatment program for patients with chronic non-specific neck pain. We will investigate whether a blended treatment approach, combining specific neck exercises and general aerobic exercises, has better outcome (on medical impact for the patient and socio-economic impact) than a specific neck exercise program alone or a general aerobic exercise program alone.

Dry Needling and Patients Treatment Expectations
Neck Pain; Dry Needling; MotivationObjectives The aim of this study is to compare the effects of inducing positive expectations against negative or neutral induced expectations on the activation of the Autonomic Nervous System and the analgesic response, after a dry needling technique in upper trapezius fibers in patients with unspecific neck pain. Summary Theoretical framework: Dry needling has proven its efficacy for the treatment of myofascial trigger points. Moreover, it has proven its effects over the Central Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Despite that previous studies have researched the role of patient's expectations and their relationship with the results of treatment, there is insufficient information concerning the effects of inducing expectations and the activation of the ANS during the application of widely used therapies, such as dry needling.

Dry Needling of the M. Obliquus Capitis Inferior on Rotational Mobility and Headache Related Outcome...
Neck PainPosterior2 moreAn experimental study will be conducted to evaluate the effect of dry needling on the M. Obliquus capitis inferior on rotational mobility and headache realted outcome measures in patients with cervicogenic headache.

Effectiveness of Multimodal Physical Therapy in Migraine
MigraineMusculoskeletal Neck Pain3 moreINTRODUCTION: It is very common that migraine patients could refer neck pain during or after the pain phase of migraine, suggesting that migraine pathophysiological mechanisms could be effective in activating neck pain pathways and be part of the migraine attack. Due to the therapeutic effect of multimodal physical therapy (mobilization and/or manipulation plus exercises) on several pain conditions arising from articular and/or muscular structures such as neck pain, and given the close clinical, anatomical and pathogenetic bi-directional relationship between neck pain and migraine, it would be of interest to evaluate the effectiveness of the physical treatment of the neck region in migraine pain. PURPOSE: to evaluate the efficacy of a combined multimodal physical therapy approach plus usual care vs. usual care alone in subjects with episodic and chronic migraine with concomitant cervical musculoskeletal dysfunctions. STUDY DESIGN: this is a prospective, parallel group, randomized clinical trial. METHODS: A total of 56 subjects aged 18-65 who meet criteria for episodic or chronic migraine with concomitant cervical musculoskeletal dysfunctions will be randomly assigned to receive, musculoskeletal focused multimodal physical therapy (16 sessions over 8 weeks) plus usual care treatment vs. usual care alone. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: not declared.

Stratified Physiotherapeutic (Blended) Care in Neck and Shoulder Complaints
Neck PainShoulder PainThe aim of this cluster RCT is to investigate the clinical effectiveness of a Stratified Blended Approach for patients with neck and/or shoulder complaints on pain and disability over 9 months, compared to usual physiotherapy care. Our secondary aims are twofold: to investigate the effectiveness of the Stratified Blended Approach for patients with neck and/or shoulder complaints on pain intensity, health-related quality of life, illness perceptions, self-management skills, physical activity, exercise adherence, self-perceived effect and satisfaction at 3 and 9 months, compared to usual physiotherapy care; to investigate the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of the Stratified Blended Approach for patients with neck and/or shoulder complaints, compared to usual physiotherapy care. In the Stratified Blended Approach arm, physiotherapists will match I) the content and intensity of physiotherapy care to the patient's risk of persistent disabling pain, categorized as low, medium or high (using the Keele STarT MSK Tool) and II) the mode of care delivery to the patient's suitability and willingness to receive blended care. The control arm will receive physiotherapy as usual. This study is financially supported by the Scientific College Physiotherapy (WCF), part of the Royal Dutch Association for Physiotherapy (KNGF). WCF has no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscripts. External peer-review took place during the funding process. The results will be publicly disclosed unreservedly.