
Active clinical trials for "Colonic Polyps"

Results 101-110 of 263

Practice-Based Learning to Predict Polyp Histology at Colonoscopy

Colonic PolypsAdenomatous Polyps

Most colorectal cancers arise from polyps. Most polyps removed at colonoscopy are small. New technologies such as narrowband imaging (NBI) offer the possibility of in differentiation between precancerous and unimportant small polyps. Use of these technologies could decrease the costs and potentially the risks of screening and surveillance colonoscopy. Multiple studies have demonstrated the ability of experienced endoscopists to achieve high accuracy in differentiating polyp types using NBI. The investigators hypothesize that community-based endoscopists can learn to identify polyp type at colonoscopy with the aid of NBI through the use of an introductory didactic program, followed by practice based-learning, and that their experience can serve as guidelines for wider dissemination. The purpose of this study is to test an educational program combining a didactic program followed by practice-based learning that is designed to allow community-based endoscopists to become proficient at the use of NBI in the colon. This study will not affect the care of patients in any way. The research subjects will be the endoscopists, who will perform colonoscopy and polyp removal in the usual clinical fashion, with the addition of attempting to predict polyp type before resection.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Panchromoendoscopy Using Oral Indigo Carmine Mixed With Polyethylene Glycol Prep

Colonic Polyps

This study first is designed to see what dose of indigo carmine ingested orally mixed with the standard colonoscopy prep is needed to provide adequate staining of the right colon. It then will use this adequate staining concentration of Indigo Carmine to study whether this dye will increase the detection of polyps during colonoscopy.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Comparison of Small Colorectal Polyp Removal Using Cold EMR With Hot EMR

Colonic Polyps

This study evaluates the efficacy of small colorectal polyp removal using cold endoscopic mucosal resection with hot endoscopic mucosal resection. Half of the participants will receive cold endoscopic mucosal resection, while the other half will receive hot endoscopic mucosal resection.

Withdrawn5 enrollment criteria

Effectiveness of an Integrated Colorectal Cancer Screening in Saudi Arabia: A Pragmatic Randomized...

Colorectal NeoplasmsColorectal Cancer2 more

The global burden of colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence among young age groups is rising and overwhelming. This new trend of young-onset CRC incidence is evident in western countries. Unfortunately, Asian countries have shown the same epidemic shift in the past few years. As a consequence, this situation might necessitate revisiting the current screening program in this region. Saudi Arabia has a two-fold increase in CRC incidence among young age groups in the last 18 years (9.6/100000 for male versus 9.3/100000 for female). This rising incidence ascribed to the lack of a screening program and suggested lowering CRC screening to 40. The low awareness about risk factors, signs, and symptoms of the disease causes late presentation of CRC cases. Therefore, most presenting cases are associated with a poor prognosis and short survival. Educational and screening programs are, by no means, considered valuable and essential as CRC tends to affect younger age groups.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Circumferential Submucosal Incision Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Versus Conventional Endoscopic...

Colonic Polyps

That Circumferential Submucosal Incision Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (CSI-EMR) will be at least as safe but more effective than conventional EMR for injection assisted EMR of large laterally spreading tumour and sessile polyps of the colon.

Withdrawn7 enrollment criteria

Efficacy and Safety of Precut-EMR for Resecting of Colonic Polyp

Colonic Polyps

This study was attempted to determine the efficacy and complication of precut EMR comparing with convetional EMR for resecting of 10 ~ 20 mm colon polyp through prospective, randomized controlled trial.

Withdrawn6 enrollment criteria

Linked Color Imaging Versus White Light Endoscopy for the Evaluation of Scars of Non-pedunculated...

Polyp of Colon

Careful inspection and evaluation of the post-polipectomy scars of polyps greater than 20 mm looking for residual polyp is mandatory. LCI has demonstrated to improve polyp and adenoma detection rate in previous studies. However, to our knowledge no previous studies have been made for validation of LCI for optical diagnosis of a scar looking for residual neoplasia after a previous polypectomy. We hypothesize that LCI will improve the optical diagnosis of polyp recurrence compared to WLE. So, our aim is to compare the efficacy of linked color imaging for optical diagnosis of post-polypectomy scar recurrence compared with high-definition white light endoscopy.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Linked Color Imaging (LCI) for Colorectal Adenoma Detection

Colon AdenomaColonic Polyp

Linked color imaging (LCI) is newly developed image-enhancing endoscopy technology that differentiates the red color spectrum more effectively than white light imaging thanks to its optimal pre-process composition of light spectrum and advanced signal processing. This technology, combined in the latest generation Fujifilm's endoscopes (Fujifilm Co, Tokyo, Japan) with new high-performance LED illumination system, enhances the visibility of colonic mucosal vessels and might increase the detection rate of colorectal polyps. Data available regarding colorectal polyp or adenoma detection with LCI are encouraging but are scanty and limited to back-to back studies. This two parallel arms, randomized, multicenter trial is aimed at evaluating whether LCI is superior to WL endoscopy in terms of adenoma detection

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Clip Placement Following Endoscopic Mucosal Resection - Randomised Trial

Colonic Polyps

Patients will be randomised to have endoscopic clips applied to the Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) site following complete removal of the lesion, or will not receive clips and proceed with standard of care.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Patients With a Positive Fecal Immunochemical Test Using an Electronic...

Colorectal CancerPolyps of Colon

The present study aims to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of exhaled breath analysis with the Aeonose (the eNose Company, Zutphen, the Netherlands) to distinguish the breath of patients suspected for CRC (based on a positive fecal immunochemical test), who are truly diagnosed with CRC, from patients suspected for CRC in whom this diagnosis is rejected after colonoscopy.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

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