
Active clinical trials for "Colonic Polyps"

Results 11-20 of 263

Hybrid-APC Margin Ablation to Prevent Post EMR Adenoma Recurrence

Colorectal CancerPolyp of Colon

Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) is the current standard for effective endoscopic resection of such colon adenomas. If resection is possible in one piece (so-called "en bloc" resection) then recurrence rates are low. However, most non-pedunculated polyps >2 cm are removed in pieces ("piece-meal" resection) which leads to disease recurrence rates between 12-30%. In the March 2019 issue of Gastroenterology Bourke et al. presented that post-EMR ablation of the resection margins using soft coagulation with the tip of a resection snare reduces adenoma recurrence to 5% compared to 21% recurrence found in the control group. Hybrid Argon Plasma Coagulation (h-APC) combines an ablation technique (APC) with the option for submucosal saline injection using a high-pressure water jet. The technique allows to lift of dysplastic epithelium thus creating a safety cushion under the mucosa is lifted with a saline injection and then to ablate larger areas more thoroughly and with a higher energy setting, with a low risk for side effects or complications.

Recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Pivotal Study of the CapsoCam Colon (CV-3) in Detecting Colonic Polyps, Using Colonoscopy as the...

Colonic Polyp

This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the CapsoCam Colon (CV-3) endoscope system for the detection of colonic polyps.

Recruiting27 enrollment criteria

Artificial Intelligence in the Detection of Right Sided Colonic Polyp in Different Operator Experience...

Colon Polyp

Colonoscopy is the gold standard modality for the detection of colonic polyp. However, miss polyp occurs especially in right sided colon. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the modality to improve polyp detection but the benefit of AI in operators with different endoscopic experience is still limited. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of AI in the detection of right sided colonic polyp in operators with different endoscopic experience by using double insertion of right side colon, back-to-back basis.

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Comparing CADe Software for Enhanced Polyp Detection

Colonic PolypColon Lesion

Purpose & Research Questions The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether artificial intelligence (AI) improves the detection of polyps and whether the system can classify the type and severity of detected changes. The investigators will also assess if there are any differences between the various AI systems and whether the polyps that may be missed are benign or malignant.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

A Randomized Comparison Between White Light Endoscopy (WLE) and Bright Narrow Band Imaging (B-NBI)...

Adenoma Colon

A randomized controlled crossover study to determine if narrow band imaging or white light endoscopy is superior in detecting right colonic polyps in average risk subjects undergoing screening colonoscopy

Recruiting2 enrollment criteria

COLO-DETECT: Can an Artificial Intelligence Device Increase Detection of Polyps During Colonoscopy?...

Colonic PolypColorectal Polyp5 more

COLO-DETECT is a clinical trial to evaluate whether an Artificial Intelligence device ("GI Genius", manufactured by Medtronic) can identify more polyps (pre-cancerous growths of the bowel lining) during colonoscopy (large bowel camera test) than during colonoscopy without it.

Recruiting16 enrollment criteria

Prospective, Randomized, Parallel Clinical Controlled Study of Early Diet Opening on Postoperative...

Colonic Polyp

Currently, hemorrhage remains the most common postoperative complication in patients with colon polyps, with an incidence of approximately 1.5%. The main reasons for postoperative hemorrhage are: the patient's own condition, the nature of the polyp and the operation. The number of patients treated for colon polyps has increased, postoperative care is confusing, medical resources are wasted, and the time span for postoperative diet recovery is large. However, studies on the effect of postoperative dietary recovery timing on postoperative polyp bleeding are rare.

Recruiting13 enrollment criteria

Effect of Chewing Gum and WeChat Enhanced Instructions on the Bowel Preparation Quality in Patients...

ColonoscopyColonic Polyp1 more

Patients with constipation are more likely to have poor bowel preparation quality due to slow gut motility and poor emptying ability. Gum chewing, as a proxy of sham feeding, is a very simple way used to accelerate gut motility. And a previous study found that enhanced instructions by WeChat could improve bowel preparation quality. Thus, investigators conducted a single-center randomized controlled trial to explore the effect of chewing gum combined with manual enhanced instructions by WeChat on the bowel preparation quality for colonoscopy in patients with constipation.

Recruiting12 enrollment criteria

Impact of Augmented Reality in Polypectomy Skills Acquisition in Simulation-based Endoscopy Training...

Colonic Polyp

Simulation-based training (SBT) is a safe and effective strategy for improving skills development in gastrointestinal endoscopy. The use of curricula based on progressive learning, as well as comprehensive structured curricula, have been demonstrated to be effective in enhancing simulation-based training. With current advancements in technologies, another possible enhancement to SBT is the use of augmented reality (AR). To date, no other studies have examined the benefits of AR technology in endoscopy training. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a simulation-based AR curriculum in developing technical skills, self-assessment accuracy, and clinical performance; as compared to a conventional simulation curriculum. Thirty six novice endoscopists will be recruited from the gastroenterology and general surgery programs at the University of Toronto. Participants will be randomized and assigned to two groups. The Conventional Simulation Training Curriculum group will receive 6 hours of simulated training, with expert feedback, and four 1-hour didactic teaching sessions. The AR Training Curriculum group will receive the same number of training hours and didactic sessions as the control group. The main difference is the use of superimposed videos to guide the intervention group through simulated polypectomy cases. During the didactic teaching sessions, the intervention group will also receive a brief introduction to principles of AR and its uses for endoscopy simulation. Participants will be trained to perform colonoscopies on two validated simulator models: (1) a bench-top colonoscopy simulator; and (2) the EndoVR® virtual reality simulator. Performance will be assessed before training (pre-test), immediately after training (acquisition post-test) and 4-6 weeks after training (retention test). On the same day as the retention test, the participants will perform two live colonoscopies and use a mechanical polypectomy simulation test (transfer tests), assessed by two blinded expert endoscopists. The main hypothesis of this study is that novices trained under the AR-enhanced curriculum will have better technical skill performance during simulated polypectomies and live colonoscopies.

Recruiting3 enrollment criteria

Clinical Study to Compare Cold Snare Underwater Polypectomy to Cold Snare Conventional Polypectomy...

Colon PolypsPolypectomy

Colon cancer is internationally the third cause of deaths from a malignant disease. Screening colonoscopy in adults >45 years of age aims at the early diagnosis and treatment colon polyps that are precancerous lesions. Endoscopic polyp removal (polypectomy) can be done with various techniques depending on the size, morphology, location of the polyp etc. According to updated guidelines, non-pedunculated polyps of small size are treated with a cold snare in air dilated intestinal lumen (conventional cold snare polypectomy - CCSP).In recent years, several studies have described the benefits of water aided colonoscopy, as well as safety and efficacy of underwater polypectomy in large colon polyps. However, there is not enough data on small polyps which are the most commonly diagnosed.This is a prospective randomized double-blind clinical trial to compare the safety and efficacy of CCSP to underwater cold snare polypectomy (UCSP)for non-pedunculated polyps of size of 5-10 mm. A total of 398 polyps will be randomized and randomization will be performed via random numbers method of Microsoft Excel 2016. Primary outcome of this study is to determine muscularis mucosa resection rate. Secondary outcomes are the depth and percentage of R0 excisions and possible complications. The investigators expect UCSP to ensure a higher muscularis mucosa resection rate and they attempt to examine the resection depth in the submucosal layer.These results will provide useful data for the development of guidelines in polypectomy techniques for non-pedunculated polyps 5-10mm.

Active14 enrollment criteria

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