Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Versus Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) for Large Non Pedunculated...
Colonic PolypInitially developed in Japan for the treatment of endemic superficial gastric cancers, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) allows resection of pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the digestive tract into a single fragment. It allows a perfect pathological analysis, and decreases the rate of recurrence of the adenoma to less than 2% However, this procedure, which is technically more challenging, is also more risky (perforation rate at 4% vs. 1% for WF-EMR) and longer. Submucosal dissection is also more expensive in terms of equipment, but this difference can be offset by the cost of the high number of iterative colonoscopies required in patients who have had endoscopic resection by WF-EMR. Scientific debate is agitating the Western world1,2 and Japanese experts do not perform WF-EMR anymore, whereas no comparative prospective study has compared these two procedures. We therefore propose to compare these two endoscopic resection strategies in terms of recurrence rate at 6 months and to estimate the differential cost-effectiveness and cost-utility ratios over a 36-month time horizon.

Endocuff Enhanced Colonoscopy: Does it Improve Polyp Detection and Make Rectal Retroflexion Unnecessary...
Colorectal CancerColonic PolypsThe investigators hope that this project will determine if the Endocuff device is a useful adjunct during colonoscopy by optimizing polyp detection and eliminating the need for the painful rectal retroflexion. As such, by improving polyp detection and eliminating the need for rectal retroflexion, it will directly reduce the likelihood of colon cancer and improve patient comfort respectively.

Endoscopic Surveillance in Serrated Polyposis Syndrome and Low-risk of Advanced Neoplasia
Colonic PolypColonic Neoplasms3 moreThe aim of the study is to determine if Serrated Poliposis Syndrome (SPS) patients with SPS criteria 2, with clearing phase achieved and without any advanced lesion or less than 5 relevant lesions at last colonoscopy have the same advanced neoplasia incidence in the surveillance colonoscopy at 2 or 3 years. Patients selected for the study will be randomised in two groups for the surveillance: group 1, surveillance with colonoscopy in two years; group 2, surveillance with colonoscopy in three years. Randomization will be done at the database program (RedCAP). All colonoscopies will be performed with high definition (HD) system and it will be the choice of the endoscopist whether to use chromoendoscopy with indigo carmine o virtual chromoendoscopy. Protocol bowel preparation will be recommended by each centre. Sedation will be prescribed and decided by the endoscopist during the examination. Data from all the resected and visualized lesions during the colonoscopy will be collected on the database. A pathologist familiarized with serrated lesions will be in charge of the sample analysis. Serrated lesions will be classified attending de WHO criteria for serrated lesions. The investigators define "advanced adenoma" as adenomas ≥10 mm with villous histology and/or with high grade of dysplasia (HGD). The investigators define "advanced SL" as any SL ≥10mm and any SL with dysplasia. The investigators also define "advanced neoplasia" as any colorectal cancer (CRC), any advanced adenoma or advanced Serrated Lesions (SL). Quality of bowel cleansing will be graded by each endoscopist following the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale. This scale evaluates each segment (ascending colon, transverse colon and descending colon) of the following form: 0 = segment of colon whose mucosa cannot be seen due to the existence of solid stools that cannot be eliminated; 1 = mucosa portion of a colonic segment that can be seen, but other areas of the colonic segment are not seen, either due to the presence of dirt, feces or opaque liquid; 2 = existence of small amount of dirt, small fragments of stool and / or opaque liquid, but the mucosa of the colonic segment can be seen well; 3 = all the mucosa of the colonic segment can be seen well without residual dirt, small traces of stool or opaque liquid. Patients with inadequate preparation (when in any segment the score is 0 or 1, or the total score is less than 6) will be excluded from the study. During colonoscopy all complications as post-polypectomy bleeding, perforation or cardio-respiratory events will be registered. Those complications will be considered if surgery or hospital admission is required.

EAGLE Trial CADDIE Artificial Intelligence Endoscopy
Colorectal CancerPolyp of Colon1 moreThe EAGLE study is a prospective randomized controlled multicenter parallel design trial, for the assessment of clinical performance of the CADDIE device and to confirm that the device performs as expected.

Does the Cap Increase the Finding of Polyps When Water Exchange Colonoscopy is Used
ColonoscopyPolyp of ColonThis is a study to compare two different, but normally, used methods of colonoscopy in patients that require a routine or repeat colonoscopy. There will be three arms in this study: WE water control, water plus Cap-1, and water plus Cap-2. The patient will prepare himself/herself for the colonoscopy as per normal instructions and he/she will be given the information for the study at that time so that he/she can make a decision to participate in the study. The control method will use water instead of air inserted into the colon. The study method will use a new accessory, a cap that will fit onto the end of the colonoscope plus water during the procedure. This study will also confirm if using the cap method with water is a better way of detecting polyps in the colon and possibly cancer.

Endocuff With or Without AI-assisted Colonoscopy
Colonic AdenomaColonic Polyp1 moreColonoscopy is considered the gold standard for diagnosis of colonic polyps. However, it was reported that colonoscopy could still miss colonic polyps. Many attempts have been made to improve the detection rate of colonoscopy. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising new technique to improve detection rate of colonic adenoma. However, it remains uncertain whether whether the combined use of Endocuff and AI assisted examination could help to further improve the adenoma detection rate. This is a prospective randomized trial comparing the use of endocuff with AI, AI alone or conventional colonoscopy examination on adenoma detection rate.

Computer Aided Diagnosis (CADx) for Colorectal Polyps Resect-and-Discard Strategy
Colonic PolypColonoscopic removal of adenomatous polyps reduce both the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer (CRC). The common clinical management of colorectal polyp detected during colonoscopy is to remove them and send for histopathology to determine the subsequent surveillance interval. More than 80% of polyps detected during screening or surveillance colonoscopy are diminutive (≤5mm). As the chance of diminutive polyps to harbor cancer or advanced neoplasia is low, leave-in-situ and resect-and-discard strategies using optical diagnosis are recommended for non-neoplastic polyps by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and the European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) so as to reduce the financial burden of polypectomy and histopathology. The societies proposed leave-in-situ strategy if optical diagnosis can achieve a negative predictive value (NPV) of >90% for rectosigmoid polyp and resect-and-discard if an agreement of more than 90% concordance with histopathology-based post-polypectomy surveillance interval can be achieved. However, optical diagnosis is operator dependent and most endoscopists are reluctant to adopt this strategy in routine practice because of the need of strict training and auditing and fear of incorrect diagnosis. In the past decade, with the exponential increase in computational power, reduced cost of data storage, improved algorithmic sophistication, and increased availability of electronic health data, artificial intelligence (AI) assisted technologies were widely adopted in various healthcare settings to improve clinical outcomes, especially the quality of colonoscopy in the area of gastroenterology. Real time use of computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) for adenoma using AI systems were developed and proven to be useful to help endoscopists to distinguish neoplastic polyps from non-adenomatous polyps. However, these studies only examined diminutive polyp but not polyp of larger size (>5mm). They were conducted with small sample size of less than few hundred subjects and the study settings were open-label and non-randomized. The investigators aim to conduct a large scale randomized controlled trial to evaluate the performance of colorectal polyp characterization of all size polyps by real-time CADx using AI system against conventional colonoscopy with optical diagnosis.

Advanced Endo-therapeutic Procedure : Registry-based Observational Study
Zenker DiverticulumPolyp of Colon1 moreAdvanced therapeutic endoscopy procedures are of increasing importance to provide minimal invasive treatment for GI diseases. The Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal as tertiary university center is dedicated to increase the availability of therapeutic endoscopy procedures for our population in Montreal and Quebec.

Endoscopic Resection of Large Colorectal Polyps: An Observational Cohort Study
Colonic PolypColonoscopy2 moreThis protocol describes a prospective cohort study. It addresses an important challenge in the prevention of colorectal cancer: how to safely and effectively remove large polyps.

Use of the Napoleon to Improve Polyp Measurement in Gastroenterology Fellows
Colonic PolypThis is a clinical trial assessing gastroenterology fellows' accuracy of colonic polyp measurement using a Micro-Tech Endoscopic Polyp Measurement Device named Napoleon. The study will evaluate the feasibility of Napoleon as a polyp measurement device. Investigators will collect data on inpatient and outpatient colonoscopies performed by fellows at NYU Langone Health, NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn, Bellevue Hospital Center, and Manhattan VA Medical Center from May 2021 - May 2022 for 150 patients. Investigators will include all colonoscopies with polyps done in adults age 45 and above. For each colonoscopy, a fellow will first visually estimate the polyp size and then measure the polyp with Napoleon. Investigators will calculate the difference in polyp measurement between visual assessment and using Napoleon for each fellow year and compare differences among fellow years. Investigators will evaluate for changes in fellows' accuracy of polyp measurement with subsequent uses of Napoleon. Investigators will determine the proportion of cases with a change in the recommended surveillance interval based on polyp size. A survey will be given to all fellows to assess the level of ease with using Napoleon.