Injection-Assisted Cold Snare Polypectomy Versus Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for Small Colorectal...
Colonic PolypsComplete resection of neoplastic polyps is pivotal, as 8.8% to 50% of interval cancers may arise as a consequence of incomplete polypectomy. However, the ideal method to remove small colorectal polyps remains uncertain. The investigators designed a randomized controlled trial to assess whether injection-assisted cold snare polypectomy may be noninferior to EMR for the resection of small (6-10mm) colorectal polyps.

Biopsy Forceps Versus Cold Snare for the Resection of Small Colonic Polyps
Colonic PolypsThe purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare the incomplete resection rates for small colon polyps less than or equal to 6 mm in size using two conventional polypectomy tools, jumbo cold biopsy forceps and cold snare.

Improving Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy With a Simple Educational Card
Colonic PolypsColonic NeoplasmsThe purpose of this study is to determine whether adding a simple educational card to standard pre-procedure instructions improves the quality of bowel preparation for colonoscopy.

Effect of Epinephrine on Post-polypectomy Pain
Colonic PolypEpinephrine is widely used in endoscopic mucosal resection of large polyps to prevent post-polypectomy bleeding. No previous studies looked at increase in immediate post-polypectomy pain with the use of epinephrine.

Traction Assisted Polypectomy of the Intestine
Colonic PolypsAdenomatous PolypsThe purpose of the study is to verify if the ablation of lesions (polyps, adenomas) in the large (and small) intestine can be facilitated by using a traction on the lesions.

Polypectomy With Hot vs Cold Snare in Small Colonic Lesions
Polyp of ColonGastrointestinal Bleeding1 moreColonoscopy is the technique of choice for the diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC). The identification and extirpation of adenomas decreases the incidence of CRC by up to 76%. More than 70% of the excised lesions are less than 10 mm. There is controversy about the technique to be used (resection with cold vs hot snare) in lesions of 5-9mm. Both use a polypectomy snare. The cold snare cuts by friction, while the hot snare uses electrical current. We propose a multicenter randomized clinical trial comparing both endoscopic techniques. At least 394 injuries per group will be included, randomizing patients to whom a diagnostic colonoscopy is requested for symptoms, screening or revision protocols. Randomization will be performed stratified by center. The primary objective is the proportion of incomplete polypectomies, which will be analyzed centrally from random biopsies of the edges of the lesion. As secondary objectives, we will compare the proportion of immediate and delayed hemorrhagic complications, the evolution of postprocedural abdominal pain and the factors associated with incomplete excision in each group and the factors associated with a failed cold polypectomy. The analysis of the primary objective will be carried out by means of the z test of homogeneity without using the correction of Yates, estimating the confidence interval of the difference between both groups. The analysis will be carried out by intention to treat and per protocol.

Evaluation of a Double Balloon Interventional Platform (DiLumen) for Complex Colonic ESD
Colonic PolypThe purpose of this randomized study is to compare ESD procedural time and cost facilitated with a dual balloon accessory device versus ESD procedures performed without the accessory device. Study is designed to detect if the double balloon interventional platform helps to perform removal of benign complex colonic lesions safer and in more efficient way.

Evaluation of Cold Forcep and Cold Snare Polypectomy for Polyps Less Than or Equal to 3mm in Size...
Colo-rectal CancerPolyp of Colon1 moreThe focus of the study is to evaluate impact of cold forcep and cold snare in achieving complete resection during polypectomy of polyps <=3mm during colonoscopy.

Australian Multicentre Colonic Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Study
Colonic PolypsA prospective, multicentre, observational study of all patients referred for endoscopic resection of sessile colorectal polyps sized ≥20 mm conducted with intention to treat analysis.

DeFect cLOsure After Colonic ESD With underwaTer Technique
Colonic PolypThis is a single centre randomised controlled study comparing underwater clip closure versus conventional gas insufflation clip closure of post-resection defect in patients undergoing colonic endoscopic resection. The investigators hypothesize that underwater clip closure would be faster than conventional closure under gas insufflation.