Improving Pancreatic Cancer Care by the Use of Computational Science and Technology
Pancreatic CancerPancreatic Cyst4 moreThe goal of the IMPACT project is to set up a data sharing infrastructure between expert centers for pancreatic surgery that enables training, testing and validation of computer science tools to improve quality of care for patients with pancreatic cancer.

Polycystic Liver Disease in Kidney Transplant
Polycystic Liver DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to see if one kind of immunosuppressive drug has better effects for the patient's polycystic liver disease than another type. Tacrolimus and Sirolimus are the two immunosuppressive drugs that will be compared for this study. Both drugs have been commonly prescribed to prevent rejection.

Endoscopic Abraxane Injection Into Pancreatic Cysts
Pancreatic CystsThis research study is a pilot study. In this pilot study we are testing the safety of a procedure. "Investigational" means that the Albumin bound paclitaxel (Abraxane) is still being studied and that research doctors are trying to find out more about it. It also means that the FDA has not approved Abraxane injection for your type of medical condition. Treatment of pancreatic cysts often requires follow-up imaging studies and surgical resection of the cysts. As part of standard medical care, you will be undergoing a diagnostic endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) in order to evaluate type of the cyst. During the EUS and just after the cyst fluid aspiration, you will undergo the injection of the drug into the cyst cavity if your cyst is thought to be cancerous or precancerous. Cyst fluid will be analyzed for further diagnosis.

Management of Incidentally Discovered Pancreatic Cysts
Pancreatic CystThe purpose of this study is to determine the natural history of pancreatic cysts and to determine if these cysts can be effectively treated with a less invasive therapy (ethanol injection vs periodic imaging) rather than surgical resection

Surveillance of Complex Renal Cysts - the SOCRATIC Pilot Study
Renal CystOne third of individuals aged >60 years will be diagnosed with at least one renal cyst following abdominal imaging. These cystic lesions are categorized according to the Bosniak classification which categorizes cysts according to their degree of complexity and risk of malignancy. Growing evidence suggests that a significant proportion of Bosniak III and IV cysts are benign and that the malignant ones present low metastatic potential. Since renal surgery carries substantial morbidity (20%) and potential mortality (0.5%), active surveillance has gained attention as a potential tradeoff to surgery to overcome overtreatment. Therefore, prospective studies of long-term follow-up are needed to confirm the oncologic outcomes of this strategy for Bosniak III/IV cysts. We first designed a pilot study that will assess the feasibility of a subsequent larger multicenter observational study aiming to ascertain mid-term safety of active surveillance. The objectives of this pilot study are a) Determining patients and urologists buy-in and barriers to the proposed intervention; b) Collecting perceptions and concerns of patients and urologists; c)

PRP vs Corticosteroid in Baker's Cyst
Baker's CystThis is a Prospective study with Randomized patients into either Ultrasound-guided Platelets-Rich-Plasma injection and Ultrasound guided Corticosteroid Injection, with 3 months and 6 months follow ups after aspiration at our institution. There will be 25 patients in each group, including any patient with symptomatic baker's cyst.

Alginate Dressings Versus Gauge Dressings After Pilonidal Cyst Resection: Examination of the Quality...
Pilonidal Cyst/FistulaThe purpose of this study is to compare the application of alginate dressings with silver and high-G cellulose and the use of simple gauge dressings in patients submitted to surgical resection of pilonidal cyst. The present trial will focus on the postoperative quality of life during the secondary intention wound healing.

The Association Between Skeletal Muscle Mass and Severity of Polycystic Liver Disease and Polycystic...
Polycystic Kidney DiseasesPolycystic Liver Disease1 morePrimary sarcopenia is used to describe aging and progressed with the physiologic decline. Secondary sarcopenia is associated many chronic disease, including acquired immune deficiency syndrome, cancer, chronic heart failure, chronic lung disease, liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease and rheumatoid arthritis. In the past, nutrition status is evaluated by body mass index, mid-upper -arm circumference and serum albumin. Bioelectrical impedance analysis is also a common method to measured body composition, but bioelectrical impedance analysis will be affected by tissue edema and ascites. In contrast, cross-section imaging, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance can analyzed abdominal muscle and fat accurately. Since computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can evaluate the severity of polycystic liver and kidney disease. Investigators can use cross section imaging at 3rd lumber level to separate skeletal muscle and fat tissue. Previous studies showed the quantity and quality of abdominal muscle are important prognostic factor after liver transplantation. Besides, chronic kidney disease and receiving renal placement therapy lead protein catabolism and make patients with end stage renal disease have sarcopenia. Finally, patients with polycystic liver and kidney disease have organomegaly, which causes abdominal distention and poor appetite. Therefore, the aim of this study is to observe the association between skeletal muscle mass and the severity of disease and to study whether change in hepatic and renal volumes is associated with change in muscle mass.

Effect of USG-guided Baker's Cyst Aspiration
Baker CystKnee DiseaseABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasonography (USG)-guided Baker's cyst (BC) aspiration in the treatment of BC. Design: A total of 40 patients presented to our polyclinic with the complaints of swelling at the back of the knee. The 40 patients were randomly divided into two groups: (I) aspiration group (n=20) and (II) control group (n=20). In the aspiration group, BC content was aspirated percutaneously under USG guidance, whereas no aspiration was performed in the control group. Additionally, the participants in both groups were trained on how to perform exercises and were also recommended to practice cold treatment for 15 min both in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. All the patients were followed up with USG at the first and third months, VAS, WOMAC, NHP , Lysholm and Cincinnati. The success of the treatment was demonstrated by the decrease in the width, length and area of the BCs and Lysholm, Cincinnati ,VAS, WOMAC and NHP scores.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid as Treatment for Polycystic Liver Disease
Polycystic Liver DiseasePolycystic Kidney1 moreRationale: Polycystic liver disease (PLD) is a rare disorder characterized by >20 fluid-filled hepatic cysts. Polycystic livers are present in the combination with renal cysts as a manifestation of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), or isolated in the absence of renal cysts as autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease (ADPLD or PCLD). PLD patients are confronted with symptoms caused by the mass effect of their polycystic liver every day for the rest of their life. There is no standard therapeutic option for symptomatic PLD patients. Current options are fairly invasive or their efficacy is only moderate. Preliminary data in our research lab have shown that ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) inhibited the proliferation of polycystic human cholangiocytes in vitro through the normalization of the intracellular calcium levels in cystic cholangiocytes. The investigators also found that daily oral administration of UDCA for 5 months to polycystic kidney disease (PCK) rats, an animal model of ARPKD that spontaneously develops hepato-renal cystogenesis, resulted in inhibition of hepatic cystogenesis. The investigators hypothesize that UDCA is an effective therapeutic tool in reducing liver volume in PLD. Objective: First, to demonstrate whether UDCA-therapy is effective in reducing total liver volume in PLD patients. Second, the investigators want to assess if UDCA modifies quality of life. Finally, the investigators want to assess safety and tolerability. Study design: International, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial Study population: 34 subjects (18 ≤age ≤ 80 years) suffering from symptomatic polycystic liver disease with underlying diagnosis of (PCLD or ADPKD), defined as ≥ 20 liver cysts on CT-scan and liver volume of ≥ 2500. Symptomatic is defined as Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group- Performance Score (ECOG-PS) ≥ 1 and having at least three out of ten PLD symptoms. Intervention: The patients will be randomized (1:1) into two groups. One group of patients will receive 15-20mg/kg/day UDCA for 24 weeks. The other group will receive standard care. Main study endpoint: Proportional change of total liver volume in UDCA treated patients versus non treated patients, as assessed by CT at baseline and 6 months.