Treatment Of Maxillary Bone Cysts With Autologous Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSV-H)
Maxillary CystBone Loss of SubstanceThis trial pretends to validate for clinical use a bioengineered product composed of MSV cells (mesenchymal stem cells produced by IBGM, Valladolid, which have already been approved by the Spanish Regulatory Agency for three previous clinical trials) and a cross-linked matrix of autologous plasma patented by The Blood and Tissue Bank of Asturias (WO2008/ 119855) for bone maxillary cysts refilling. These two groups collaborate in the present project with the team of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Hospital Universitario del Río Hortega, who leads the clinical trial and deals with the medical aspects. The proposed trial is based on positive results obtained in previous animal studies performed by the present multidisciplinary team. The investigators propose a phase I / II clinical trial with 10 patients suffering from bone cysts in the maxillofacial region. Autologous mesenchymal stem cells isolated from a bone marrow sample will be seeded in the autologous plasma matrix and cultivated for 3 weeks. At this time, the cyst will be removed by surgery and the cavity filled with the protein matrix containing the mesenchymal cells. Checks will be conducted at 3 weeks, 3 and 6 months following the evolution of the cavity by panoramic radiography and computerized tomography scan.

Comparison of Excision Versus Punch Incision in the Treatment of Epidermal Cysts
Epidermal CystThe purpose of this trial is to compare two standard of care treatments for removing epidermal cysts. Surgical excision removes the entire cyst but requires a larger hole in the skin. A punch incision makes a smaller hole through which the cyst can be removed. The trial's purpose is to determine if one method is better than another in terms of recurrence, infection, or other side effects.

Baker Cyst Dimensions and Intermittent Vacuum Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritis (BCIVT)
Baker CystKnee OsteoarthritisThe Baker cyst (BC), also known as the popliteal cyst or parameniscal cyst, is a fluid-filled sac that commonly develops in the posterior aspect of the knee, between the semimembranosus and medial head of the gastrocnemius. It is a common complication of knee osteoarthritis, and can also be associated with other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and meniscal tears. BCs are typically asymptomatic, but can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the back of the knee. In severe cases, they can rupture, leading to inflammation and pain in the calf. Physiotherapy is a common treatment for BCs, and has been shown to be effective in reducing size and symptoms. Intermittent vacuum therapy (IVT) is a type of physiotherapy that involves applying suction to the affected area. IVT is thought to work by increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce inflammation and swelling. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of IVT in the treatment of BCs. A total of 65 patients with knee osteoarthritis and BCs will be recruited and randomized to either a control group or an IVT group. The control group will receive standard physiotherapy treatment, while the IVT group will receive IVT in addition to standard physiotherapy treatment. All patients will be assessed at baseline and after 10 days of treatment using a variety of clinical and functional measures, including the echo volume of the BC. The results of the study will be used to determine whether IVT is an effective treatment for BCs. This study is designed to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the treatment of BCs. The results of the study will be of interest to clinicians, researchers, and patients.

Denosumab: A Potential Treatment Option for Aneurysmal Bone Cysts
Bone Cyst AneurysmalPathological Fracture2 moreThe efficacy of traditional therapeutic approaches for aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC), such as surgery, embolization, sclerotherapy and radiotherapy, are often compromised for lesions in axial skeletons and adolescents complicated with pathological fracture. Therefore, denosumab, a new drug that has been successfully used in giant cell tumor of bone but has seldom used in ABC, was used to treat ABC in this trial.

Effect of Fetal Ovarian Cyst Aspiration to Prevent Torsion
Ovarian CystUltrasonography PrenatalThe purpose of this study is to determine whether prenatal ovarian cyst aspiration is effective and safe to prevent perinatal ovarian torsion.

Percutaneous Nephroscopic Treatment of Parapelvic Cysts
Kidney StoneParapelvic Cyst2 moreBackground of the project: The surgical treatment of parapelvic cysts is currently less researched and there is no gold standard for surgery. Previously, in percutaneous nephrolithotomy, we found that fenestration and fenestration drainage in the simultaneous treatment of pararenal pelvis cysts under nephroscopic nephroscopic surgery has clear curative effect, less trauma, and quicker recovery. Objective: To clarify the safety, efficacy and long-term efficacy of percutaneous nephroscopy in the treatment of parapelvic cysts. Nature: Retrospective case cohort study. Basic research process: Retrospective collection of cases in our hospital who underwent percutaneous nephroscopy for the treatment of parapelvic cysts, and comparison of preoperative and postoperative cyst size changes and long-term efficacy.

Use of PRP in Treatment of Mandibular Traumatic Bone Cyst
Traumatic Bone CystThe traumatic bone cyst (TBC) is an infrequent nonepithelial lined cavity of the jaws, which was first expressed by lucassin 1929, the lesion has attracted a great deal of interest in the dental literature, but its pathogenesis is still not evidently recognized. It determines a bone cavity of irregular shape which appears like a cyst on a radiograph, and histopathologically there are no elements to confirm a diagnosis of a cysts. TBC the international histological classification assumed by the World Health Organisation for odontogenic tumours utilizes the term "solitary bone cyst", nevertheless the term "traumatic bone cyst" (TBC) is more extensively used in the literature. The WHO classification explains TBC as a non-neoplastic osseous lesion because it demonstrates no epithelial lining, which differentiates this lesion from the true cysts. There is general conformity that most traumatic bone cysts present without symptoms or signs. Seldom, expansion of the cortical plate may occur with extraoral swelling, less commonly there may erosion through the cortical bone may take place.' Teeth in the area of involved bone usually remain vital, without root resorption or tooth mobility. Treatment of traumatic bone cysts has included surgical exploration and curettage to motivate bleeding within the bony cavity,' packing of the cyst cavity with Gelfoam which has been saturated with thrombin and penicillin, and bone grafting based on previous study Injection of autogeneic blood into the bony cavity of a traumatic bone cyst was followed by rapid resolution of the lesion. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a rich source of growth factors. The growth factors present in PRP are familiar, including transforming growth factor-_ (TGF-_1 and TGF-_2), vascular endothelial growth factor, 3 isomers of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-__,PDGF-__, and PDGF-__), and endothelial growth factor. These growth factors are considered to have the capacity to accelerate chemotaxis, mitogenesis, angiogenesis, and synthesis of collagen matrix and support tissue repair when applied on bone wounds. Due to this high platelet content, PRP has been used in orthopaedic surgery, oral implantology, and periodontics with the aim of making the repair process as fast and natural as possible, as it can potentially afford considerable tissue improvement in bone and soft tissue in a similar way. PRP is easily acquired, rich in cell signalling molecules, completely autogenous and can be obtained from minimal blood volumes.the purpose of the present study is to determine the efficacy of PRP in the treatment of mandibular TBC.

Deproteinized Bovine Bone in Alveolar Bone Critical Size Defect (>2cm) Secondary to Cyst Removal...
Maxillary CystThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of deproteinized bovine bone as a filler material of critical-sized (diameter >=20 mm) bony defects derived from the excision of maxillary and mandibular cysts. 20 patients were considered. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups according to the type of treatment: the bone defect was filled with granules of deproteinized bovine bone (test); no filling material (control). Clinical parameters were recorded at 7 days, 1, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Radiological follow up consisted of an orthopantomograph and a CT scan taken at the baseline (pre-operatory) and 12 months after surgery. In order to evaluate the difference in percentage of filling of the bone defect between the two groups, the pre-op and the 1-year radiolucent volumes were evaluated in the CT scans.

Octreotide in Severe Polycystic Liver Disease
Polycystic KidneyAutosomal Dominant6 moreThis study will evaluate the effect of Octreotide LAR® on the liver volumes of patients with severe polycystic liver disease who are not candidates or decline surgical treatments such as liver cyst fenestration, liver resection or liver transplantation. A total of 42 patients will be recruited -14 who will receive placebo and 28 the study drug. Preliminary evidence indicates that this drug is safe and non-toxic in other disease states. Treatment with this drug holds promise not only for individuals with liver involvement, but also for many more patients with polycystic kidney disease.

Radicular Cyst Enucleation Using Piezosurgery Versus Conventional Surgery
RADICULAR CYSTSAIM: The study was intended to evaluate the effectiveness of piezosurgery in enucleation of radicular odontogenic cysts in comparison to the conventional technique from both the clinical and radiographic perspectives.