An Assessment of Intra-lesional 3% Polidocanol Solution in the Treatment of Digital Myxoid Cyst...
Ganglion CystsDigital myxoid cysts arise from degeneration in the connective tissue of the digit joint, usually the last joint of the finger or toe, often due to underlying joint arthritis. They may connect with the joint. Pressure from the cyst can result in deformity of the digit's nail and trauma to the cyst results in leakage of the fluid, representing a potential source of entry for infection. Cysts can be tender and interfere with the digit's function. A variety of treatments are available, from simple extrusion which is rarely successful, to more destructive cryotherapy, infra-red coagulation and formal excision under local anaesthetic. These latter three approaches can result in considerable scarring. Sclerosant injection of polidocanol in one small non-randomised trial has been reported to be a well tolerated efficacious treatment with minimal scarring and long-term resolution. Following a pilot study, the investigators aim to trial this treatment to assess efficacy in a larger population.

The Efficacy of Progestins in Treatment of Functional Ovarian Cyst
Functional Ovarian CystProgesteroneThe aim of this study is to determine whether the use of progesterone only pills has a beneficial effect over the expectant management of functional ovarian cyst or not , through a sample of female patients within the reproductive years

Effect of Biphasic Bone Graft Material With Autologous Platelet-rich Fibrin on Bone Regeneration...
Odontogenic Maxillary CystsEffect of Biphasic Bone Graft Material (BGM) in combination with autologous platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) on bone regeneration in an odontogenic maxillary cyst: a randomized clinical trial

Use of Stem Cells Cultured on a Scaffold for the Treatment of Aneurysmal Bone Cysts (ABC)
Aneurysmal Bone CystPatients qualified for this study are those diagnosed with ABCs and failed to be treated with other forms of classical therapies. In which, these patients will be engrafted with biodegradable scaffolds seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) supplemented with Platelet lysate.

The Treatment of Bartholin´s Cyst or Abscess With Silver Nitrate
Bartholin´s CystSilver nitrate treatment of Bartholin's cyst or abscess will be compared to marsupialization treatment. It is expected that silver nitrate treatment is effective, simple, inexpensive and the least anaesthetic requiring procedure, which can easily be carried out in the outpatient setting.

A Randomized Controlled Study on the Treatment of Sacral Canal Cysts With Sacral Canal Reinforcement...
Tarlov CystsThe subject will treat 68 patients with symptomatic sacral canal cysts as the research object, and adopt a randomized controlled research method, respectively, using two methods of reinforcement and reconstruction of the nerve root sleeve, sacroplasty and nerve root sleeve plasty, and observed the operation of the patient Complications, preoperative and postoperative short-term and long-term VAS pain scores, JOA neural function scores, and changes in cyst size on imaging examinations, to evaluate the safety of nerve root sleeve reconstruction and sacroplasty in reducing the safety of postoperative cyst recurrence Sex and effectiveness, so as to further improve the surgical treatment of sacral canal cysts, improve the curative effect, and formulate the operation specifications for the treatment of sacral canal cyst

Measurement of Renal Functional Reserve Change In Patients With SRC Before and After Laparoscopic...
Simple Renal CystRenal functional reserve may be improved in patients with simple renal cysts after laparoscopic deroofing.

Usefulness of Contrast Enhanced Harmonic Endoscopic Ultrasound for Pancreatic Cysts
Pancreatic CystThe study evaluates the role of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasound (CH-EUS) for the differentiation of the pancreatic cysts and their malignant potential.

DNA-mutation Analysis in Cyst Fluid of Suspected Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasia of the...
Pancreas CystDiagnostic tools are needed to identify mucinous cysts for further evaluation or follow-up respectively to identify cysts with HGD or invasive cancer at an early stage for surgical resection. Molecular genetic analysis of pancreatic cyst fluid is a new but rapidly evolving method to identify KRAS/GNAS oncogenic driver mutations in mucinous cysts and to identify tumour suppressor gene mutations which are involved in advanced cysts with HGD or carcinoma. The ongoing ZYSTEUS-study tries to implement DNA mutation analysis by Next Generation Sequencing in the diagnostic algorithm of pancreas cyst evaluation. The first aim is to distinguish mucinous from non-mucinous cysts. The second aim is to define relevant tumour suppressor gene mutations which are relevant to distinguish between LGD and HGD/carcinoma in mucinous cysts.

Bioactive Glass or Allogenic Bone in Pediatric Bone Cysts
Bone CystsThe Finnish Paediatric Orthopedic Study Group will perform a prospective, randomized, multicenter, clinical trial comparing two bone substitutes (allograft and bioactive glass, BonAlive®) in treating bone cysts in children (18 years or younger). The trial is carried out in five University Hospitals (Turku, Helsinki, Tampere, Oulu, Kuopio) in Finland.