Co-production and Feasibility RCT of Intervention to Improve the Mental Health of Children With...
Parent-Child RelationsChild Mental Disorder1 moreFeasibility RCT to ask: Can the investigators coproduce, with parent collaborators, a new service, Infant Parent Support (IPS), to improve the mental health of children with a social worker? Can the investigators test the feasibility of an RCT of IPS compared with services as usual?

Influence of Olfaction Essential Oils on the Consumption of Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonists & Z-Drugs...
Psychiatric DisorderBenzodiazepine WithdrawalThe goal of this interventional study is to test the use of olfactory Essential Oils through a nasal stick as one of the non-medicinal strategies to propose to the patient to reduce the consumption of medication in a population of stabilized patients with psychiatric disorder. The main objective is to evaluate whether the olfaction of a mixture of essential oils can reduce the intake of BZRAs, prescribed if needed. The investigators want to compare the number of medications prescribed on "if needed" basis before and after the introduction of Essential Oils. A period prior to inclusion is used to assess the participant's frequency of BZRA use. Then, participants will received Essential Oils through a nasal stick during 4 weeks. During this period, the patient completes weekly anxiety and sleep scales and at the final visit, weekly and monthly anxiety and sleep scales.

Community Reinforcement and Family Training for Early Psychosis (CRAFT-EP) and Substance Use: A...
PsychosisSubstance Use9 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate Community Reinforcement and Family Training for Early Psychosis (CRAFT-EP) for families experiencing early psychosis and substance use delivered exclusively or primarily via telehealth (video conferencing).

Self-Care for Dementia Caregivers
AgingMental Disorder8 moreThe Self-Care for Dementia Caregivers research study is a pilot randomized control trial (RCT) to develop and evaluate the feasibility of a behavioral intervention that uses technology and motivational health coaching to optimize caregivers' sleep, exercise, and social activities. Caregivers of family members with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-related dementias often experience disruptions of their biological or behavioral time cues, placing them at higher risk for adverse health outcomes. The investigators hypothesize that targeting the stability of sleep, exercise, and social activities will improve stability of the biological clock, improve caregiver health and wellbeing, and improve their ability to provide care.

Successful Transitions and Reintegration Tools for Veterans (START-VETS)
Substance Use DisorderMental Illness1 moreThis study will develop prison reentry materials for Veterans leaving prison.

PSYCHE Cognitive Remediation & Social Recovery Study
Early PsychosisThis study is a pilot feasibility study embedded in the Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services in Ireland. It explores the feasibility and acceptability of a combined cognitive remediation training and social recovery therapy intervention.

Assessment and Treatment for Chronic Pain in Veterans With Serious Mental Illness
Chronic PainSchizophrenia4 moreChronic pain has a highly negative impact on Veterans, especially those with serious mental illness (SMI). Chronic pain leads to poorer mental health and physical functioning, and represents a critical obstacle to rehabilitation and recovery. Despite known high prevalence rates of chronic pain in SMI populations, there is little research to: a) evaluate nonpharmacological pain management strategies in this population, and b) examine directional relations between chronic pain and SMI symptoms. This study aims to address research and clinical gaps by: a) testing the feasibility and acceptability of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain (CBT-CP) - a VA evidence-based psychotherapy for chronic pain - in Veterans with SMI, and b) better assessing the complex relation between chronic pain and psychiatric symptoms and their impact on functioning. Results from this study will inform us as to whether CBT-CP is feasible to implement, acceptable to Veterans with SMI, and worth examining in its standard or in an optimized form in a larger clinical trial.

Therapy Online Plus (TOP+) - Comparing Two Online Interventions for Dealing With Challenging Life...
Mental DisordersOnline-InterventionPsychotherapy interventions can roughly be grouped into compensation-oriented strategies (compensating for and and modifying personal deficits of patients) versus capitalization-oriented strategies (building on patients' personal strengths). Improvement of emotion regulation (compensation-oriented) as well as the activation of resilience (capitalisation-oriented) have been identified as important transdiagnostic factors in the treatment of mental disorders. The study aims to compare compensation vs. capitalization strategies by using two online programs, centered either on emotion-regulation ("REMOTION") or on activating resilience ("Res-Up!"). Res-Up! and REMOTION are administered as stand-alone intervention or as add-on treatment to standard psychotherapy. Participants will be randomly assigned to three study conditions (Res-Up!, REMOTION, waiting control group). Outcomes are assessed at baseline, after six weeks and after twelve weeks.

PARQuit Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adults With Serious Mental Illness
Smoking CessationSmoking3 moreThis is a research study about a smoking cessation program tailored for adults with serious mental illness (SMI). The program uses a Videogame-based Physical (VIP) activity, smoking cessation counseling, and medication (bupropion),

Effects of a Mindfulness App for Outpatients Waitlisted for Psychological Interventions
Mental DisorderThe purpose of this study is to evaluate a mindfulness-based meditation app provided to outpatients (or community participants) who are waitlisted for standard psychological care for mental health or substance use concerns.