Substance Misuse To Psychosis for Stimulants
Stimulant Use With Stimulant-Induced Psychotic Disorder (Diagnosis)Schizophrenia and Related Disorders3 moreIn Hong Kong, less than 5% of stimulants abusers were reported to misuse these substances via injection. Also, it is well known that patients with co-morbid substance abuse/dependence and psychosis or schizophrenia-related disorders are prone to earlier treatment discontinuation and high oral medication non-adherence, resulting in poorer overall outcomes. With the recent availabilities of the 4-weekly long-acting injectable form of aripiprazole, and the 4-weekly and the 3-monthly long-acting injectable form of paliperidone palmitate, on the background of the surging phenomenon of stimulant misuses in Hong Kong, it is a timely opportunity to conduct an early pharmacotherapy intervention study to offer an evidence-based strategy aiming to stop individuals with substance use disorders with psychosis to develop into a more chronic disabling dependence or co-morbid state.

PTSD Treatment and Emotion Regulation Skills Training for Veterans With Military Sexual Trauma (PE+ER)...
Stress DisordersPost-Traumatic3 morePrior research has found that Veterans with military sexual trauma (MST) who have more difficulties with emotion regulation were more likely to drop out of PTSD treatment prematurely. The purpose of this pilot study is to determine whether integrating evidence-based emotion regulation skills training with a scientifically validated treatment for PTSD called Prolonged Exposure (PE), will enhance PTSD treatment retention and 'dose received' and subsequently improve treatment outcomes for MST-related PTSD and difficulties with emotion regulation. Results from this project that examine the feasibility of integrating these two treatments will provide methodological evidence and justification for a randomized control trial, if warranted.

Transdiagnostic Internet Intervention to Improve Mental Health Among University Students
Psychological DisorderThis study offers transdiagnostic CBT-based treatment for symptoms of depression and anxiety to university students who have previously responded to the WHO-WMH-ICS survey.

Optimizing Engagement in Services for First-Episode Psychosis
EngagementPatient1 moreThis study will compare a 12-session behavioral activation (BA) intervention modified for first-episode psychosis (FEP) to usual community mental health care (i.e., treatment-as-usual; TAU) delivered over 6 months with a sample of Latinos with FEP and their families. Comparable family group sessions will also be delivered to participants in both conditions. It is expected that BA participants will show better engagement than TAU participants.

Skills Group for Those at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis
Clinical High-RiskPsychologicalThis study is intended to test the feasibility of an integrated cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) skills group for adolescents and young adults at clinical high-risk (CHR) for psychosis. The current study applies a skills group drawing from evidence-based practices (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)) to those at CHR for psychosis. Up to 16 CHR individuals (starting with a minimum of 3 participants, N accounts for attrition as well), aged 13-18, already receiving clinical services within the HOPE team at University of Pittsburgh will be offered a weekly skills group. Data collected on feasibility and outcome measures will occur within 1 month of the start of the group, at the midpoint (approximately 3-4 months after baseline), and at the end of the group (approximately 6-7 months after). Some measures will be collected continuously. Furthermore, measures will be collected after each group by the participants and leaders to assess feasibility. Taken together, the aim of the proposed group intervention is to provide novel insights regarding the utility of a newly developed intervention that integrates both CBT and DBT skills for those at CHR for psychosis.

Systems Aligning for Equity (SAFE) Spaces
SuicideMental Disorder4 moreThe goal of this 2-arm cluster randomized clinical trial is to test whether an evidence-based staff training and coaching model specifically designed as a response to legal system-involved youths' and frontline staff's mental health needs can improve the safety and suicide outcomes, mental health challenges, and wellness and facility climate for youth and staff in facilities assigned to the intervention condition. Staff in facilities assigned to the intervention are eligible to receive evidence-based programming in suicide detection and prevention (Shield of Care; SOC) and wellness skill-building (Skills for Life) through training and personalized coaching. Multiple training sessions will be offered to small groups of staff in-person in residential facilities and paired with personalized in-person and virtual coaching. Staff and youth in all facilities will be asked to complete periodic surveys assessing experiences in the facility, suicide and safety knowledge and risk, and their mental health and wellness. Researchers will compare outcomes of staff in youth in facilities assigned to the intervention compared to facilities in the training-as-usual condition.

Optimizing Residential Treatment Gains for Adolescents
ParentingAdolescent - Emotional Problem1 moreThe goal of this randomized controlled trial is to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of a web-based parent training (Parenting Wisely) augmented with facilitated parent groups (referred to as PWRT). PWRT is designed to prepare parents for the reintegration of their adolescents in the home after intensive psychiatric residential treatment. Researchers will compare PWRT to treatment as usual to determine whether PWRT effects target mechanisms (i.e., family function, social support, parental self-efficacy, parenting practices) and adolescent outcomes (i.e., internalizing and externalizing behaviors, placement restrictiveness).

Implementation and Evaluation of the ChildTaks+ Intervention in the Czech Republic
Mental DisorderMental Health Issue5 moreAims of the study. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the ChildTalks+ intervention and to implement it in education and practice. By delivering the ChildTalks+ intervention, i.e. educating parents about the transgenerational transmission of the disorder, informing them about the impact on their children, strengthening their parenting competencies, supporting communication within the family and informing COPMI about their parents' mental disorder, listening to their needs and providing emotional and social support to the family, the investigators expect the following outcomes: improved family communication, including children's awareness of their parents' mental health problems, improved overall well-being of COPMI, heightened perceptions of parental competence, increased family protective factors, including strengthened social support, sustained over time. Part of the intervention consists of early identification of social-emotional problems in children and referral for further professional help. The research questions the investigators will focus on are: What are the effects of the ChildTalks+ intervention in families where parents have a mental health disorder? Is the ChildTalks+ intervention feasible for therapists who treat patients with mental disorder? Is the ChildTalks+ intervention feasible in families where one parent has an eating disorder? Should the ChildTalks+ intervention be modified for this group of families where parent has an eating disorders?

A Digital Intervention to Improve Physical Activity and Sleep Behaviors in Youth With Psychiatric...
Psychiatric DiagnosisThe goal of "GamerFit" is to test the delivery of a theory-based mHealth app that utilizes social support, exergaming, and telehealth coaching to improve PA levels, sleep, and psychiatric symptoms among youth participants (ages 13-17 y) with PD. In order to aid future intervention optimization, up to 65 participants with at least one PD will be randomized, with 30-35 using the GamerFit app with weekly telehealth coaching sessions and 30-35 using a commercial healthy habits app as a comparator group

Effectiveness of an Online Life Skills-based Intervention on Mental Health
Mental Disorder in AdolescenceIt is a parallel cluster randomised controlled trial designed to assess the effectiveness of an online life skills education in reducing depression, anxiety, and stress and improving self-efficacy and coping skills among Arabic secondary school students at Arabic schools in Klang Valley in Malaysia.