Targeting Individual Alpha Frequencies to Enhance Perceptual Timing
PsychosisSchizophrenia1 moreThis is a single-blind randomized within-subject crossover design study that will be conducted in 2 phases. In Phase 1, up to 50 participants, after signing informed consent and determining eligibility, will undergo a baseline EEG and cognitive assessment. In Phase 2 participants will undergo tACS at IAF+2Hz, IAF-2Hz, and IAF during a double-flash illusion task in a randomized order. The tACS will be applied with a current of 1-2 mA (milliamperes) via two saline soaked electrode sponges (25 cm²) applied to the back of the head. The investigator's hypothesis is that participant's will perform better on the visual task while tACS is set to 2 Hz above their IAPF, relative to tACS set to 2 Hz below their IAPF.

European Study on the Attitude of Psychiatrists Towards Their Patients
Mental IllnessStigmatizationBackground: Many people think that people with mental disorders might be dangerous or unpredictable. These patients face various sources of disadvantages and experience discrimination on job interviews, in education, and housing. Mental health-related stigma (MHS) occurs not only within the public community, it is a growing issue among professionals as well. Aim: The investigators designed a prospective, observational, multi-centre, international study of 35 European countries to investigate the MHS among medical specialists and trainees in the field of general adult and child and adolescent psychiatry. Methods: An internet-based, anonymous survey will measure the stigmatizing attitude by using the local version of the Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers. Presentation of the Results: The results of the research will be published in an international peer-reviewed journal. Furthermore, the research team will present the results at national and international conferences.

MUMMIBODIES. Eating Disorders, Pregnancy and Post Partum Period.
Mental Health DisorderEating Disorders2 moreMUMMIEBODIES is a research study when women with eating disorders encounter pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. These are some condensed months that represent major challenges for this group. There are both a scientific and clinical basis for the mother's mental health to influence care and interaction with the child. In the case of eating disorders, there is also a risk of harmful consequences for the fetus as well as for more complicated pregnancies and births. This is a very important field of knowledge, but also a field about which there is far too little scientific knowledge. There is too little scientific knowledge about how women with eating disorders physically and mentally relate to their bodies and food during and after pregnancy. There is a great need for research that promotes expertise in how to help and meet women with eating disorders in these important phases of life. The aim of the study is to bring out the users' experiences. The investigators interview face-to-face pregnant women and mothers with eating disorders about their subjective experiences both during pregnancy and during childbirth. Recruitment of participants will be via health stations. The investigators will identify the course, experiences and solutions when women with eating disorders encounter pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. The investigators focus on three themes: 1) experience of course and change, 2) experience of emotional, cognitive and relational core experiences, and 3) women's own perceptions of what is the best help. The three themes have in common that they are fundamental for later development of help for this vulnerable group. The investigators have a clear idea that some of the best preventive work can be done before life really starts.

Ideation Trajectories and Suicide Attempts in Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders in Chile
Mental DisordersSuicide1 moreThis project seeks to evaluate the trajectories of suicidal ideation and attempts in adolescent patients with psychiatric disorders in secondary care controls in the Maule region, in relation to clinical factors (depressive symptoms, anxiety, stress, psychiatric comorbidity, mistreatment or abuse, history of psychiatric disorders and pharmacological treatments); psychological (parenting styles, impulsivity, barriers in seeking help and emotional regulation), and neuropsychological (executive function-decision making).

ASAP - Assisted Immediate Augmented Post-/Long-COVID Plan for Patients Infected With COVID-19
Long-COVIDPost-COVID11 morePost-/long-COVID occurs in patients with severe, moderate, and even mild courses. The symptomatology is multi-layered and complex. Patients with mild and moderate courses and especially younger patients are not optimally integrated into one of the existing care structures of COVID outpatient clinics and regular primary care. The diagnosis of post-/long-COVID and a consequent targeted treatment are currently partly not ensured. The variability of symptoms and the resulting complexity of diagnosis and treatment also pose a challenge in rural areas. The aim of the project is an evaluation of a program for low-threshold needs identification and treatment planning for a hybrid (personal supporting counselors and digital trainings) post-/long-COVID care. The contents of the present project include an innovative basis outside the existing standard care for the identification of affected persons. This will be done by means of a low-threshold online screening, which can also be carried out by the affected persons themselves. Furthermore, an intensive interdisciplinary assessment linked to medical rehabilitation resulting in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral treatment plan is a core component of the current project. Finally, the implementation of digital trainings which are accompanied by a personal supporting counselor and augmented by continuously available trainings in the form of digital modules aim to provide general recommendation for the future support of post/long-COVID care. The current research project aims to evaluate the feasibility and the practicability of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral treatment program consisting of a low-threshold online screening and holistic assessment for PACS. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate digital interventions and the use of so-called personal guides that may help to facilitate the recovery of PACS.

Evaluation of Case Management for First Episode Psychosis Using the PEPsy-CM Checklist
First Episode PsychosisPsychotic disorders are often chronic conditions that lead to impaired functioning, quality of life and social integration. Current research and recommendations for good practice are moving towards early detection and intervention. It is recognized that this leads to better adherence, alliance to care and knowledge of pathology for the patient, especially in young patients. For more than a decade, early intervention services (EIS) are opened in France over an increasingly large territory. Still too few studies assess the impact of these structures in France. These EIS offer a multimodal intervention (social, professional, psychotherapeutic). The intervention of case managers (or care coordinators in french) seems to be the core of EIS. The case manager has a fundamental role in the process of recovery in coordinating each individual's treatment and ensuring continuity of care. The PEPsy-CM study aims to evaluate the effectiveness on the relapse rate of a 3 year Program for Early Psychosis based on Case Management (PEPsy-CM) compared to TAU in a population of young people with a FEP. A qualitative evaluation of case management practice in EIS seems essential to assess the impact of case managers under real conditions. Based on the Australian Good Practice Recommendations (EPICC integrity tools) and the case management practice manuals, the PEPsy-CM check-list questionnaire was developed to evaluate the practice of case management in the EIS in France. This check-list contains different 35 items. The final score between 1(poor) to 5 (good) is established to determine the quality of the case management. Qualitative data are also collected during the interview with the participants.

Biomarkers of Efficiency of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Suicidal Behavior
Actual Suicidal Behavior DisorderSuicidal behaviors (SB) are a major health problem in France:10,000 suicides and 220,000 suicide attempts every year. SB management is therefore a major public health issue. Recently, investigators have demonstrated the interest of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as an add-on treatment to reduce intensity and severity of suicidal ideation in depressed patients having a history of suicide attempt within previous year (i.e actual SB disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5)). Based on structural and functional findings, it is admitted orbitofrontal and ventral prefrontal cortices play a role in suicidal vulnerability. Interestingly, previous functional MRI (fMRI) studies have also reported the modulation of these regions by ACT in subjects suffering from chronic pain. fMRI could thus be an interesting tool to identify biomarkers of SB and its improvement by ACT. The aim of study is to investigate neural biomarkers of ACT efficiency in patients with SB disorder. Patients having a history of SB within previous year were randomized in an ACT program (21 patients) or relaxation program (21 patients) during 7 weeks. Before and after the completion of the group, they performed 3 tasks during fMRI: implicit emotional visualization, Cyberball game, motivational task Investigators will compare cerebral activations between groups, between pre and post intervention as well as measure baseline cerebral activations associated with improvement of suicidal ideation during follow up.

Proactive Psychiatry Consultation for Patients With Cancer and Severe Mental Illness
Major DepressionSchizophrenia6 moreIndividuals with severe mental illness (SMI) including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are dying younger than the general population; cancer is a leading cause of death in this population. People with SMI have higher rates of dying from breast, lung, and colon cancer, and disparities in treatment appear to be one contributing factor. Individuals with SMI may be diagnosed with more advanced stage cancer and less likely to receive stage-appropriate cancer treatment. Although collaborative care models integrating medical and psychiatric care have shown promise in other populations, the challenge of treating SMI and cancer is distinct and relatively understudied. Patients may have uncontrolled psychiatric symptoms that can impact their understanding of their diagnosis and treatment decisions. Oncologists have less training and inadequate time to address multiple unmet needs. Mental health care is frequently fragmented from cancer care. The investigators want to understand if it is helpful for patients with SMI to be connected to a psychiatrist and case manager when cancer is diagnosed. Optimizing psychiatric symptoms and facilitating communication between the patient, the oncology team, and mental health providers may improve care. The goal is to pilot a pragmatic intervention for patients with cancer and SMI that can be integrated into cancer care, is acceptable to patients and oncology clinicians, and may promote the delivery of stage-appropriate cancer treatment to an underserved population. Patients will be connected to a psychiatrist and case manager at cancer diagnosis who will follow the patient and communicate with the oncology team during the 12 week intervention. All participants will complete brief surveys at baseline, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks. Oncology clinicians will provide feedback about the intervention at 12 weeks. Cancer treatment received and healthcare utilization will be assessed at 6 months post-intervention.

Latent Structure of Multi-level Assessments and Predictors of Outcomes in Psychiatric Disorders...
DepressionAnxiety2 moreIn this study the investigators will seek to improve our understanding of how positive and negative valence systems, cognition, and arousal/interoception are inter-related in disorders of mood, substance use, and eating behavior. The investigators will recruit 1000 individuals and use a wide range of assessment tools, neuroimaging measures, blood and microbiome collections and behavioral tasks to complete the baseline and follow-up study visits. Upon completion, the investigators aim to have robust and reliable dimensional measures that quantify these systems and a set of assessments that should be recommended as a clinical tool to enhance outcome prediction for the clinician and assist in determining who will likely benefit from what type of intervention.

Antipsychotic to Treat Psychosis Syndrome
Psychotic DisordersThis study assess the safety and effects of atypical antipsychotics in subjects with psychosis syndrome and psychosis risk syndrome.