An Acceptability Study of Unflavored Asenapine Versus Raspberry Flavored Asenapine in Stable Patients...
PsychosisThis trial was a randomized trial to determine a patient's acceptability of unflavored antipsychotic medication compared to raspberry flavored antipsychotic medication. Patients received 6 total doses of study drug (2 doses of each asenapine formulation) over 3 consecutive days: 2 different formulations each day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. The formulations were: white unflavored, white raspberry flavored, and red raspberry flavored. Patients were given a questionnaire following each dose of study medication (one questionnaire twice per day for 3 days) to measure how acceptable each formulation was.

Proactive Psychiatry Consultation for Patients With Cancer and Severe Mental Illness
Major DepressionSchizophrenia6 moreIndividuals with severe mental illness (SMI) including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are dying younger than the general population; cancer is a leading cause of death in this population. People with SMI have higher rates of dying from breast, lung, and colon cancer, and disparities in treatment appear to be one contributing factor. Individuals with SMI may be diagnosed with more advanced stage cancer and less likely to receive stage-appropriate cancer treatment. Although collaborative care models integrating medical and psychiatric care have shown promise in other populations, the challenge of treating SMI and cancer is distinct and relatively understudied. Patients may have uncontrolled psychiatric symptoms that can impact their understanding of their diagnosis and treatment decisions. Oncologists have less training and inadequate time to address multiple unmet needs. Mental health care is frequently fragmented from cancer care. The investigators want to understand if it is helpful for patients with SMI to be connected to a psychiatrist and case manager when cancer is diagnosed. Optimizing psychiatric symptoms and facilitating communication between the patient, the oncology team, and mental health providers may improve care. The goal is to pilot a pragmatic intervention for patients with cancer and SMI that can be integrated into cancer care, is acceptable to patients and oncology clinicians, and may promote the delivery of stage-appropriate cancer treatment to an underserved population. Patients will be connected to a psychiatrist and case manager at cancer diagnosis who will follow the patient and communicate with the oncology team during the 12 week intervention. All participants will complete brief surveys at baseline, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks. Oncology clinicians will provide feedback about the intervention at 12 weeks. Cancer treatment received and healthcare utilization will be assessed at 6 months post-intervention.

A Prospective Observational Study of Family-based Interventions for Children With Neuropsychiatric...
ADHDAsperger Syndrome1 moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility and the effects of family-based interventions for children (aged 5-12) with neuropsychiatric and psychiatric disorders in Finnish health care settings.

Antipsychotic to Treat Psychosis Syndrome
Psychotic DisordersThis study assess the safety and effects of atypical antipsychotics in subjects with psychosis syndrome and psychosis risk syndrome.

Metabolic Side-effects for Second-generation Antipsychotics
Mental DisordersSecond-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), including clozapine, are commonly used nowadays as treatment for psychosis. There are increasing concerns about their related metabolic side-effects over weight gain, risks to cause glucose intolerance and hyperlipidemia, and a specific condition known as metabolic syndrome. All these side-effects might be associated with the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. This study is to analyze the simple physical measurements (weight and height) and venous blood tests (for fasting blood glucose and lipid) results collected routinely since 2008 (recommended by the local hospital authority as a territory-wide "SGAs Monitoring Program") from those outpatients receiving SGAs (amisulpride, aripiprazole, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine, risperidone and ziprasidone) and/or clozapine, at a local psychiatric outpatient clinic in Hong Kong. The investigators hypothesized that there should be differential risks on metabolic side-effects amongst these SGAs.

Mapping Personality Traits to Genes
Mental DisorderPrevious research involving families, twins, and adoption all support the idea that there is a substantial heritable aspect to personality. The goal of this research study is to determine how genetics influence heritable personality traits. The work will focus on how genetics affect the chemical messengers which brain cells use to communicate with each other (neurotransmitters). The study involves collecting personality data and DNA samples from related individuals, primarily male siblings and female siblings, but also including parents. Genetic tests performed on these samples will continue to focus on variations in genes, which potentially effect brain neurotransmission. This research has the potential to advance knowledge of genetic influences on human behavior that may be relevant both to normal personality and to psychopathology.

Young People and Illness Management and Recovery (IMR)
PsychosisBipolar Disorder1 moreThe study is a combined clinical patient outcome study and a health-services research sub-study. Illness management and recovery (IMR) constitutes an evidence-based practice with 11 modules focusing on personal recovery developed for adults with severe mental health illnesses. IMR can be offered in groups or individually, once a week for 10-12 months. Little is known about how young people experience the utility of IMR treatment groups in child and adolescent mental health outpatient clinics. The primary aim is to explore in-depth how the participants experience the utility of the IMR approach. The health research sub-study will provide new insights into the IMR implementation process in outpatient clinics for adolescents.

Family Perspectives:Treatment of Psychiatric Illnesses With Atypical Long Acting Injectable Antipsychotic...
Psychotic DisordersPatients who have schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, a psychotic disorder, and are being treated with a medication called Risperidone Long Acting Injectable medication or another antipsychotic medication are candidates for the study. The purpose of the study is to find out from patients' family how they feel the medication has affected their relationship with them. The study will involve meeting with family members three times over the course of one year. The first time will be at New Hampshire Hospital (NHH) or at a community mental health center and the follow up times will be at a convenient place and time for the family member (s), in the community. We will ask them to answer questions from the Family Burden Interview and Quality of Life Questionnaire. The family will not be charged for any test that is completed solely for this study. The family will be provided a travel stipend to meet with the researchers.

COVID-19 Serological Testing of Patients With a Mental Disorder From the Catchment Area of the Capital...
Covid19Severe Mental DisorderThe pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has lately caused worldwide health problems. Patients suffering from a severe mental disorder are at increased risk for infectious diseases. The primary aim of the present surveillance study is to perform COVID-19 serological testing on patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or a bipolar affective disorder. Patients from the catchment area of the Capital Region of Denmark will be COVID-19 tested at baseline (0 months) and again at 6 and 12 months, in order to follow the spread of COVID-19 among this vulnerable patient population.

Study of Patients Hospitalized in Specialized Cognitive-behavioral Unit (UCC)
Behavior DisordersThe purpose of the study is to assess the mortality of patient discharged from the specialized cognitive-behavioral unit (UCC) of Toulon.