Screening for Childhood-Onset Psychotic Disorders
Childhood Onset Psychotic DisordersSchizophrenia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to screen and evaluate children with psychotic disorders to establish or confirm their diagnosis and to collect data about their condition. This study will also recruit individuals for various treatment studies. Childhood psychotic disorders are debilitating conditions in which children have auditory or visual hallucinations and disorganized thoughts. This study will examine psychotic disorders in children in an inpatient setting. Participants in this study will be admitted to the NIH Clinical Center for up to 9 weeks under one or more of the following conditions: current medication, no medication, or tapered medication. Participants will undergo blood, urine, metabolic, and intellectual functioning tests. An electrocardiogram (EKG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) will be performed. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain will be taken and infrared oculography will be used to measure eye movements. Participants and their family members may also be asked to participate in a study of genetics in children with psychotic illnesses. Children meeting criteria for childhood onset schizophrenia may be offered participation in a medication comparison protocol.

School Withdrawal in Adolescents
DepressionAnxiety Disorders5 moreThe aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of the outpatient ambulatory child psychiatric care system on the functioning of anxio-depressive adolescents in school retreat by describing the modalities of individual psychic functioning.

Child Results Following Preventive Children of Parents With Psychiatric and Addictive Problems (COPP)...
Psychiatric Disorder NOSThis is a study evaluating changes in quality of life and global functioning across and after a manualized peer-group preventive intervention for children of parents with psychiatric or addictive problems.

Understanding and Helping Families: Parents With Psychosis
ParentingPsychosis1 moreThe purpose of this trial is to explore parent-child interactions in parents with and without psychosis, and ascertain whether a brief (10 week) supported self-help parenting program offered to parents in their own homes can help improve parents' self-efficacy and general well-being, as well as interpretations of their parent-child relationship and child behaviour in children who are 3-10 years old.

Evaluation of a Teaching Curriculum on Disruptive Behaviour Disorders
Disruptive BehaviorThe investigators have initiated an education program for residents on the diagnosis and management of disruptive behavior disorders in children. These will be presented as two 2-hour modules to be delivered at an academic half-day for pediatric trainees across Canada. We plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum by administering a pre and post test. Pediatric residents in Canada all participate in a practical assessment of their skills (an Observed Structured Clinical Examination or OSCE). The investigators plan to develop on OSCE station which assesses the curriculum and randomize programs to do the curriculum either before or after the OSCE. This will help us determine how effective the curriculum is at teaching about disruptive behaviours.

PROVIT The Influence of Probiotics on Body and Mind in Individuals With Psychiatric Disorders
Mood DisordersDepressionThe aim of this study is to explore the effects of probiotics in individuals with a clinically relevant depression on psychiatric symptoms and cognition, inflammatory parameters, as well as gene-expression. The study is conducted as a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, prospective, monocentric clinical study, with a two-arm parallel group design. Individuals in the intervention group receive the multispecies probiotics "Omnibiotics Stress Repair" in addition to vitamin B7, while individuals in the control group receive "Placebo" in addition to vitamin B7.

Early Intervention Psychosis Communication and Engagement Trial
First Episode PsychosisThis study will examine whether or not the use of digital communication methods (text messages and emails) improves patient engagement with Early Intervention Psychosis (EIP) Services, compared to standard communication methods (letters and telephone calls). One of the biggest challenges of psychiatric services is patient disengagement. People with psychosis, are often difficult to engage in community based mental health services (CMHTs). Patient's who disengage from psychiatric care often have higher social care needs, are often more unwell and are more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act compared to those who engage. It is important to examine the reasons for this for both research and clinical reasons to establish the effectiveness of the service to its users. Importance must be placed on the clinician's perspective of the engagement; the patient's perspective is vital. This study is a pilot two-arm pragmatic Randomised Control Trial to examine the feasibility of assessing engagement of EIP services through different communication methods. Patients and care-coordinators will use self-reported scales to measure engagement to determine whether this improves through the use of different communication methods. Patients will be asked to consent to being randomly allocated to one of two groups: (i.) Receive letters, phone calls and voicemail's from their care coordinator for standard appointments. OR (ii.) Receive text messages and emails from their care-coordinator for standard appointments. Patients eligible for this study will be in their first six months of care under an EIP CMHT and who have consented to take part. They will be aged 18-35, not a hospital inpatient, have access to the Internet, a mobile phone and who are fluent in the English language. Care-coordinators will assess the feasibility and acceptability of the design and procedures and determine an effective sample size calculation for a future large scale pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial.

IPS/Peer Support Intervention in the DTES
BehaviorAdaptive2 moreIndividual placement support (IPS) is an evidence-based supported employment model for people with severe mental illness, designed to achieve employment in mainstream competitive jobs, either part-time or full-time. The aim of this study is to assess the (i) effectiveness of embedding the (IPS)/Peer Support intervention as part of the primary care centre in securing employment of adults living in the downtown eastside in comparison to the usual treatment WorkBC (control group). (ii) effectiveness of IPS/Peer Support versus the usual treatment (WorkBC) in improving mental illness, quality of life and personal recovery through participation in employment.

Citalopram and Self Emotional Processing
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological ActionDepression4 moreThis study is investigating the effect of an acute dose of citalopram on emotional processing about the self. Using a parallel-group double-blind design, participants will be randomised to receive either an acute dose of citalopram or placebo. Participants will then complete a number of widely used computer-based cognitive tasks measuring emotional processing biases towards the self. This study has also been registered on OSF: https://osf.io/nhjvs/?view_only=b39c49bddfd543b99b627dc992e49b45

Evaluation of the Impact of a Social Network Via a Digital Platform for Caregivers of Patients Suffering...
Mental IllnessSevere mental illnesses have a significant social cost, as much by their impact on the sick as on their entourage. The Deinstitutionalization and care in the community of patients with severe mental illness result in increased families and loved ones (also known as "informal caregivers" or "informal caregivers") If psychoeducation programs have been developed to help caregivers better manage and cope with the illness of the person being helped (optimize the quality of care, manage anxiety and isolation, these initiatives appear minimal in view of the magnitude of the burden (notion of burden: "burden") and the suffering of caregivers. Quality of life levels remain extremely low compared to the general population, nearly 4 out of 10 caregivers show a sense of inability to cope with the "permanent anxiety" of this load, 1/3 feels depressed and over 1/10 feels isolated on a personal and professional level