Medication Adherence in Older People With Psychosis
Psychotic DisordersSchizophreniaThis study will determine whether Medication Adherence Therapy (MAT) can improve medication adherence and lower the risk of rehospitalization in older patients with psychosis.

Community-based Mental Health Care for People With Severe and Enduring Mental Ill Health
Severe Mental DisordersSchizophrenia2 moreA single-blinded hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial (Type II), that both evaluates the intervention outcomes (clinical and service use outcomes) through patient-randomization in the implementation sites, as well as evaluates the implementation strategy chosen for the intervention and its impact on implementation outcomes (e.g. adoption, fidelity, acceptability and maintenance (continued implementation) of the intervention).

A Naturalistic Controlled Trial of Individual Placement and Control in Bodø
Severe Mental DisorderThe investigators aim to test the effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) on employment, welfare dependency, and public-sector health care utilization. This is a naturalistic controlled trial, where one municipality (Bodø in Norway) with about 50000 inhabitants get access to IPS services in public sector mental health services during the period 2013-2016. The target group for the intervention is patients with severe mental illness (SMI) in the age group 18-40 at time of treatment. Patients already receiving lifelong disability benefits will be excluded. The control group will be an average of 10 municipalities in Norway without IPS services. Data for outcomes will be based on public registries available for research.

Music Therapy and Bio-psychological Effect Among Chronic Psychiatric Inpatients of a Community Teaching...
Chronic PsychosisNegative symptoms are an important factor in preventing patients from returning to the community, we aim to assess the effect of music therapy on negative symptoms through this study. Participants of integrated music therapy will receive instrument playing, singing, lyrics modification/music organized play, listening to music and discussing each treatment process. Other participants will receive passive music listening or regular occupational therapy during the experimental period. Psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, social and interactive skills, and the differences in the physiological signals produced by skin, muscles, and heart will be measured before, after, and two months after the music therapy.

Pilot Study of the Feasibility of Palm Pilots in Monitoring Smoking Behavior in Individuals With...
SmokingThe goal of this open trial is to pilot the use of palm pilots as a tool for monitoring smoking behavior in individuals with serious mental illness. That is, the investigators aim to assess the usefulness and feasibility of using Palm Pilots as a tool for monitoring smoking behavior and for coaching participants to use a strategy for delaying and reducing cigarette use.

Adaptation and Implementation of an ASD Executive Functioning Intervention in Children's Mental...
Autism Spectrum DisorderMental Health Disorder1 moreThe purpose of this project is to conduct a feasibility test of an ASD executive functioning intervention adapted for mental health settings, including examining the effectiveness and process of implementing this adapted intervention in community mental health programs.

Feasibility of an Avatar-Led and ACT-Based App for Adjunctive Psychotherapy in In- and Outpatients:...
Mental DisorderThe aim of this study is to test the feasibility of an application for smartphones based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that was designed to increase treatment adaptation (i.e. learning therapy skills) and treatment utility (i.e. feedback for the patient). The use of this avatar- led application will be tested by patients with mental disorders adjunctive to their therapy. Patients will be given a smartphone for one week with the application developed specifically for this purpose. The study will be a single group design and patients will be assessed two times: before and after having tested the application. Measurements will include acceptability (adherence, utilization, utility, satisfaction) of the application, as well as patients characteristics, such as diagnostic interviews, questionnaires about symptomatology, well-being, social interactions, and an exit questionnaire when leaving the study to assess what was learned.

Collaborative Nursing Care-based Intervention in Mental Health Day Hospital Users
Care AcceptorHealth5 moreOBJECTIVES: 1. To evaluate the impact of an intervention based on collaborative nursing care in terms of the changes produced in the recovery process, in positive mental health and in the nurse-patient therapeutic relationship among users of mental health day hospitals. To explore the changes produced in the recovery process of users who receive collaborative nursing care through the co-design and implementation of group activities. DESIGN: A sequential and transformative mixed methods design is proposed. METHODS. The study is structured in three phases. In phase one (baseline) and phase three (follow-up), quantitative data will be collected from patients at a mental health day hospitals based on a two-armed, parallel-design, non-randomized trial. In phase two, two groups will be established: an intervention group (GI) in which the intervention based on collaborative nursing care will be carried out through the co-design and implementation of activities through Participatory Action Research, and a control group (CG) in which the usual care dynamics will be continued. All the users of three mental health day hospitals who agree to participate in the study will be studied consecutively until the necessary sample size is reached. The outcomes used to evaluate the impact of the intervention will be the stage of the recovery process, the quality of the therapeutic relationship and the patient's level of positive mental health. DISCUSSION: Very few collaborative nursing care interventions have been studied and shown to be effective in the context of the paradigm shift toward recovery in mental health nursing. IMPACT: Understanding the changes produced in the recovery process, as well as in the quality of the therapeutic relationship and in the maintenance and/or increase of the levels of positive mental health of people with mental health problems, can contribute to the design and implementation of new methodologies to offer effective and person- centered care.

Economic and Clinical Outcomes of Attendance in Psychosis Services Using SMS.
PsychosisThe aim of this research is to find out if mobile phone text message reminders of appointments can help to address missed appointments in Psychosis Community Services. Another aim is to examine if fewer missed appointments result in clinical benefits for service users and in lower costs for Psychosis Community Services over a period of 6 months. 600 users from 2 London Psychosis Community Services will take part in this research. Each participant will be put into one of two groups, as s/he joins the study: In the first (experimental) group, each participant will receive appointment reminders for 6 months (7 and 1 day/s before each appointment), starting with the first available opportunity upon joining the study. In the second (control) group, each participant will not receive appointment reminders for 6 months. The choice of group for each individual will be made at random by a computer. Clinical information will be collected for 6 months from the time each participant joins the study, using, with his or her consent, their anonymised electronic medical records. The following clinical information will be compared between the experimental and control groups: Attendance of appointments, number of inpatient admissions, number of days in inpatient care, number of inpatient admissions under the mental health treatment act, number of referrals to a home treatment team, number of times patient has changed medication, health and social functioning. Service use, service costs and the cost-effectiveness of the reminder system will also be examined. Towards the end of their participation, service users, as well as mental health professionals, will be invited to express their views, concerns and suggestions in relation to the reminder service by completing a brief anonymised (service users) or anonymous (staff) questionnaire

My Coach Connect: An Automated Telephone-based Reporting System for Patients With Mental Illness...
Chronic Mental IllnessMajor Depression2 moreThis is a pilot study for a novel, automated telephone system called "My Coach Connect". The purpose of the study is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of this telephone tool while engaging clients and providers in discussion groups and surveys to better understand how this tool impacts the care provided and their overall experience in healthcare.