My Coach Connect: An Automated Telephone-based Reporting System for Patients With Mental Illness...
Chronic Mental IllnessMajor Depression2 moreThis is a pilot study for a novel, automated telephone system called "My Coach Connect". The purpose of the study is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of this telephone tool while engaging clients and providers in discussion groups and surveys to better understand how this tool impacts the care provided and their overall experience in healthcare.

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Individual Therapy for First Episode Psychosis
PsychosisIn the first year of treatment after a FE of SCZ, 75% to 90% of patients achieve remission from psychotic symptoms. However, approximately 40% of FE patients are non-adherent to medication regimes and more than 60% have intermittent periods of gaps of non-adherence. Relapse rates are high with 82% of patients relapsing at least once within 5 years. Unfortunately even amongst those who do achieve full remission from psychotic symptoms, functional recovery remains a major challenge for patients. All the evidence suggests that individuals with SCZ do best with a combination of pharmacology and psychosocial intervention. Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) is gaining recognition as an effective treatment in SCZ and is in fact the only psychosocial treatment in SCZ with proven durability at short term follow-up. Although it is currently being used, the investigators need to learn more about the impact of CBT on FE SCZ especially as experts are advocating for CBT to be a critical component of FE clinical services.

Personalized, Transdiagnostic Approach to Preventative Mental Health
Mental HealthMental Disorders4 moreThis study is investigating the self-report adherence and assessment completion rates when presented with a transdiagnostic, partial assessment multiple times a day when compared with a monotopic, complete assessment once a day. Specifically, the investigators are testing the hypothesis that the personalization of diagnostic assessment topics and timing will lead to improved self-report regiment adherence rates, assessment completion rates, and total assessments completed during the study period. The study does not test the efficacy of the personalized assessments as a diagnostic instrument, there is no clinical decision support provided to clinicians during this study, and there is no treatment provided during this study.

Community-based Mental Health Care for People With Severe and Enduring Mental III Health ( RECOVER-E...
Severe Mental DisorderSchizophrenia2 moreA single-blinded hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial (Type II), that both evaluates the intervention outcomes (clinical and service use outcomes) through patient-randomization in the implementation sites, as well as evaluates the implementation strategy chosen for the intervention and its impact on implementation outcomes (e.g. adoption, fidelity, acceptability and maintenance (continued implementation) of the intervention).

Alternative Care to the Accompaniment Called "Place of Respite" in the Resolution of the Psychotic...
Mental HealthDocument the effectiveness of the "Respite Site" program in relation to the current health system. Document in particular the number and type of constraints, lengths of hospitalization and mode of exit, as well as the exit destination of psychotic homeless people.

Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Early Psychosis
Psychotic DisorderA brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation programme is developed to reduce the caregiver's stress and to promote young people's recovery. A randomized controlled trial will be conducted to compare a mindfulness-based family psychoeducation intervention, with an ordinary family psychoeducation intervention. 300 caregivers of a youth who have experienced early psychosis will be recruited. Programme effectiveness will be assessed by comparing outcomes measuring caregiver's perceived stress, positive well-being, and the young people's mental health symptoms. As part of the programme activity, Photovoice approach is selected to explore the complex family experiences and the benefits of mindfulness from the caregiver's personal perspectives. Caregivers can offer their voices about their burdens, and how mindfulness can benefit to the families through their involvement in a photo taking activity during the psychoeducation programme.

SRC Inhibition as a Potential Target for Parkinson's Disease Psychosis
Parkinson Disease PsychosisParkinson's disease is often characterised by movement symptoms such as rigidity and bradykinesia, however, there are a number of non-motor symptoms that can have a significant impact on quality of life. One of the most common non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease is visual hallucinations (where someone sees things that don't exist outside their mind). . Recent findings led to the approval of a drug called Pimavanserin as a treatment for PD psychosis in the USA. Based on other recent studies, we believe that Saracatinib, a drug that interacts within the same system as Pimavanserin, is a potential treatment for PD psychosis. Saracatinib has shown to reduce the intensity of the psychedelic effect induced by psilocybin (a naturally occurring psychedelic found in psilocybe mushrooms) and attenuate social cognition and brain changes in healthy volunteers. The aim of this study is to test the effects of 14 days dosing of saracatinib or placebo on 30 volunteers with PD psychosis. We aim to to use neuroimaging combined with psychopharmacology to provide evidence that a putative new treatment approach can modulate abnormal visual cortex activation in patients with PD psychosis. If positive, this proof of mechanism study would provide a strong platform to pursue symptom modification studies with Saracatinib.

Evaluation of Home Treatment for Acute Psychiatric Care
Mental DisorderThe study's goal is to evaluate whether home treatment is an effective and efficient alternative to inpatient care for people with acute mental illness. Patients who meet the study's inclusion criteria are randomly assigned to either the condition home treatment or inpatient care (treatment-as-usual), during one year. Following two years, the two treatment modalities will be analyzed in terms of inpatient days, cost effectiveness, rehospitalization rate, severity of symptoms and sociodemographics.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the TOVERTAFEL System on Behavioral Disorders
Behavioral DisorderThe prevalence of behavioral disorders is high in patients living in an institutional environment or hospitalized in a long-term care unit. The consequences of these symptoms are not negligible with a faster cognitive decline and a significant impact on the life of the institution and of other patients when the disorders are pervasive and too difficult to manage for the healthcare teams. Despite the daily attention paid to these disorders and their causes, especially the environmental ones, the teams are sometimes helpless, the teams are sometimes helpless today to fight against these symptoms, and their management thus constitutes a real challenge. Non-drug interventions targeting this problem often require additional training, architectural installations (Snoezelen space) and / or are moderately effective. In order to offer a solution that can be used by everyone, that is transportable and based on new technologies, the TOVERTAFEL device was created. These are interactive games projected onto a table using a ceiling projector. The light animations invite people to "play with the light" using arm or hand movements. These games stimulate residents' physical activity and encourage interactions between residents and with caregivers. In this study, it is a question of evaluating the effectiveness of the TOVERTAFEL device on the frequent behavioral symptoms in dementia (agitation, ambulation, apathy, anxiety), the quality of life of the patients, as well as on psychotropic treatments.

Applying Short-term Interactive Video Games on Community Patients With Mental Disorders
PsychiatryNursingThe purpose of this study is to design prospective experiments before and after the test. The purpose is to explore whether short-term interactive video games can improve the motivation, interpersonal interaction, and physical and mental health of patients with mental illness in community rehabilitation homes. Samples of mentally ill patients from community rehabilitation homes (full-day rehabilitation institutions) in the northern region were collected using a structured questionnaire for the recipients, as follows: Collect basic information through a structured questionnaire, which includes basic information, disease status, life style and other related information. Three data collections were performed, namely the baseline period (T0) and the pre-program (T1) two weeks later. Three weeks of intervention activities were provided twice a week, followed by a post-test ( post-program, T2). After a total of six times mentioned above, each 60 minutes of interactive video game intervention, the patient completed the activity feedback form, reflecting the feelings and feedback of participating in the activity.