The PsychOsis and Diabetes Service Model (PODS) Population Profile Study.
Type2DiabetesSevere Mental DisorderPeople with severe mental illness (SMI), defined as psychotic and bipolar disorders, die 17-20 years earlier than the general population, the most common cause of death being cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The major contributor to CVD mortality in SMI is the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) compared to the general population. T2D is a paradigm of a single condition that progresses to multiple conditions. T2D requires annual reviews of 9 diabetes care processes and for patients to adopt multiple self-care tasks to prevent diabetes complications. The 9 diabetes care processes include: 3-6 monthly blood glucose measurement (HbA1c) with appropriate targets; blood pressure measurements and targets depending on diabetes complication status; annual blood cholesterol measurement; kidney function testing with urinary albumin; kidney function testing with serum creatinine; weight check; smoking status; diabetes annual eye screening; and annual foot examination. In the National Diabetes Audit 2016-17, people with SMI and T2D were 10% less likely to take up all 9 diabetes care processes and have worse glycaemic control as a result. Therefore the aim of this study is to determine who is receiving these care processes and to develop new care pathways/interventions that support this population. This project is a cross-sectional study and will take place in Lambeth south London, an area with high prevalence of SMI, and therefore T2D, and deprivation. W aim to profile the entire population of people with SMI and T2D within the Hills Brook and Dales and StockWELL Primary Care Networks. The investigators will access the participants medical records and record details of their latest physical health assessment and ask them to complete 7 validated questionnaires and brief informal interview either face to face in their GP surgery or over the phone. This project has been funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing.

Use of Bispectral Index Monitoring to Detect Deep Sedation in Mechanically Ventilated Patients:...
Disorder; MentalSedative3 moreIn the previous study, the investigators obtained the cutoff value of Bispectral Index to detect early deep sedation in patients with mechanical ventilation. Bispectral Index monitoring can be used as an adjunct tool in screening and confirming deep sedation during the early period of mechanical ventilation. In present study, validation test will be carried out to clarify the sensitivity and specificity of obtained cutoff value in screening deep sedation in patients with mechanical ventilation.

Physician Mental Health Study for Medical Trainees
Mental IllnessBurnout SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to determine whether use of a suite of smart phone enabled mobile health devices can reduce burnout in medical trainees. Such applications can then be used in more general populations with the same goal in mind.

Mental Health in Austrian Teenagers (MHAT)
Mental DisordersThe purpose of the Mental Health in Austrian Teenagers (MHAT) - Study is to collect the first epidemiological data on mental health and psychiatric disorders in a representative sample of Austrian adolescents between 10 and 18 years.

Reward Processing in Mental Illness
Early-onset SchizophreniaThe purpose of this study is to examine the nature of reward processing dysfunctions in schizophrenia using neuroimaging techniques that capture in vivo brain functioning, such as EEG and fMRI.

Prevalence Assessment and Characterization of Psychological Disorders Associated With Hypobetalipoproteinemia...
HypobetalipoproteinemiaFamilial hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL, OMIM # 1707730) is a genetic disorder heterozygotic of LDL-C metabolism. Clinical manifestation range from asymptomatic patients to metabolic (fatty liver, diabetes) or psychiatric disorders still unrecognized. HYPOPSY research, aims to evaluate prevalence of hypobetalipoproteinemia, and to characterize specific related psychiatric disorders.

Progression of Prodromal Markers of α-synucleinopathy Neurodegeneration in the FDRs of Patients...
REM Sleep Behavior DisorderNeurodegenerationThis study is a prospective study with a mean of 5-year follow-up interval, aims to monitor the progression of α-synucleinopathy neurodegeneration by the evolution of prodromal markers and development of clinical disorders in first-degree relatives (FDRs) of idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) patients and healthy controls.

Physical Activity Recommendation Behaviour in German Psychologists
Mental DisorderPhysical ActivityThe purpose of this study is to examine the physical activity recommendation behaviour, beliefs, barriers and exercise participation in German psychologists working with patients with mental disorders.

Professional Quality of Life in German Psychologists
Mental DisorderBurnout3 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess professional quality of life in German psychologists working with patients with mental disorders.

Learning and Executive Function Disorders in Children and Psychosis Risk at Adult-age
SchizophreniaLearning Disorders1 moreThe primary objective of the study aims to study transition toward schizophrenia in patients with learning disorders, and to compare the risk between patients with specific learning disorders, and patients with complexed learning disorders (by two types: patients with other neuro-developmental disorders including executive function disorders, and patients with anxiety).