Stigma Intervention Among Primary Health Workers in Toronto
Mental Health DisorderSubstance UseThis project is measuring the effectiveness of an anti-stigma intervention among primary care providers. Both staff and clients will be asked to complete survey data in order to measure the effectiveness. This is a randomized control trial in that three health centres will receive the intervention and three will not. Results will determine if this intervention reduces stigma among staff toward people with a mental health problem and/or substance use problem.

The MILESTONE Study: Improving Transition From Child to Adult Mental Health Care
Mental Health ImpairmentMental Health DisorderThis study evaluates the longitudinal health and social outcomes of adolescent mental health service users who are at the transition boundary of their child and adolescent mental health service, and whether the implementation of a model of managed transition at the service boundary benefits them, as compared to usual care.

Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome, Neurocognition and Empowerment in Individuals...
Metabolic SyndromeMental DisordersThis study aims to develop a program of systematic physical exercise maintained for at least 12 weeks to normalize biomarkers of metabolic syndrome; improve neurocognition and social functioning; increase empowerment, self-esteem and self-efficacy and reduce self-stigma in individuals with severe mental disorder with metabolic syndrome.

CORAL Study: Proof of Concept Trial
Mental IllnessA decision aid tool (DAT) to assist mental health service users in reaching disclosure decisions in the context of employment was developed in a previous study (IRAS REC ref: 07/Q0706/21). The initial feasibility and acceptability was assessed in a group of 15 mental health service users with mean decisional conflict scores reduced from 51.98 to 35.52 after completion. 60% of participants reported that the DAT was quick to complete, 40% that it was easy, 60% that it was relevant and 80% that they would definitely or probably use it in making disclosure decisions. This current study (CORAL: Proof of concept RCT) aims to determine whether a full randomised controlled trial of the DAT is justifiable and feasible, and to optimise its design. This will consider: 1) effects of the intervention; 2) baseline predictors of disclosure; and 3) exploration of the relationship between use of the DAT and the rate of disclosure. Eighty people who are on the caseload of a vocational specialist working with people with mental illness will be included in this study. All participants will be receiving treatment from an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service or a Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). An equal number from each group will be allocated to receive either the DAT intervention or treatment as usual. Individuals from both groups will complete baseline assessment and 3month followup assessments. Those allocated to the intervention will also complete an assessment immediately following the intervention. Qualitative interviews will also be conducted at 3 months with a maximum of 15 people from the intervention group and 6 people from the control group.

Families Coping With Mental Illness Program
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective DisorderThe current study aims to develop and evaluate a practical, short-term support and education program for relatives of individuals with schizophrenia. This program has been developed to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in the following ways: The intervention specifically targets those factors empirically demonstrated to improve family functioning and well being. Specifically, this pilot intervention aims to: a) increase relatives' knowledge about schizophrenia spectrum disorders; b) help families attribute distressing behaviors of their ill relatives more accurately, by helping them to distinguish behaviors that are directly related to the illness from personality characteristics; c) improve attitudes towards the patient and reduce stress in interactions with the patient; d) encourage problem-focused coping strategies; e) reduce burden; f) provide opportunities for relatives to expand their social support network; g) help families learn about and utilize community resources. The program involves both individual and multifamily group components, in order to reap the benefits of both formats. Specifically, multifamily psychoeducation groups (involving individuals from several different families) tend to be more economical and allow participants to learn from each other, increase their social support networks, and reduce feelings of stigma. In contrast, individualized programs can target the specific needs of participants.

From Compliance to Alliance: Engaging Psychiatric Patients in Illness Management
Patients Diagnosed With Severe Mental IllnessThe purpose of this study is to determine the benefit and impact on relapse prevention,adherence to treatment and general health indices of participation in psycho-eduational group intervention among psychiatric patients with severe mental illness,recently discharged from inpatient services.

Use of Parent Connectors in First Episode Psychosis (FEP)
First Episode Psychosis (FEP)This study proposes to adapt an evidence based peer parent navigator (PPN) intervention, called Parent Connectors, in which trained and supervised PPNs deliver weekly telephone-based support for six to nine months to parents or caregivers of all newly enrolled youth or young adults (Y/YA) in FEP services. This PPN model will be used to enhance the delivery of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for Y/YA in New York's state program for FEP, called OnTrackNY (OTNY). This research project has potential to add value to the CSC model through the inclusion of a feasible, low burden intervention that may improve family participation in services and Y/YA outcomes. Using random assignment, this study will examine the feasibility and preliminary impact of an accelerator strategy-the inclusion of peer parent navigators or PPNs-in CSC teams.

Establishing Alpha-synuclein RT-QuIC Assay as a Diagnostic Technique in REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder...
Sleep Disorder Rem Sleep BehaviorParkinson's Disease1 moreWe hypothesise that a real-time quaking induced conversion assay for the detection of pathological alpha-synuclein (α -syn RTQuIC) can be used to differentiate between cases of idiopathic REM-sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) and RBD that is symptomatic of prodromal α-synucleinopathies.

The Western Norway Mental Health Interface Study on Referral Letters
Mental DisordersThe main object to this trial is to study the function of referral letters as a mean to coordinate the care process for adult people when referred from Primary Care to Specialised Mental Health Care. The study will explore if and to what degree the quality of these referral letters can be improved, and the potential improvement's impact on defined patient-, professional and organisational related outcomes. According to Medical Research Council guidelines for evaluating complex interventions, a stepwise design with the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used to conduct a controlled intervention study.

Evaluation of Excellence in Italy's Residence for Execution of Security Measure
Mental DisorderRecovery6 moreThe model of care for forensic psychiatry in Italy was changed by law (Law 81/2014) so that the six legacy secure forensic hospitals (Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals, OPG) were closed and new secure community residences for the execution of security measures (REMS) were opened in each of the 20 regions of Italy. This transition was in place by 2015. This observational study evaluates the health gains for patients both previously in OPGs and those admitted first to REMS. Health gains assessed include recovery measured by symptoms, function, need for therapeutic security and recovery of legal autonomy.