Hospital Cohort Survey of Public Health Post-attack of July 14, 2016
Mental DisordersPsychological TraumaThe terrorist attack on the ram truck, which occurred on 14 July 2016 on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, involved a significant number of casualties in the civilian population: 86 dead including 10 children and adolescents, and 434 wounded. The attack harmed families gathered for a festive event, the national holiday fireworks, and affected both adults and children of all ages. The people directly involved in the attack number in the thousands: wounded, threatened with death, bereaved, direct witnesses, workers - including firefighters and health personnel (in situations of prolonged extreme tension or insecurity). Following the attacks in Ile-de-France in January and November 2015, Public Health France conducted in 2015 and 2016 two large-scale studies to estimate the psycho-traumatic impact for those involved in the attack, to know the use of care devices to provide useful information, and ultimately provide information to improve the management devices in place. IMPACTS carried out following the attacks of January, ESPA 13 November carried out following the attacks of 13 November 2015, relate to two main types of population: Non-responders (civilian population) present on or near scenes of crime or their relatives. Persons intervened to secure the premises or provide assistance, or provide psychological support the same day or within 3 weeks. IMPACTS was conducted face-to-face with investigators and concerned 232 participants, 45 people of the medico-psychological relief (Samu, Cump, Hôtel Dieu) between 6 and 10 months after the events. A second wave of interviews took place from 16 to 20 months after the events. ESPA 13th November took place via a web-based questionnaire and 800 participants took part, including 67 CUMPs, 121 hospital staff and 26 people from Samu between 9 and 12 months after the events. Based on the expertise of Public Health France and the model developed for the ESPA study on November 13th, the Public Health Department of the University Hospital of Nice wished to carry out a specific study among the health professionals of the University Hospital of Nice and the Hospitals pediatrics of Nice CHU-Lenval, as well as students of the Faculty of Medicine of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Many professionals of all categories were directly impacted: either at the scene of the attack as a civilian population or as professionals, or in the care services that received the victims and families (including services of the Pasteur2 hospital, Lenval Hospital on the Promenade des Anglais). The population of medical students is also included in the study, and external students in particular have made a significant contribution to the Institut Médico-Légal. This involvement could be done directly (presence as hospital staff at the scene of the attack, care of the victims or their relatives, in the emergency and care services), but also indirect (close and knowledge affected by the attack, specific repercussions in the local context, forced changes in the organization of work). It is therefore all hospital professionals, medical students (external, internal) and paramedical students who will be involved in the study.

A Novel Hepatitis c micrOelimination Program in Non imprisonEd SenTenced With Alternative Measures...
Hepatotropic Virus InfectionAddictive Behaviours o Conducts2 moreThe objective of this study is to carry out a Micro-elimination program for HCV infection in a vulnerable population (people sentenced to non-custodial sentences). This group shares certain peculiarities with the prison population (vulnerability, addictions, mental disorders, etc.), is three times higher than the imprisoned population, and is regularly attended by Social Insertion Centers (CIS) in Spain. An additional objective is to link these people with the specific plans of the Government of Cantabria (Chronicity Plan, Care for Serious Mental Disorders, Harm Reduction Programs and the Center for Attention to Drug Addicts) as well as the Extended Bridge Program for Penitentiary Institutions, implementing the figure of a Navigator (a specialized professional in charge of helping subjects overcome barriers). It is an observational study based on the screening of disease in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities. Once detected, patients will be referred to the corresponding specialized care following the usual clinical practice.

The Psychological, Social, and Economic Impacts of COVID-19
COVID-19Chronic Disease2 moreA dynamic analytical tool is being implemented to monitor the health, psychosocial and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as the crisis unfolds. A longitudinal survey is distributed via a network of hospitals, provincial/national organizations and web platforms. The survey information can be linked to provincial health administrative data and metrics derived from social media activity based on artificial intelligence methods. Targeted questions are included for critical populations such as healthcare workers and people with chronic illnesses.

A Descriptive Study on Patients With Bipolar Disorder in Rwanda
Mental DisorderBipolar DisorderThe aim is to provide a comprehensive assessment regarding the service provision and the accessibility to intensive mental health care in Rwanda

The Analysis of Physical, Physiological and Behavioral Data Collected From Sensors That Track the...
Psychiatric Disorders MoodAn observational study that uses a digital system to collect physiological, physical and behavioral data using worn sensors on psychiatric patients suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar and schizoaffective disorders. The system will enable to analyze the data using a personal digital algorithm in order to detect changes in mental condition and or changes in adherence to medication treatment, and assist in identification of illegal drug usage.

Guided Dose Reduction of Antipsychotic in Patients With Psychosis in Remitted States
PsychosisRemissionA 2-year prospective observational study comparing a group of patients in remitted states of psychosis undergoing guided antipsychotic dose reduction to a similar group of patients under maintenance antipsychotic treatment with the main outcome of interest that if the rates of relapse of psychosis between these two groups will be different.

Sleep in Psychiatric Inpatients
Sleep DisturbanceSleep Disorder3 moreDecades of research have shown that sleep disturbances are common among patients with a wide range of psychiatric disorders. Such reported sleep disturbances include disrupted sleep efficiency and continuity, sleep quality complaints, insomnia, and nightmares. While traditional models suggest that certain sleep alterations are specific for certain mental disorders, newer models assume a transdiagnostic or dimensional view of sleep disturbances in mental disorders. Findings of a recent meta-analysis support the transdiagnostic or dimensional association between sleep disorders and psychiatric conditions. Additionally, the period just prior to sleep has recently received increased clinical and research interest, with studies investigating cognitive activity and rumination prior to sleep. However, only few studies compare sleep in different psychiatric diagnoses and the characteristics of sleep in different mental disorders are still not understood well enough for concrete implications for clinical practice. This is especially true for the population of psychiatric inpatients. In this study, the outcome measures and study variables will be measured with standardised and validated questionnaires, structured clinical interview, and a commercially available Fitbit Charge 2 tracker. Participants will be recruited from the inpatient units of the Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich (PUK). Screening will be conducted by the applicant and master's students enrolled in the project, using electronic patient files at the hospital. The patients will be invited to the study by their treating physician or psychologist. Assessments will consist of one interview and filling out of questionnaires (with a 30- to 45-minute duration respectively). A sub-sample will wear fill out a sleep diary for seven consecutive nights as well as wear a Fitbit Charge 2 tracker, which they will return a week later. Each patient will receive participant reimbursement of 30 Swiss francs (CHF) for their participation in the study.

Psychiatric Disorder and Postoperative Morbidity in Hip and Knee Artroplasty
Focus is on Preoperative Psychiatric Charactarization of Elective Fast-track Hip and Knee Arthroplasty PatientsIt has been established that patients with psychiatric disorders tend to do worse in a surgical setting. Some types of surgery with greater impact than others, including orthopedic surgery. In our research group the investigators have shown this to be the case for hip and knee replacements within the mentioned patient category. However, the role of psychiatric disorder and use of different psychopharmacological drugs in relation to perioperative morbidity and mortality have not been thoroughly examined. The objective of this study is to shed light on the issue. Recent studies have shown that different types of psychiatric disorder influence surgical outcome differently. This emphasizes the need for specific knowledge regarding psychiatric diagnoses preoperatively. In this study around 2000 patients with or without psychiatric disorder of any kind will be studied preoperatively, which according to our previous study will include more than 200 patients receiving psychopharmacological treatment. The specifics that characterize every patient's psychiatric trades will be included in a validated questionnaire constructed for that purpose. The questionnaire is called SCL-92 and has been chosen in collaboration with Professor in Psychiatry, Rigshospitalet Anders Fink-Jensen. Preoperative information regarding their mental condition and medicine will be linked to surgical outcome in order to identify potential hazards in the perioperative period.

Longitudinal Family/Molecular Genetic Study to Validate Research Domain Criteria
Mental DisordersPsychological Disorders3 moreThe purpose of this research is to study new ways of classifying mental disorders in children based on observable behavior and genetics to ultimately diagnose these disorders better.

Epigenetics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Somatoform Disorders in the Course of Psychotherapy...
Psychiatric DisorderSomatoform Disorders1 moreThis reported observational clinical study aims at identifying epigenetic markers in a sample of patients undergoing high dose inpatient psychotherapy suffering from a variety of psychiatric/psychosomatic diseases such as somatoform disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders and eating disorders. The exact epigenetic markers that will be traced are yet to define. The investigators believe that Epigenetic patterns found in the group of psychiatric patients show differences from healthy controls Different diagnosis show differences in epigenetic patterns as well Epigenetic patterns correlate to the severity of the psychosocial disorder as measured in interviews or psychometric ratings Epigenetic patterns can change under inpatient high dose psychotherapy Changes correlate to clinical psychometric variables.