Evaluation of Generalization Paradigm Patterns Among Different Psychiatric Disorders
MDDBipolar Disorder3 moreLearning includes the ability to generalize to new situations and respond to similar, yet not identical stimuli. In previous work, focused on stimulus generalization in healthy volunteers, tones that were negatively reinforced induce wider generalization curves than tones that were positively reinforced, and these in turn induce wider curves than neutral memory (Schechtman et al, 2010). The current study aimed to evaluate those patterns in different clinical disorders (including Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, MDD, Anxiety disorders (Panic and GAD) and PTSD, and healthy subjects that would be used as a control), with consideration whether those patterns are unique to any specific disorder or state. The generalization patterns evaluation would conduct twice though enable to compare the stability of those patterns during the course of the illness (i.e during remission compared to acute state). The basic paradigm based on conditioning of a tone (sound) with unpleasant noise, and extinction of that conditioning afterword. During the 60 minutes of evaluation, the capability to discriminate between the original tone and similar but not identical tones, and the tendency to categorize similar tones as identical to the original tone. A neutral tone without conditioning will be used as reference. The clinical diagnosis will conduct by a senior psychiatrist, and the state would be evaluated using standard questionnaires

Therapists' Preferences for Client Characteristics and Their Influence on the Therapeutic Alliance...
DiagnosisPsychiatric1 moreThe research will examine psychotherapists' preferences for theoretical client characteristics, such as age, gender, personality characteristics and symptoms. The research will also examine the preferences' influence on the therapeutic alliance, from the therapist's and the client's point of view.

The Lolland-Falster Health Study
Impaired HealthDisease13 moreThe study is a epidemiological, cross-sectional study in a mainly rural area of Denmark in Denmark. Life expectancy is shorter, morbidity is higher, and social problems more prevalent than in the urban areas of the country. The population study aims at examining complexities of environmental, hereditary, lifestyle, and social factors as determinants and predisposing factors for morbidity, health, and quality of life. The study will cover physical, mental, and social dimensions and examine family patterns and subgroups. The study will provide baseline information for later follow-up.

Investigation of Clinical Feature and Brain Function in Narcoleptic Patients
NarcolepsyREM Sleep Behavior DisorderThis study evaluates the PSG and cerebral metabolism and functions in narcolepsy with/without RBD

Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Biomarker for Premotor Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseREM Sleep Behavior DisorderThis is a prospective observational study investigating the utility of 7 Tesla MRI to quantify nigrosome1 signal in a cohort of individuals with recent onset Parkinson's disease and in at-risk cohorts at a premotor state of Parkinson's disease.

Perinatal Mental Health Care in Switzerland
Mental DisorderPerinatal11 moreThis qualitative study with quantitative elements examines the health care provided to women who suffered from mental disorder during pregnancy and / or in the first year after birth (i.e. during the perinatal phase). Investigators will perform individual interviews with former PMD patients, and health and social care professionals to gain insights into current health care for PMD patients.

Mental Health and Its Correlates Among Chinese Adolescents Exposed to the Novel Coronavirus Disease...
Mental DisorderBackground: Direct exposure to public health emergencies is associated with increased mental disorders. It is less clear about the prevalence of common mental disorders and its correlates in Chinese adolescents after experiencing public health emergencies. Objective: This longitudinal study aims to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders (i.e. depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder) and its correlates in a sample of Chinese adolescents after experience a public health emergency, namely the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Method: This study intends to recruit 3,428 Chinese adolescent students from high and middle schools in the baseline survey. This study will track these recruited participants every 6 months via three-wave follow-up (i.e. 6-month, 12-month, and 18-month follow-ups). The demographics (e.g. age, gender, education, family background, and residence) and psychosocial factors (i.e. exposure to traumatic events, religious belief, social media exposure, loneliness, and perceived social support) associated with common mental disorders (i.e. depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder) will be investigated in this sample population. Furthermore, a hardcopy self-report questionnaire will be disturbed to all participants. Additionally, the cross-sectional analyses will be first conducted to estimate the prevalence of mental disorders and their correlates in data of baseline survey. After obtaining the longitudinal data, the relative risk, incident rate ratios, latent class analysis, and structural equation model may be performed in this study. Missing data will be solved by the multiple imputations. Data analysis tools included the Stata 16.0 and Mplus 8.4. Discussion: This longitudinal study will better help to understand the prevalence changes of mental disorders among Chinese adolescents following the COVID-19. These findings have the potential to provide empirical evidence about the burden of mental disease and key drivers of Chinese adolescents following the COVID-19, which can benefit the formation of public policy and mental health intervention programming. This study will close the gaps that a lack of epidemiological studies about the mental disorder prevalence and related risk factors.

Using Sensors to Measure Drug Concentrations in Exhaled Breath
Mental DisorderThe use of blood tests to measure drug concentrations in psychiatric patients is often a crucial part of monitoring and evaluating the course of treatment. Such tests are commonly conducted as part of official protocols, and patients are often tested on a weekly basis. The current study aims to examine the possibility of using a novel, non-invasive device to measure drug concentrations in exhaled breath as an alternative to blood tests. The device, SniffPhone, uses sensors to detect and measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath, and features a small and portable design. Sniff Phone has been previously approved for use in clinical trials and has been used successfully to screen for particular types of cancer and other diseases.

Psychiatric Inpatient Discharge Data - Rwanda
Mental DisorderThe aim is to provide a comprehensive assessment regarding the service provision and the accessibility to intensive mental health care in Rwanda

Paternal Involvement in Psychiatric Care of Adolescents Managed for Depression or Suicide Attempt...
Psychiatric DisorderDepression3 moreParental involvement, both quantitative and qualitative, is fundamental for a good psycho-emotional development of the child. The lack of parental involvement and especially paternal involvement significantly promotes the occurrence of behavioral disorders in children and later, in adolescence, the onset of depressive symptomatology. On the other hand, parental involvement has a protective role in the occurrence of behavioral disorders and decreases the risk of suicide attempts in adolescence. The authors of these cohort studies agree on the need for research on the identification of factors determining paternal involvement in order to organize specific prevention actions and targeted interventions to promote the involvement of fathers in psychiatric care of their adolescents. The prevention of adolescent suicide attempts appears to be a real public health issue in Reunion Island with a suicide rate among under-35s twice as high as in Reunion than in metropolitan France. This work is a continuation of the guidelines of good practice of the High Authority of Health (HAS) which insist on the importance of "supporting the parental function by health and public action".