Genetic Counselling in the Prevention of Mental Health Consequences of Cannabis Use
Mental IllnessSchizophrenia4 moreSevere mental illness (SMI) refers to the most burdensome psychiatric conditions. The need to pre-empt the onset of SMI is pressing because once SMI develops, quality of life is poor and available treatments have limited efficacy. Most risk factors for SMI are either unchangeable (e.g., genetics) or difficult to alter (e.g., low socio-economic status). In contrast, cannabis use is one specific risk factor that could be avoided. Certain individuals are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of cannabis. Genetic factors can help us identify these high-risk individuals. One in three individuals are carriers of a higher-risk genetic variant, and cannabis users with this genotype are at up to 7-fold increased risk of developing schizophrenia. In our study, genetic counselling will be provided to participants by a board-certified genetic counsellor. During the genetic counselling session, participants will have the option to receive their genotype. Participants will be counselled regarding their individualized risk of developing and of not developing SMI based on family history, whether or not they choose to use cannabis, and genotype (if the participants accept the genetic test results). The investigators hypothesize that this intervention will reduce exposure to cannabis compared to the youth who are not offered the intervention.

Be Outspoken and Overcome Stigmatizing Thoughts (BOOST) Group for Early Psychosis
SchizophreniaPsychosisInternalized stigma, (i.e. the application of negative stereotypes about a diagnostic group to one's self) is a strong predictor of recovery and quality of life for individuals with psychosis. Be Outspoken and Overcome Stigmatizing Thoughts (BOOST) is an evidence-based intervention aimed at improving internalized stigma, self-esteem, and quality of life for those with psychosis. The proposed research expands BOOST's program by adding additional therapeutic methods and material, and adopting the use of virtual care methods to: (a) increase the generalization of treatment effects, (b) examine long-term treatment effects, and (C) provide rural Ontario communities with remote treatment access.

The PATHway Study: Primary Care Based Depression Prevention in Adolescents
DepressionMental Disorder in AdolescencePrevention of depressive disorders has become a key priority for the NIMH, but the investigators have no widely available public health strategy to reduce morbidity and mortality. To address this need, the investigators developed and evaluated the primary care based-technology "behavioral vaccine," Competent Adulthood Transition with Cognitive-Behavioral Humanistic and Interpersonal Therapy (CATCH-IT). The investigators will engage N=4 health systems representative of the United States health care system, and conduct a factorial design study to optimize the intervention in preparation for an implementation study and eventual dissemination.

Mind-body Intervention for Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder
Compulsive Sexual BehaviorMind-body intervention as a complementary and integrative treatment for compulsive sexual behavior disorder. The hypothesis is that participants with CSBD, after being submitted to the protocol of the mind-body intervention group in relation to those submitted to the intervention protocol Shan of the control group, present less severe sexual compulsiveness.

Reintegration of Children From Institutions in Azerbaijan
Emotional TraumaChild Mental Disorder1 moreTo prevent mental health problems among 7-12 children from orphanages reunited with their biological or extended families in Azerbaijan, this study will refine and test three evidence-based intervention approaches (a) family strengthening intervention; b) mental health screening and referral for treatment; and c) economic empowerment in the form of Child Savings Accounts). The study will use a randomized experimental design and participating families will be assigned to receive the family strengthening, mental health, or economic interventions. Eligible and consenting 400 child-caregivers dyads will complete baseline, 1-year, and 2-year follow-up measures. Additionally, post-intervention qualitative interviews (n=60) will solicit narrative information about participants' and services providers' reactions and experiences with each intervention component and will provide more comprehensive evidence about the interventions' efficacy. It is hypothesized that by enhancing children's coping skills, strengthening child-parent relationships, and reducing parental stress, an intervention can help children demonstrate fewer symptoms of: a) disturbances of attachment; b) internalizing problems (depressive or anxious mood), c) externalizing problems (aggressive, delinquent, or disruptive behaviors); d) post-traumatic stress; and e) lower prevalence of diagnoses (e.g. depression, anxiety, PTSD, oppositional-defiant disorder, and reactive attachment disorder).

A Randomized Controlled Study of Conservative Treatment of Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis Combined...
Breast DiseasesMastitis Granulomatous1 moreGranulomatous lobular mastitis (GLM) is a relatively rare chronic inflammatory disease of the breast in clinical practice. A small number of patients develop hyperprolactinemia during psychiatric drug treatment, and most of these patients are nulliparous. At present, there is no unified treatment mode at home and abroad, and surgery is generally the main treatment. GLM is a sterile inflammation, and glucocorticoids and methotrexate can effectively relieve clinical symptoms and even reach the standard of cure. In order to reduce the recurrence rate and protect the breast appearance as much as possible, we propose a conservative therapy. The purpose of this study was to compare this conservative therapy of granulomatous lobular mastitis with existing surgical treatment, and to compare the overall benefits of the two for patients with GLM. We aim to protect the breast appearance on the premise of low recurrence, improve the quality of life of GLM patients with psychiatric disorders .

Transmural Collaborative Care Model for CVRM and Medication Review for Patients Using Antipsychotics...
Mental DisordersSevereCurrently, monitoring of usage and effects of antipsychotic treatment and cardiovascular risk screening in patients with severe mental illness or antipsychotic treatment is not sufficient. A transmural collaborative care model for cardiovascular risk management and medication review for patients using atypical antipsychotics in general practice (TACTIC) was developed. This trial aims to assess the effectiveness of TACTIC regarding predicted cardiovascular risk and mental quality of life.

Addressing Anxiety and Stress for Healthier Eating in Teens
ObesityOverweight5 moreProject ASSET will explore the preliminary efficacy of interpersonal therapy, when compared with cognitive behavioral therapy, for reducing anxiety symptoms, preventing excess weight gain, and reducing cardio-metabolic risk in adolescent girls with above-average weight and elevated anxiety. As a pilot for a larger multi-site study, this trial will also test multi-site feasibility, acceptability, and intervention fidelity.

Efficacy of a Transdiagnostic Online Prevention Approach in Adolescents (EMPATIA)
Mental Health IssueTransdiagnostic Mechanisms6 moreThe goal of this randomized controlled clinical trial is to investigate the efficacy of the internet-delivered intervention EMPATIA on general psychopathology of adolescents with subclinical symptoms compared to a Care As Usual (CAU) control group. The primary objective is to: investigate the efficacy of the internet-delivered intervention on general psychopathology of adolescents with subclinical symptoms compared to CAU. secondary objectives include: clinician-rated interviews and self-report questionnaires on the level of social and role functioning, time until onset of a mental disorder and service use. Furthermore, changes in subclinical symptoms, transdiagnostic mechanisms and therapeutic as well as safety measures are assessed by online self-reports Participants will use the internet-delivered intervention EMPATIA during eight weeks. Researchers will compare intervention group to a Care As Usual (CAU) group to investigate the efficacy of the internet-delivered intervention EMPATIA on general psychopathology.

Sleep Disturbances in Patients With Psychotic Symptoms (AkuSleep)
Sleep DisturbancePsychotic DisordersSleep disturbance is recognized as a major problem for patients with psychosis and is seen in nearly all patients admitted in acute crisis to a psychiatric hospital. Cognitive behavioral treatment is recommended as first-line treatment for insomnia in national and international guidelines. This study explores effect of adapting the milieu therapy to comply with the principles of CBT for insomnia. Our aim is to rethink our day to day psychological interventions and our around the clock milieu therapy for patients with acute and severe mental illness in light of established knowledge on how sleep is obtained and maintained.