Psychoeducative Treatment of FEP With Mobile Training
PsychosisPsychological1 moreThe aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an online intervention through a mobile application, specifically designed for adolescents with a First Psychotic Episode (FEP), as a complement to the pharmacological and therapeutic interventions they receive at their referral center (Treatment as usual). To do this, a longitudinal study will be carried out on patients with FEP and between the ages of 14 and 19, who come to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service of the General Universitarian Hospital "Gregorio Marañón" in Madrid. Adolescents will be randomly assigned to an experimental group, where they will receive standard treatment plus online intervention, or a control group, where they will receive standard treatment. This online intervention, the continuation of the work of this same team researcher in the "PIENSA program", aims to address little of the more traditional treatments and treatments such as community functioning, quality of life or affective symptoms. In addition, it will increase disease awareness, which will lead to greater adherence to treatment and fewer relapses and rehospitalizations.

Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-based Group Training Addressing Social Cognition in First Episode...
Schizophrenia and Disorders With Psychotic FeaturesPsychotic EpisodeThe current investigation aims to compare two group intervention in patients with a first episode of psychosis, that is, people who have suffered their first psychotic episode within 5 years prior to their inclusion in the study. The experimental arm is a mindfulness-based social cognition training (SocialMind) designed by professionals with both formal training and clinical experience in the field of mindfulness and third generation cognitive-behavioral therapies. The active comparator arm is a psychoeducation program specifically designed for individuals with recent onset psychosis by members of the team with great experience in delivering such interventions. The main outcome is social functioning, as measured by the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP), an instrument developed for psychotic patients. The main hypothesis is that the improvement in social functioning will be larger among the participants on the experimental arm, because there is enough evidence suggesting that deficits in social cognition are present even in the first stages of psychotic syndrome and related to social functioning and general disability. Moreover, mindfulness-based interventions have proven themselves effective in other severe mental disorders.

Cognitive Remediation and Social Recovery in Early Psychosis
PsychosisThis intervention trial explores the feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability of a novel psycho-social intervention for early psychosis based on a combined cognitive remediation training and cognitive behavioural therapy approach focused on social recovery. The impact of the CReSt-R intervention on social cognition as a primary outcome will be explored in addition to secondary outcome measures such as social and occupational functioning ( Detailed further in this registration). Feasibility of the trial design and the acceptability of the CReSt-R intervention to the target group, 16-35 year olds who are within the first 5 years of a diagnosed psychotic illness, are also explored in this trial.

A Treatment Engagement Protocol for Psychiatrically Hospitalized Adolescents at Clinical High Risk...
Psychosis Nos/OtherThe current study explores the development and use of a family engagement intervention for psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents with emerging psychosis symptoms. The program is designed to increase understanding of mental health symptoms and promote motivation for engagement in outpatient services. Findings from this study may inform ways to effectively educate and engage youth at clinical high risk for psychosis, and their families, in treatment that may be critical for improving future functioning and outcomes.

Enhancement of a Psychotherapeutic Intervention Through Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation...
Psychiatric DisorderTranscranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), is a neuromodulatory technique, that is safe, well-tolerated, easy to administer and fairly inexpensive. Results from tDCS trials involving participants with several neuropsychiatric disorders, including major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and substance use disorder are encouraging. The clinical effects of tDCS are broad; the underlying condition, the areas stimulated together with the type and duration of stimulation are important factors. In patients with neuropsychiatric conditions, a reduction of symptoms, an enhancement of neurocognitive functions together with an overall improvement in functionality and wellbeing have been consistently reported. These effects emerge during the stimulation period, in the weeks after stimulation, the effects seem to peak and consolidate further. tDCS appears to enhance the effects of other interventions as well; however, to date, there have been no studies into the effects of using tDCS as an add-on intervention to psychotherapy on symptoms and wellbeing

Optimizing Mental Health for Young People at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (CHR)
PsychosisPsychosocial FunctioningThis proposal aims to adapt an evidence-based comprehensive psychosocial and mental health support program, the Optimal Health Program (OHP), to improve functioning, reduce distress, and build resiliency in youth who are at clinical risk of developing psychosis (CHR). The main aims of the studies are 1).To adapt an existing, effective, validated psychological intervention for use in young people with CHR and offered virtually; 2).To evaluate the acceptability of OHP and the feasibility of conducting a clinical trial of OHP in individuals with CHR; 3)To assess the preliminary efficacy of OHP in enhancing resiliency, reducing depression and anxiety, and improving functioning in individuals with CHR in a single-arm exploratory clinical trial. Participants will be delivered OHP intervention over 12-weeks. Measures will be completed at study entry and repeated immediately post-treatment at 12-weeks.

EEG Outcomes From Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis
Psychotic DisordersSchizophrenia and Related DisordersDespite overwhelming evidence for neurocognitive and neurophysiological factors involved in the etiology of psychosis, these factors have never been examined as mechanisms of improvement from CBTp. The first aim in the present study is to examine neurophysiological outcomes from CBTp using electroencephalography (EEG). The second aim is to examine neurocognitive outcomes from CBTp. This is an open-label pilot study. Twenty participants will receive CBTp and will be assessed at baseline and after 4 months.

The Impact of Gaming on Functioning Among People With Schizophrenia
Psychotic DisorderThe goal of this clinical trial is to test whether gaming intervention works well for persons with psychotic disorder. The main question to be answered is whether gaming works well in improving functioning, some other clinical outcomes or causing any adverse effects. Researchers will compare gaming group to usual care.

Virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis
Psychotic DisordersSchizophreniaParticipants with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders who are experiencing active symptoms of psychosis will randomized to either receive 6 months of individual cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis or to receive treatment as usual. Participants will be assessed at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months.

Individualized Vocational and Educational Support and Training for Clinical High Risk for Psychosis...
Clinical High Risk for PsychosisThe purpose of this study is to test the efficacy of InVEST (Individualized Vocational and Educational Support and Training) for CHR-P (clinical high risk for psychosis) to address specific role functioning difficulties associated with the CHR-P phase. Our specific goals are: Part 1: Preliminary open trial of InVEST (n = 8) to collect preliminary feasibility and acceptability data by providing the intervention, administering assessments, and collecting focus group and self-report feedback from open trial participants. The open trial phase will help to refine recruitment approaches and to modify the treatment manual as needed. Part 2: Preliminary randomized controlled trial of InVEST vs. Delayed InVEST (DI) to explore preliminary evidence of efficacy of InVEST vs. DI (n = 30). The investigators hope to gain understanding of the feasibility of InVEST and the study's assessment procedures, and to gain a preliminary understanding of the intervention's efficacy for functioning difficulties experienced by young people at CHR-P.