Evaluation of a Collaborative Intervention to Promote Employer Contact and RTW Among People With...
PainChronic1 moreThe overall aim of this cluster ranomized controlled trial is to investigate whether an intervention for collaboration between patient with CMD or chronic pain and employer (the Demand and Ability Protocol) can contribute to reduced sick leave and to increased health, work ability and trust in the managers. The intervention is delivered by rehabiliation coordinators at primary health care centres.

Application of UP for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders for UHR for Psychosis Patients...
Emotional DysfunctionPsychosisThe principal aim of the study is to assess the efficacy of the Unified Protocol (UP) for the treatment of the comorbid symptomatology of patients with Ultra High Risk (UHR) for psychosis. The secondary aims would be to assess the effects of the intervention with the UP on the subthreshold positive symptoms and the transition to psychosis rates at 3 months follow-up, insight, positive and negative emotions, emotion regulation skills, personality, quality of life, cognitive distortions, psychosocial functioning and the maintenance of the effects at the 3 months of follow-up. The study is a randomised controlled trial in which a group will receive inmediate UP plus standard intervention and the other one will be in a waiting list plus standard care at our Early Psychosis Program (PIPPEP). The evaluator will be blind to the group that owns every patients. The sample will be 42 patients with UHR for psychosis with comorbid emotional symptoms and are visited at the PIPPEP of the CSMA Ripollet (PSSJD). The assessment will be performed at baseline, at the end of treatment and at three months follow-up and will include: general psychopathology (SCID), anxiety and depression (BDI-II, BAI), positive and negative emotions (PANAS), emotional disregulation (DERS), personality (NEO-FFI), functionality (EEASL, MI), quality of life (QLI-sp), cognitive distortions (CBQ), insight (BCIS) and a scale of satisfaction created ad-hoc. At the end of each session with the UP we will assess depression and anxiety during the last week (ODSIS, OASIS). Treatment with the UP will consist in 15 group sessions of 8 patients, 120 minutes in addition to the treatment as usual.

CBT-I to Improve Functional Outcomes in Veterans With Psychosis
InsomniaPsychosisThe goal of this project is to examine the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) for improving sleep and related functional outcomes in Veterans with psychosis and insomnia.

Digital Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia Compared With Digital Patient Education About Insomnia...
Mental DisorderInsomniaSleep is a fundamental human need with large impact on both psychological and somatic functioning. However, for patients with mental disorders, sleep is often disturbed. Across all diagnostic groups, sleep disturbance is one of the most common and disruptive symptoms. For decades it has been assumed that the sleep disturbance these patients experience was a secondary symptom of a primary mental disorder, but recently this has changed. Experimental and clinical data now suggest that there is a reciprocal relationship between sleep disturbance and mental disorders where they perpetuate and aggravate each other. This makes sleep disturbance a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of mental disorders. Evidence emerging the last decade indicate that providing Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to patients with mental disorders not only improves sleep, but also has clinically meaningful effects on their primary mental disorder. However, a major problem has been disseminating CBT-I and few therapists are trained in this intervention. Consequently, most patients receive sleep medication although evidence clearly indicate that CBT-I is more effective and should be the treatment of choice. In this study, the investigators will use a fully automated digital version of CBT-I that might be used to treat a large number of patients while they are still on the waiting list to receive ordinary outpatient treatment in secondary mental health care clinics in Norway. The main goal is to test the effectiveness of digital CBT-I for this patient group.

Pilot RCT of Self-stigma Treatment for First Episode Psychosis
First Episode PsychosisYouthThe overall purpose of the proposed exploratory intervention development application, is to conduct research that will inform the adaptation and preliminary testing of NECT modified for youth (aged 15-24) with first episode psychosis (FEP), targeting self-concept and illness conceptions to increase treatment engagement. The specific aims of the project are to: 1) adapt NECT to be responsive to the needs and preferences of youth with FEP, and 2) Assess the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of the modified intervention (NECT-YA) combined with coordinated specialty care (CSC) services, compared to CSC services alone, in a small (n = 40) RCT.

Effectiveness of Trauma Therapy in Patients With PTSD and Comorbid Psychotic Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderPsychotic Disorders3 moreEffectiveness of trauma therapy using prolonged exposure for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients with comorbid psychotic disorder

A Clinical Study of the Efficacy of Idebenone in the Treatment of iRBD Into Synucleinopathies
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior DisorderSynucleinopathy142 cases of patients with iRBD will be recruited from the neurology department of Ruijin Hospital, th second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University and wuhan Union Hospital. After the informed consent was signed, they were divided into a trial group and a control group randomly. Each group contains 71 cases. The patients in the trial group will be treated with Idebenone, while the patients in the control group was treated with placebo. Both groups of subjects will be treated for 5 years, and patients will be followed-up and evaluated in the first year, 3 years and 5 years after treatment. The observations include the MDS-UPDRS questionnaires evaluation, blood biomarker measurements and fMRI or PET-MR examination to make sure whether the patients has converted to synucleinopathies. Study hypothesis: Idebenone therapy for patients with iRBD is safe and effective in delaying disease progression into synucleinopathies.

VR-assisted CBT for Adolescents With Psychosis
Psychotic DisordersPsychotic disorders typically emerge during late adolescence or early adulthood. Patients, who are diagnosed with a psychotic disorder before turning 18 years, are defined as early onset psychosis patients (EOP). Relative to adult patients, these patients show a worse long-term prognoses. Social impairment present a major barrier towards recovery, and thus and important issue to address in treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the recommended psychological treatment for psychotic disorders. As part of the therapy, the patient does an exposure-based training in a social environment. This type of training has several limitations for patients with psychosis. The last decade there has been a growing interest in using virtual reality (VR) to understand and treat various psychological disorders. There is a lack of research on VR-interventions for EOP patients. This study will assess the acceptability, tolerability, feasibility and clinical efficacy of a novel VR-assisted CBT interventions for adolescents with psychosis.

USS Training to Improve Social Function in People With Psychosis
PsychosisPsychotic spectrum disorders (PSD) are associated with poor social function. By doing this study, the investigators hope to learn which of two different types of 2-month long training courses is more effective in improving day-to-day interactions and quality of life.

Context-Aware Mobile Intervention for Social Recovery in Serious Mental Illness
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder2 moreThis open trial will test a new technology-supported blended intervention, mobile Social Interaction Therapy by Exposure (mSITE), that targets social engagement in consumers with serious mental illness.