Impact of a Phone-based Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy on Food Addiction in Patients With Severe...
ObesityFood AddictionMorbid or severe obesity is a chronic pathology of multifactorial etiology that affects 4.3% of the French population. In these patients, eating disorders are frequent and must be managed as they are considered risk factors with poorer weight prognosis and lower quality of life. Some authors have proposed that the concept of food addiction (i.e., the existence of an addiction to certain foods rich in sugar, fat and/or salt) may make it possible to identify, among obese patients, a subgroup of patients that is more homogeneous in terms of diagnosis and prognosis. Food addiction is common in obese patients and is associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety, impulsivity, emotional eating and poorer quality of life. Nevertheless, we do not know the impact of managing this addiction on the future of these patients (food addiction, weight, comorbidities, quality of life). Telephone-based cognitive behavioral therapy intervention (Tele-CBT) is a treatment of choice for addictions, but there are inequalities in access to this treatment (distance between home and hospital, limited local resources of caregivers, constraints in patient availability) which require the therapeutic framework to be adapted to these constraints. A short Tele-CBT program has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing bulimic hyperphagia in these patients (Cassin et al. 2016), but its effectiveness on food addiction, Body Mass Index and the evolution of metabolic complications related to obesity is still unknown. The evaluation of this program was limited to 6 weeks (American study), and we do not know if these results can also be extrapolated to France. The main hypothesis of this study is that in patients suffering from severe or morbid obesity and with food addiction, the performance of tele-CBT (intervention group: 12 sessions for 18 weeks) will be accompanied by a significant medium-term decrease in the prevalence of food addiction compared to usual management (control group).

Probiotic Intervention Study
ObesityFood AddictionThe current standard of care for obesity is the optimal management of comorbid conditions such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia, and counseling on diet, weight loss, or increased physical activity programs. However, lifestyle, diet, and behavioral interventions may provide between 7-10% reduction in initial weight and even fewer with long-term weight loss. In severely obese patients (BMI>40 or BMI>35 with comorbidities), bariatric surgery is also a potential treatment, but there is a high barrier for patients to undergo surgery for weight loss. These barriers include an aversion to major abdominal surgery, long recovery time, potential risk of vitamin deficiency, and risk for abdominal pain. For these reasons, there is a paramount need for other treatments for obesity and for food addiction. The current standard of care for obesity and food addiction is difficult to implement and lacks sustained efficacy. Most struggle to complete treatment, lose minimal weight, lack sustained weight loss, and engage in the well-known "YoYo" diet phenomenon. While bariatric surgery is currently the only effective treatment for obesity, there are several barriers associated with it such as eligibility requirements, invasiveness, difficult recovery, and cost making it not readily available for everyone. Some approved medications that help with obesity, such as orlistat, lorcaserin, or naltrexone-bupropion, have not been widely adopted by providers or patients due to their limited responses and adverse side effects. Probiotic cocktails have shown to be safe with little to no side effects. Preclinical models of probiotics demonstrate the ability to curb obesity in animal models. Therefore, a probiotic that is able to show significant weight loss along with lifestyle modifications would be highly adopted and desirable.

Ultra Crave: An Investigation of Ultra-Processed Food
Food AddictionThis study experimentally investigates whether a reduction in ultra-processed (UP) food intake (1) causes aversive withdrawal symptoms in humans, (2) increases the motivational salience of UP food cues and, if so, (3) whether these factors undermine the ability to adhere to a low-UP diet. The following aims and hypotheses are tested: Aim 1: To investigate whether aversive physical, cognitive, and affective withdrawal symptoms emerge in response to reduced UP food intake compared to a calorically equivalent high-UP diet, and whether this predicts failure to adhere to a low-UP diet. H1a: Reducing UP food intake will result in aversive physical, cognitive, and affective withdrawal symptoms, as indicated by 1) ecological momentary assessment (EMA) reports of aversive withdrawal symptoms, and 2) heart rate reactivity and subjective distress to an in-lab stressor. H1b: Aversive symptoms of UP food withdrawal will predict greater UP food intake and higher blood glucose levels when trying to adhere to a low UP diet. Aim 2: To investigate whether increased motivational salience of UP food cues emerges in response to reduced UP food intake, and whether this predicts failure to maintain a low-UP diet. H2a: Reducing UP food intake will result in increased motivational salience of UP food cues, as indicated by 1) EMA reports of UP food craving, 2) heart rate reactivity and subjective craving in a simulated fast-food restaurant, 3) heightened reinforcement value for UP food relative to other reinforcers, and 4) greater reward-related neural response to UP food cues. H2b: Increased motivational salience of UP food cues will predict greater UP food intake and higher blood glucose levels when trying to adhere to a low UP diet.

Neurofeedback Based on Near-infrared Spectroscopy as a Therapy for Food Addiction in Obese Subjects....
ObesityCravingThe hypothesis is that the increase in dlPFC brain activity via near-infrared spectroscopy-based Neurofeedback (fNIRS-based NF) training based on near-infrared spectroscopy would allow an improvement of the eating behavior, thus promoting a long-term weight loss in obese subjects. Patients will be trained during a month with 8 NF sessions and results based on clinical data and different questionnaires results will be compared between inclusion and 3 months later

Analysis of the Glycemic Profile of People Suffering From Compulsive Eating Disorders Aiming to...
BulimiaBinge Eating4 moreEating Disorders (ED) are a major public health problem. Current care remains only partially effective and the pathophysiology of the disorders remains to be deepened. With regard to compulsive ED (bulimia and binge eating disorder), our clinical experience suggests that one of the major triggers for crisis may be related to glycemia. In fact, bulimia could be considered as a vicious circle where the binge eating disorder is going to be followed by a food restriction in order to control weight , putting the subject in a situation of "energy deficiency" which will favor the emergence of new crises . Technological advances have resulted in the emergence of new measuring devices, such as "tracking", which records continuous glycemia, which would allow us to explore these clinical hypotheses.

Biobehavioral Reward Responses Associated With Consumption of Nutritionally Diverse Ultra-Processed...
ObesityOvereating1 moreThe changing food environment, with increasingly abundant ultra-processed food (UPF) options, may directly contribute to rising rates of obesity, though it is unknown which ingredients in UPF elevate their reinforcing nature in a way that may lead to overconsumption. The proposed study is the first to systematically examine differences in the rewarding characteristics of and physiological and metabolic responses to UPFs that are high in fat, refined carbohydrates (like sugar), or both. Understanding the biobehavioral underpinnings that enhance the reinforcing potential of ingredients in UPF (e.g., fat vs. refined carbohydrates) can inform novel intervention targets for the treatment of overeating and obesity.

Abnormal Eating and Taste Perception in Subjects With Obesity
ObesityThe identification of safe and effective strategies for weight loss and long-term maintenance is critical to reduce the alarming prevalence of obesity worldwide and mitigate obesity-associated health risks. Specifically, Binge Eating (BE) and Food Addiction (FA) behaviors are well known causes of failed weight loss and weight regain. The definitions of their clinical phenotypes are currently evolving. Recent evidence suggests that food choices, behavior and reward may be driven also by taste perception. The hypothesis of this study is that subjects with dysfunctional eating behavior have different taste thresholds compared to obese subjects without eating disorders, and that this characteristic influences food choice and eating behavior. Identifying a difference in the taste thresholds between obese with and without eating disorder will allow us to understand why certain individuals over-consume or binge on densely caloric foods and to give them a tailored dietary treatment so as to maintain weight loss for a long time. The Binge eating and Food Addiction is assessed using Binge Eating Scale and Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0. Subjects with obesity recruited are divided in 4 groups: without eating disorder, with food addiction (FA), with binge eating (BE) and with FA + BE. In these groups sweet and salty taste will be measured with the 3-Alternative-Forced-Choice method.

Impact of Mindfulness Program on Perceived Wellness, Eating Habits and Relationship to Food
DietHealthy14 moreMindfulness, seemingly a simple concept, research shows that the impact of mindfulness on the overall wellness of an individual can be helpful (5). Research supports that mindfulness leads to reduced stress, enhanced performance, better focus, and improved approach (7). Areas of mindfulnessare mindful eating,movement and meditation. Application of mindfulness tools in these areas can be beneficial to health outcomes and to create a happier more efficient work environment (9). Mindful eating shows to improve diet quality and attitudes toward food and eating. Individuals better understand physical hunger/fullness cues, improve nutrient density, weight control,digestion,systolic blood pressure, and stress(2). Disordered eating behaviors have also shown to improve(3). Mindless eating, such as eating while being on the phone, driving, or watching television can have the opposite effect and can be linked to more emotional hunger cues. Combining mindful eating with diet therapy can lead to healthier food choices and a more positive feeling towards eating and body image, reducing stress and improving the overall wellness of an individual (4). Aspire's experience shows that aspects of teacher's wellness is worsening with ,media reporting more and more employees resigning from their positions every day (wccb,2021). Teachers have voiced their need for more support with their wellbeing. As a result, Aspire Nutrition is targeting school employees through a newly developed mindfulness program titled Nourish Carolina. This program will be focused on improving the overall wellness of participants Participants are enrolled in the study for 12 weeks. All participants will have weekly nutritional counseling and bi-weekly mental health counseling. Study group will have nutrition and mental health counseling with mindfulness activities and control group will receive nutrition and mental health sessions without mindfulness activities. There is a program curriculum so that mental health and nutrition mindfulness activities compliment eachother The mindfulness lessons for study group are divided into 6 nutrition and 6 mental health sessions,for 15 minutes during the session. Positive outcomes could include improved workplace performance as a result of enhancing school employees overall wellness and quality of life by reducing stress levels, improving diet quality, and improving mental health.

Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation in Food Addiction Treatment
OverweightObesity and Other Hyperalimentation (E65-E68)Obesity is worldwide a public health problem. According to World Health Organization (WHO), overweight and obesity are the fifth death risk factor worldwide. At least 2.8 million adults die each year. Food addiction is one of the causes of obesity that may benefit from new therapeutic options.

FMRI of Dietary Decision-making in Food Addicted Participants Compared to Non-food Addicted Participants...
Food AddictionObesity3 moreWhy in some situations can words soothe our cravings? This research proposal will test the power of self-generated reasons for behavioural change in food addiction, which concerns about three out of ten persons and causes major life hazards such as obesity, diabetes and cancer. While food addiction is becoming more and more frequent in western societies, not much is known about its underlying neurocognitive mechanisms and how to tackle it. This study aims to investigate if and why certain types of affirmation-based therapies such as motivational interviewing (MI) are beneficial for the treatment of food addiction. The working hypothesis proposes that cognitive regulation-based self-control underpins the neurocognitive shift of a patient's willingness to change addictive behaviour, generated by the patient during MI therapy of food addiction. To test this hypothesis this study combines functional magnetic resonance imaging with behavioural testing of dietary decision-making following a participant's change or sustain talk statements. It will compare three groups of participants with and without food addiction and obesity and lean controls. This study will contribute to the improvement of therapies based upon talking oneself in and out of addiction promoting goals. Findings will provide a better understanding of how our everyday life dietary decision-environments prompt good intentions such as improving long-term nutritional quality to actual behaviours such as forgoing immediate desire.