Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block Combined With Facial Nerve Block on the Treatment of Idiopathic...
Peripheral Facial PalsyPeripheral facial palsy is caused by damage to the facial nerve at any site of the peripheral branches after the facial nucleus.Stellate ganglion block is performed to treat peripheral facial palsy because it increases blood flow and promotes nerve regeneration.Facial Nerve Block worked with elimination of local inflammation of nerve and oppression. Facial nerve block is a treatment that inject drugs into the damaged nerve around to eliminate local inflammation and compression of the nerve.

Optic Neuritis and Ganglion Cell Layer
Optic NeuritisBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The recent expansion of the applications of optical coherence tomography (OCT) demonstrated a higher correlation between the analysis of ganglion cells and visual function, in comparison with the analysis of the nerve fiber layer for several diseases of the optic nerve. Atrophy of the ganglion cells tends to induce the visual function deficits. In the case of optic neuritis, inflammation of the optic nerve causes a deficit of visual function initially with low vision, color blindness and visual field. Secondary atrophy of ganglion cell can result. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the correlation between the analysis of ganglion cells at the time of diagnosis of optic neuritis and the resulting visual acuity at 6 months and visual function (visual acuity, color vision and perimetry) 1 year regardless of treatment. A predictive effect could help predict the patient's clinical course and management of uncertainty and anxiety. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An assessment at diagnosis and follow-ups at 6 months and 1 year with a measurement of best corrected visual acuity, a test color vision HRR (Hardy-Rand-Rittler), an OCT with analysis of ganglion cells and perimetry Humphrey 30 -2 fast will be done. Simple linear and logistic regressions will be used. RESULTS: We expect that there will be a significant association between atrophy of ganglion cells in the diagnosis and residual visual function after an episode of optic neuritis. We believe that the initial atrophy is associated with poorer visual prognosis. CONCLUSION: A predictive effect could help to inform the patient about the evolution of the disease and provide early visual rehabilitation.

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block for Postdural Puncture Headache
Postdural Puncture HeadacheBackground: Postdural puncture headache (PDPH), which is one of the complications of spinal anesthesia, is a condition that negatively affects the quality of life of patients, causes late mobilization and prolonged hospital stay. Sphenopalatine ganglion block (SGB) has created a minimally invasive, easy, and safe treatment alternative. Objective: Evaluating the effectiveness of topical SGB on PDPH treatment. Design: Retrospective observational study Setting: Single center tertiary level of care hospital study. The files of PDPH patients between Jan 2018 and Jan 2020 were scanned. Patients: PDPH patients aged 18-65 are included and any patients with primary/secondary headache history are excluded. Main outcome measures: Patients were divided into 2 groups. The group that given only conservative treatment was named as Group C, and the group of patients who had additionally been applied SGB was named as Group SGB. Headache severity was measured with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) at the 1st,3rd, 12th and 24th hours of the treatment, in supine and upright position.

Thoracic Sympathetic Ganglion Block Inadvertent Spread
Thoracic; Sympathetic GanglionInjuryThis study wants to identify the incidence of inadvertend intercostal or epidural spread of thoracic sympathetic block

The Effect of Ganglion Sphenopalatine Block (GSP-block) Follow-Up
Post-Dural Puncture HeadacheGanglion Sphenopalatine BlockThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the long term effects of the ganglion sphenopalatine block (GSP block) on postdural puncture headache.

Intraoperative Analysis of Reward and Impulsivity in the Basal Ganglia
Parkinson's DiseaseThis project studies the impulsive side effects of common treatments for Parkinson's Disease. By learning how parts of the brain involved in Parkinson's encode information related to reward and motivation, the investigators will better understand the reasons why Parkinson's patients often suffer from compulsive gambling, hypersexuality, and repetitive tinkering ("punding"). These results may lead to the design of better methods of deep brain stimulation (DBS) that minimize the behavioral side effects of Parkinson's treatment.

Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on Blood Flow in the Cannulated Radial Artery
Stellate Ganglion BlockRadial Artery CannulationTo evaluate the value of US-guided Stellate ganglion block for improving radial arterial blood flow and peripheral perfusion in Septic shock patients on vasopressor support with an indwelling radial arterial cannula, which can result in reduced incidence premature failure of the catheter (due to vasospasm or thrombosis) and incidence of ischemic complications in the cannulated arm.

Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome After Preoperative Stellate Ganglion Block for Breast Cancer Surgeries...
Breast CancerBreast PainThis study investigate the effect of pre-operative ultrasound guided stellate ganglion block with local anesthetic on the frequency of neuropathic pain syndromes in the first 6-month post cancer breast surgeries with axillary dissection.

Question Prompt List for Common Hand Conditions
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeTrigger Finger3 morePatients with common hand conditions will be randomized to one of two groups- one will receive a question prompt list, the other will receive a list of 3 questions

Perioperative Neuroprotection of Stellate Ganglion Block
Intracranial AneurysmTo investigate whether stellate ganglion block is helpful to brain protection during cranial aneurysm surgery