Combining Stellate Ganglion and T2 and T3 Radiofrequency Ablation on Post-mastectomy Complex Regional...
Stellate GanglionRadiofrequency Ablation2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the combination of Ultra Sound (US) guided radiofrequency stellate ganglion block (SGB) and radiofrequency Thoracic Paravertebral block (TPVB) comparing to US-guided SGB or TPVB alone on the post-mastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS).

Botulinum Toxin Type A Blockade of the Sphenopalatine Ganglion in Treatment-refractory Chronic Cluster...
Cluster HeadacheCluster headache is a primary headache condition characterized by clusters of one-sided, high-intensity pain attacks. The headache may be episodic or chronic. Treatment options are limited and their effects unsatisfactory. An important nerve pathway involved in the pain attacks has a switching station at the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) located in the depth of the facial bones. SPG is a known therapy target for cluster headache. The area can be identified on CT images, but is difficult to access due to its location. Thus, the Multiguide navigation system has been developed to enable precise delivery of the drugs that target SPG activity. In Trondheim, two phase 1 / Phase 2 study have been carried out using botulinum toxin A (Botox®) against SPG in patient with chronic cluster headache and chronic migraine. The results indicate that such a treatment strategy is safe and beneficial. The current study is a randomized, placebo-controlled, triple-blinded study to investigate whether precise single-injection of botulinum toxin A reduces the frequency of attacks in chronic cluster headache .

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block and Pain Management in Neurosurgery
Post Operative PainCraniofacial PainPost craniotomy pain is defined as headache developed up to 7 days from a craniotomy, not otherwise explained. A moderate to severe pain affects from 60 to 84% of patients. Sphenopalatine ganglion block has been successfully used in patients with chronic or acute headache, facial pain and for transsphenoidal pituitary and endoscopic sinus surgeries. There are evidences that sphenopalatine ganglion block reduces vegetative responses to skull pin closure. This study aim to investigate feasibility and efficacy of sphenopalatine ganglion block in reducing pain after a neurosurgical supratentorial craniotomy.

Intracavitary Injection of hUMSCs in Acute Basal Ganglia Hematoma After Stereotactic Aspiration...
Basal Ganglia HematomaA study to examine the safety and potential effectiveness of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUMSCs) in adults who have suffered spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia. The hypothesis is that hUMSCs will be safe and can improve neurological function after intracerebral hemorrhage so that improve the prognosis of patients.

"The Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block in Severe Brain Injury"
Traumatic Brain InjuryBrain Inflammation1 moreBlood flow through the brain is reduced after brain damage. Secondary brain ischemia caused by hypoxia and hypotension, further increase the susceptibility of the ischemically compromised brain to secondary impairment during this period. In order to determine whether and to what extent blockage of the stellate ganglion (BSG) affects the blood flow to the injured brain, the investigators will measure the variables of brain blood flow before and after BSG using computed tomography angiography (CTA), trans-cranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD), intracranial pressure (ICP) and perfusion computed tomography (PCT) of the brain. At the same time, the investigators would like to evaluate whether and to what extent BSG affects the aseptic inflammatory brain injury response and the biochemical indicators of brain damage in patients with moderate and severe brain injury.

Intermittent Dosing of Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation as an Alternate Paradigm to Continuous Low-Frequency...
CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes)Radiculopathy1 moreThis study seeks to evaluate the use of intermittent dosing as an alternative paradigm for patients with DRG stimulation in place for at least 1 year and minimum 50% pain relief in the targeted area. Patients will be prospectively randomized to one of two stimulation paradigms both of which involve intermittent dosing at 30 seconds ON and 90 seconds OFF. Group 1 will have their frequency set at 20 Hz with amplitude levels adjusted in order to remain in the therapeutic window (subthreshold stimulation). Group 2 will have their frequency set at 5 Hz with amplitude levels adjusted in order to remain in the therapeutic window (subthreshold stimulation) This study will be performed in a crossover fashion, meaning patients will be changed to the alternate dosing regimen at the 13-week time period. Patients will be seen and evaluated prior to randomization and reprogramming, and thereafter evaluated at 4, 8, and 12-weeks. At the 12-week time period, patients will begin a 1-week washout period of continuous stimulation. At the 13-week time period, patients will be evaluated, crossed over to the other study arm and thereafter evaluated at 17, 21, and 25-weeks.

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Stimulation for Ocular and Oral Dryness
Dry Eye DiseaseXerostomiaDry Eye Disease (DED) is a multifactorial pathology characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal functional unit that develops in ocular surface pathology, severely affecting patients quality of life. The core of the treatment relies at present in antinflammatory topical therapies, which are still scarce. The investigators hypothesize that osteopathy-based techniques may help these patients by influencing the central involvement regarding parasympathetic innervation of tear and saliva-secreting glands. The aim of this osteopathic treatment protocol is to release the involved structures in the tear-secreting system innervation, such as the sphenopalatine ganglion. In addition, this ganglion innervates the minor salivary glands, therefore it is intended to help patients suffering from xerostomia. The hypothesis then is that a systemic protocol treatment can help balance both parts of the vegetative nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) with the objective of increasing the secretion of tear and saliva in patients with ocular and oral dryness (DED and xerostomia, respectively), thus improving their clinical situation. This osteopathic protocol does not have the potential to cause adverse effects. The main objective is to analyze the efficacy of this protocol application in terms of improving symptoms and signs of ocular and oral dryness, tear film quality and inflammation molecule levels in tears and saliva.

Stellate Ganglion Destruction With Alcohol Versus Thermal Ablation for Chronic Post Mastectomy Pain...
Post-mastectomy Pain SyndromeGroup A: SGB with alcohol injection by ultrasound guidance and C7 level confirmation by fluoroscopy. Group B: Thermal RF; thermal RF neurolysis will be applied with a time of 60 seconds at 80º C, and then will be repeated twice . Stellate ganglion RF therapy will be done under fluoroscopy, integrated by ultrasound guidance

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block in Maxillofacial Surgeries
Postoperative PainPatients will be divided into 2 groups, 30 each. Group A will receive sphenopalatine ganglion block via a gauze soaked in local anesthetic introduced in the 2 nostrils then by local anesthetic injected by a cannula into both nostrils. Group B will undergo the same procedure, but normal saline will be used instead of the local anesthetic.

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block Study
Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve BlockThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare the administration and dosage of bupivacaine for sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) nerve block. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: Does a high dose (3ml) give more relief than a low dose (1ml)? Does bilateral administration give more relief than unilateral? Participants with headaches will be asked to lie down and have SPG block performed. Researchers will compare dosage and administration to see how symptoms are reduced.