Pulsed Radiofrequency of S2-4 Versus Ganglion Impar Neurolysis for Severe Perianal and Perineal...
AnalgesiaPerineal pain resulting from malignancy is usually severe. Pain can be related to the malignancy or as a complication related to the treatment. several modalities are adopted to control such pain starting from medical management to interventional pain procedures.

Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on New Atrial Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting...
Stellate Ganglion BlockPost-operative new-onset atrial fibrillation (POAF) is one of the most common arrhythmias in adults after direct intracardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation. The incidence of POAF in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is approximately 30%. POAF can lead to an increased risk of complications such as stroke, heart failure, and acute kidney injury, which not only prolongs the patient's hospital stay, but also increases hospital costs and mortality. operation, extracorporeal circulation, and the patient's underlying conditions (such as age, gender, hypertension, and diabetes), which cause sympathetic activation, inflammatory response, and myocardial ischemia in the organism. The stellate ganglion block (SGB) regulates the sympathetic tone of the innervated nerves and thus the autonomic function of the body. SGB can effectively regulate the sympathetic-parasympathetic imbalance. Also, SGB may exert some anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, ultrasound-guided SGB was used in CABG patients to investigate its effect on the occurrence of POAF.

Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on Internal Mammary Artery Dynamics
AnesthesiaThe aim of this study is to compare the diameter of Left internal mammary artery and its blood flow by using the pulsatility index before and after the left stellate ganglion block in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting.

Stellate Ganglion Block and Cerebral Vasospasm
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid HemorrhageStellate Ganglion Block1 moreAt present, cerebral vasospasm (cVS) is the main cause of delayed cerebral infarction (DCI), which leads to high disability and mortality rate after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. As a consequence, the key of reducing DCI is to prevent cVS. But unfortunately, despite years of efforts, the prevention and treatment of cVS is still a major clinical dilemma and various ways of treatment are still being explored. Recent studies have shown that stellate ganglion block (SGB) can dilate cerebral vessels and alleviate the impact of existing cVS. However, there is no study to evaluate the effect of early application of SGB on the improvement and prevention of cVS after aSAH.

Outcomes After Dorsal Wrist Ganglia Excision With or Without PIN
Wrist GanglionGanglion Cysts2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if a statistical significance exists between outcomes of patients treated for dorsal wrist ganglion cyst with excision alone versus excision and the addition of a partial wrist denervation by resecting the common terminal sensory branch of the PIN (posterior interosseus nerve). Our hypothesis is that addition of PIN improves outcome after dorsal wrist ganglion excision as indicated by post-operative pain, function, ability to perform activities of daily living, and physical exam findings.

Effect of Ultrasound-guided Left Stellate Ganglion Block on Rapid Recovery in Patients With Liver...
Left Stellate Ganglion Block on Rapid RecoveryPossible Molecular Mechanism of Left Stellate Ganglion BlockLobe resection of complex process Traumatic big liver door block causes the body's nervous system very excited or inhibit the endocrine system, immune excessive activation of inflammatory cells, triggering and cause dysfunction of the immune inflammatory reaction, of patients with injury of tissues and organs and affect its repair, increase the risk of complications after liver resection, affected lobe resection in patients with postoperative rapid recovery. Stellate ganglion block has been widely used in the treatment of various systemic diseases due to its advantages of simple operation and obvious effect. SGB has broad application prospects and can promote postoperative recovery of patients undergoing major surgery, but its effect on the rapid recovery of patients undergoing liver lobectomy and its mechanism remain to be further explored.

Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on ME/CFS
EncephalomyelitisMyalgic9 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to study the effects of stellate ganglion block (SGB) in participants with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The main questions it aims to answer are: Does SGB treatment improve symptoms of ME/CFS (e.g. brain fog, fatigue)? Do changes in symptoms go along with changes in blood or saliva? Participants will receive a total of six blocks over three weeks (one block on each side, one day apart, per week). Prior to treatment and at two points following treatment, participants will complete surveys, take a cognitive (puzzle type) test, and provide blood and saliva for analysis. Participants will measure their heart rate daily using a free smart phone app.

Effect of Ultrasound-guided Stellate Ganglion Block Combined With Facial Nerve and Glossopharyngeal...
Sudden DeafnessSudden deafness is a sudden, unexplained sensorineural hearing loss of ≥20 dBHL in at least two adjacent frequencies within 72 h. It may be accompanied by tinnitus, a sense of ear congestion, vertigo and other Symptoms.Stellate ganglion block increases the blood flow and blood velocity in the inner ear, keeping the body's vegetative, endocrine and immune functions normal.The branches of the facial and linguopharyngeal nerves are connected to the inner ear, and local injection can nourish the nerves and improve local circulation.

Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on Cardiac and Renal Function After Cardiopulmonary Bypass Cardiac...
Stellate Ganglion BlockThe incidence of acute kidney injury after cardiopulmonary bypass cardiac surgery is high, which increases postoperative mortality and is not conducive to the prognosis of patients. Stellate ganglion blocks increase renal blood flow, reduce inflammation and stress, and protect the heart muscle. In this study, stellate ganglion block was used to promote rapid recovery of heart and kidney function after cardiopulmonary bypass cardiac surgery.

Stellate Ganglion Block in Herpes Zoster
PainNeuropathicPatient who will be presented to Tanta University Hospitals complaining of acute herpes zoster with onset of vesicular eruption less than 7 days will be included in this clinical study. Patients will be excluded if they refused participation, had allergy to local anesthetics, coagulopathy, local infection, glaucoma, or neurological deficit. All the patients will receive acyclovir (antiviral therapy) and pregablin (analgesic) and the patients will be classified into two groups:- Group I (control group): Patients will receive sham block weekly for three times Group III (SGB group): Patients will receive stellate ganglion block weekly for three times The time of first block after the onset of vesicular eruption, the incidence of PHN, NPRS at visit, duration of acute HZ , duration of PHN (if occurred), and the incidence of complication will be measured.