Glycerol Block of the Trigeminal Ganglion in Trigeminal Neuralgia Using a New Neuronavigation-based...
Trigeminal NeuralgiaHeadache DisordersTrigeminal neuralgia is one of the strongest pains known to humans. Some patients do not have enough effect with the available pharmaceutical treatments and are offered a type of surgery, which involves the injection of glycerol in a nerve structure called trigeminal ganglion. The researchers will do a pilot study on 10 patients with a new surgical technique using neuronavigation. The researchers believe that this new neuronavigation-based system can improve the precision of the technique and reduce the risk for complications.

The Effect of Ganglion Sphenopalatine Block Versus Placebo on Persistent Headache Following COVID-19...
HeadacheCovid192 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the ganglion sphenopalatine block (SPG block) on persistent headache following acute COVID-19 infection.

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block for Headache After Concussion
ConcussionHeadacheThis clinical trial will enroll participants to evaluate the effects of SPG block on post-traumatic headache. The study hypothesizes that patients that receive a SPG block with lidocaine vs. placebo (saline) will have a lower number of headache days in the week following the procedure, and will also report lower symptom scores. Eligible participants will receive one treatment (SPG block) as well as complete surveys prior to and after receiving treatment (for a total of approximately 2 weeks).

Effectiveness of Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block for Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Post-Dural Puncture HeadacheSphenopalatine Ganglion BlockThe objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of Spheno-Palatine (SP) ganglion block to alleviate the pain of post-dural puncture headache (PDPH).

Post-operative Analgesia in Elective, Soft-tissue Hand Surgery
Carpal TunnelGanglion Cyst2 moreThe purpose of this research study is to find out which combination of pain medications following surgery work the best and result in the fewest side effects.

Pregabalin Versus Placebo as an Add on for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS) of the Upper Limb...
Complex Regional Pain SyndromesThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of pregabalin in patients with complex regional pain syndrome Type I and to determine whether it provides clinically significant pain relief and whether it improves functioning of the upper limb.

High-voltage Pulsed Radiofrequency on Gasserian Ganglion to Treat Patients With Primary Trigeminal...
Idiopathic Trigeminal NeuralgiaThe study is designed to compare the effectiveness and safety of high-voltage Pulsed radiofrequency and nerve block for the treatment of primary Trigeminal Neuralgia patients with ineffective conservative treatment and explore better non-surgical treatment methods for Trigeminal Neuralgia patients.

Botulinum Toxin Type A Block of the Sphenopalatine Ganglion in Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal...
Chronic DiseaseNasal Polyposis1 moreChronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyps is a particularly challenging form of chronic rhinosinusitis in several ways. Patients have significantly more severe symptom burden and worse quality of life than patients with chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps. Many patients return to the health care providers with persistent symptoms after repeated medical and surgical treatment. Patients have usually tried several different types of treatments, ranging from less invasive procedures to extensive surgical treatment. The surgical treatment is often repeated several times. The most common surgical treatment is functional endoscopic sinus surgery, another established procedure is Vidian neurectomy. The main object of this pilot study is to investigate the safety of onabotulinumtoxin A towards the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) in CRS patients with nasal polyps. Efficacy data will also be collected to provide indication on whether future placebo-controlled studies should be performed. Onabotulinumtoxin A inhibits the secretion of acetylcholine, blocking the parasympathetic reflex cascade in the SPG. As a result, the investigators expect less mucosal swelling, secretion and nasal polyps. The duration of such a blockade is believed to last for 3-9 months and will not lead to damage of the nerve. This study opens up for improved treatment with less complications.

Stellate Ganglion Block to Reduce Hot Flushes
Hot FlashStellate Ganglion Block2 moreTo assess the short-term efficacy of stellate ganglion block on hot flush reduction versus sham procedure

USG Brachial Plexus Block for Upper Extremity Surgery
Fracture at Wrist and/or Hand LevelRupture of Tendon of Wrist and Hand4 moreUltrasound-guided (USG) brachial plexus (BP) block efficacy at the Supraclavicular (SCL), Lateral- Infraclavicular (LIC) and Axillary (AX) level: Randomized, observer-blinded study of the single-penetration multiple-injection-technique.