Measurement of the Skin Sympathetic Nerve Activity During Stellate, Thoracic, and Lumbar Sympathetic...
Chronic Pain Requiring StellateThoracic1 moreSympathetic nerve activity can be measured transcutaneously in awake patients by computer-based filtering of raw signal obtained via skin leads attached on the chest and the right arm. Electrocardiogram can be removed by applying a high-pass filter setting of 150 Hz. Electromyogram can be filtered by applying a high-pass filter setting of 500 Hz or a band-pass filter setting of 500-1000 Hz. Currently, the therapeutic effect of stellate, thoracic, and lumbar sympathetic ganglia block (SGB, TSGB, and LSGB, respectively) in patients with chronic pain is generally evaluated by using thermogram/thermography (change in temperature of the upper or lower extremeties) or questionnaire-based scoring. However, it is not known whether the skin sympathetic nerve activity (SKNA) can be measured in patients undergoing SGB/TSGB/LSGB and used as an alternative tool for assessing the therapeutic effect of SGB/TSGB/LSGB. Therefore, we planned this pilot study to observe whether the SKNA can be obtained in patients undergoing SGB/TSGB/LSGB and whether it is well correlated to thermogram or questionnaire-based scoring. If the SKNA is observed and decreases after SGB/TSGB/LSGB, it will be presented in milivolt (uV) and compared to that of pre-block values.

In-hospital Stellate Ganglion Block for Arrhythmic Storm
Arrhythmic StormArrhythmic storm is a real emergency and its treatment could be challenging. Antiarrhythmic drugs are few and often ineffective. Neuromodulation has been grown in evidences but no large multicentric studies are present in literature about safety and effectiveness of Percutaneous Stellate Ganglion Block (PSGB). Patients with an electrical storm refractory to at least one antiarrhythmic drug will receive PSGB and will be enrolled in the present study. The number of defibrillations before and after the treatment will be compared, complications will be annotated.

The Effect of Bilateral Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block on Postoperative Pain in Patients to be Subject...
Anesthesia of Mucous MembraneThe aim of this study is to examine the effects of bilateral sphenopalatine ganglion block on surgical conditions, hemodynamics, intraoperative and postoperative analgesic use, recovery characteristics, and postoperative pain during septorhinoplasty under general anesthesia. The study was planned as double-blind, randomized, controlled. 72 patients who will undergo septorhinoplasty surgery will be collected. (g power analysis was performed.) Evaluation of the effectiveness of bilateral sphenopalatine ganglion block was planned. Patients will be divided into 2 equal groups (36 patients). After the induction of general anesthesia, one group (Group: 1) will be administered 8mg dexamethasone and 10mg bupivacaine submucosal, the other group (group:2) will be administered 4 cc saline. aspects will be evaluated.

Effect of Ultrasound-guided Left Stellate Ganglion Block on Rapid Recovery of Patients Undergoing...
Left Stellate Ganglion Block Can Quickly Restore the Left Stellate GanglionPossible Molecular Mechanism of Left Stellate Ganglion BlockIn this study, Valve replacement patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass were randomly divided into control group and experimental group (SGB Group) , main outcome measures: postoperative complications (pulmonary infection, oxygenation injury, arrhythmia, hemorrhage, enteroparalysis, incision infection, renal insufficiency, cognitive impairment, etc.) and 30-day mortality. Secondary outcome measures: Hemodynamics, postoperative extubation time, length of stay and total cost of hospitalization. To investigate the effect of SGB on the rapid recovery of patients with Valve replacement heart disease after cardiopulmonary bypass.

Medical Imaging in the Diagnosis of Ganglion Cysts of the Hand
Ganglion Cyst of Both HandsThe aim of this study is to investigate if inexpensive, readily available and portable wireless ultrasound devices can detect ganglion cysts of the wrist and hand in compare to a cart-based ultrasound device before surgery.

Ganglion Cell Thickness in Enuresis Nocturna
EnuresisNocturnal2 moreThe precise role of the intrinsic circadian regulatory mechanism behind the pathogenesis of enuresis is not fully understood, but in theory, circadian rhythm irregularity may be the primary pathogenic mechanism not only for urinary outflow mechanisms but also for nocturnal bladder function. The proximity between SCN centers that control AVP release, sleep/arousal, voiding, and baroreregulation may provide the basis for circadian rhythm disturbance in one or more of these biological functions. Ganglion cells containing melanopsin pigment in the retina transmit the information they receive from the outside world about the light-dark state to the SCN via the retinohypothalamic pathway. Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, optic nerve head and macula are examined most frequently for the diagnosis of glaucoma and the detection of progression with optical coherence tomography (OCT). If differences in ganglion cell thickness can be detected using OCT in these children, a new avenue in Enuresis Nocturna may be opened.

Morphological and Metabolic Changes of Dorsal Root Ganglion and Sympathetic Ganglion in Patients...
PainNeuropathy;PeripheralObject: Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is pain that persists for 1-3 months after herpes zoster onset. It is the most common complication of herpes zoster and occurs in 15-40% of patients with herpes zoster. PHN has been suggested to be related with the lesion of doral root ganglion (DRG). However, the studies are almost limited to autopsies and animals , and the mechanism of PHN is still unclear. This study was conducted to investigate morphological and metabolic changes of DRG and sympathetic ganglion in patients with postherpetic neuralgia on MRI. Method: 30 patients diagnosed as PHN were recruited. The volume and fractional anisotropy of DRG of lesion dermatomes were measured under MRI, and compared with contralateral and adjacent DRG. The volume and fractional anisotropy of sympathetic ganglion of lesion dermatomes were also measured under MRI, and compared with contralateral and adjacent sympathetic ganglion.Then, the association between clinical phenotypes and DRG changes were analyzed.

Brain Self-regulation for Parkinson's
Basal-ganglia fMRI NeurofeedbackTo investigate feasibility of basal-ganglia regions as fMRI-neurofeedback targets in Parkinson's patients and evaluate self-regulation success

Sensory Filtering in the Human Basal Ganglia as a Mechanism of Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseThe investigators are investigating the brain activity associated with sensory information in movement disorders in order to improve treatment of these symptoms beyond what is currently available.

Hypogastric Plexus Block and Ganglion Impar Block for Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Pain Management...
Cervical CancerEndometrial CancerThis study compared the efficacy and safety of superior hypogastric plexus block and ganglion impar block procedures on the management of pelvic and perineal cancer pain in patients with cervical and endometrial cancer