Efficacy of Manuel Therapy and BETY in Patients With Temporomandibular Dysfunction Related Headache...
Temporomandibular DisordersHeadacheThe aim of the study is to investigate the effects of Manual Therapy and the Cognitive Exercise Therapy Approach treatment in patients with TMD-related headaches.

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Headache
Cervicogenic HeadacheTension-Type HeadacheThis is a pilot and feasibility randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy in patients with tension-type and cervicogenic headache.

Cluster Headache Treatment With Rimegepant
Cluster HeadacheThe purpose of this research is to explore the efficacy of rimegepant as a preventative therapy for cluster headache.

Mindfulness Therapy for Chronic Migraine
Chronic MigraineMedication Overuse HeadacheThe aim is to assess the efficacy of adding on a Mindfulness-based therapy to pharmacological prophylaxis (experimental group: pharmacological prophylaxis + Mindfulness) against pharmacological prophylaxis only (control group) on the reduction of monthly headaches frequency (primary endpoint), symptomatic medications intake, inflammatory pattern, depression, anxiety, cutaneous allodynia, improving disability and quality of life (secondary endpoints). Moreover, other aims are to assess whether adding on Mindfulness-based therapy is also associated to a superior improvement of neuroimaging pattern among patients prescribed neuromodulators or antidepressants and to assess the cost-efficacy of adding on a Mindfulness-based therapy to pharmacological prophylaxis. Mindfulness will be provided in small groups (5-7 patients each) by specifically trained therapists. The treatment consists in six 45 minutes weekly sessions in which one will work on meditation, acceptance and awareness. The program of control group will consist in education of patients, followed by pharmacological prophylaxis. Prophylaxis is prescribed based on patients' profile, such as previous failures, contraindications and so on by a neurologist with expertise in headache treatments. We expect that adding-on Mindfulness will determine a wider reduction of headaches frequency and improvement of secondary endpoints, and that disease cost reduction will support the cost-efficacy of Mindfulness. The study will be a Phase III; randomized, Open-Label; Monocentric study. Patients will be enrolled to detect a 20% difference between the two groups on the primary outcome (50% or more of headache reduction by 12 months). For each medication type and research arm 20 patients will be selected: thus 80 patients will be enrolled for neuroradiological investigation.

Pulsed vs Continuous Radiofrequency Neurotomy for Cervical Facet Joint Mediated Pain
Faceto-genic Neck PainShoulder Pain Chronic1 moreDifferent studies have revealed different success rates and patient satisfaction after cervical facet C-RF. In a study on 32 patients, with 15 months follow up, 25% had complete pain relief (8). Another study had shown mean pain relief of 12.5 months and 11.5 months following a repeat procedure, with an effectiveness of 95% in 47 patients (8). In one study a success rate of 88% after first RF, and 86% following a repeat RF in 49 patients with facet mediated cervicogenic headache. They regarded the absence of anesthesia in the distribution of the 3rd occipital nerve, a technical failure (9). In a study from New Zealand, demonstrated cervical facet RF as the sole treatment modality, produced 61% -74% complete pain relief with a median duration of 15-17 months in patients who had responded to facet joints diagnostic block (10). One more study in 2012 has demonstrated high voltage P-RF had a higher short-term effect compare to usual voltage, but results are still lower than C-RF (11). A double blind randomized prospective study has illustrated P-RF did not show any success rate in 6 months pain control, whereas C-RF had 95% pain control for trigeminal neuralgia (12). Cohen in a recent study has compared P-RF with steroid injection for occipital neuralgia or migraine with occipital nerve tenderness (13). Six weeks pain relief was 61% in P-RF group, and 36% in steroid injection group, with a positive outcome of 34%, and 26% respectively (13). One study on 2010 had reached to 52.6%, 6 months pain improvement on occipital neuralgia (14).

Efficacy of Percutaneous SPG Block in Aneurysmal SAH
Subarachnoid HemorrhageHeadacheResearchers are trying to develop alternative means to help patients with headache pain secondary to aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding about the brain).

Study of Two Digital Therapeutics for the Prevention of Episodic Migraine Receiving CGRP Therapy...
MigraineEpisodic Migraine3 moreRandomized study of two digital therapeutics for the prevention of episodic migraine in patients currently receiving Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Inhibitor Therapy

The Effect Of Cervical Mobilization And Clinical Pilates in Cervicogenic Headache
HeadacheCervicogenic2 moreCervicogenic headache (CH) arises from cervical region problems. Various physiotherapy methods such as manual therapy approaches and exercise training are used in the treatment of CH. The aim of our study is to investigate cervical mobilization and clinical Pilates exercises on pain, muscle stiffness, head and neck blood flow in CH. Including individuals diagnosed with CH in the study. Those to be included in the study will be divided into 3 groups by a simple method. Demographic information of the individuals, age, height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), gender, educational status, occupation, marital status, smoking, alcohol use will be recorded. In evaluations about pain before treatment; pain intensity, pain frequency, duration and characteristics will be evaluated with Visual Analog Scale (VAS). In addition, analgesic use (frequency, amount) in headache situations will be recorded. Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS) will be used to determine the effect of headache on quality of life. Disability Index will be used in the assessment of functional desire, and Postur Screen mobile application will be used in the assessment of posture. Range of motion(ROM) of all neck joint movements will be evaluated by CROM goniometer, deep neck flexor muscle strength by Pressure Biofeedback Unit (PBU), sternocleidomastoid(SKM), suboccipital and upper trapezius muscle stiffness myotonometer, and head-neck artery flow volume will be evaluated by Doppler ultrasound. Cervical mobilization methods will be applied to the 1st group, clinical pilates applications to the 2nd group, clinical pilates with cervical mobilization will be applied to the 3rd group for 3 days / week for 6 weeks. All evaluations were completed again after the 3rd week and after the treatment. After the obtained results are obtained, the literature will be discussed.

Responding With Evidence and Access for Childhood Headaches
HeadacheHeadache Disorders7 moreThis comparative effectiveness study will clarify current first-line preventive treatment approaches for use by neurologists, psychologists, and primary care providers in the context of real world care, and will demonstrate the feasibility of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) via telehealth for youth with migraine. The focus is on applying evidence-based care and enhancing access to it. CBT via telehealth while taking a clinically-prescribed, pill-based prevention therapy (amitriptyline) will be compared to CBT via telehealth alone.

Botulinum Toxin A in Frequent and Chronic Tension-type Headache
Tension-Type HeadacheChronic tension-type headache (CTTH) is an underestimated disabling condition that affects a large number of patients. The treatment options for both episodic tension-type headaches, but especially CTTH are few. Poor long-term effects of existing treatment for CTTH (Sarotex, SSRIs, physiotherapy) are reported. Patients with CTTH also have a high risk of developing drug overdose headache (MOH). Non-drug treatments with physiotherapy or alternative medicine also show poor long-term effects. Literature reviews show that there is surprisingly little research on CTTH. Some small clinical trials report a good effect of treatment with botulinum toxin A, but larger controlled trials are needed to confirm or deny this. The investigators will study effect of treatment with botulinum toxin A in CTTH in BACT study, and will include participants with both frequent and chronic TTH with 10 or more headache days per month. If BACT outcomes are positive, this will open a possibility for a new treatment for TTH patients.