The Effect of Individualised Homeopathic Treatment on Low Sexual Desire in Perimenopause
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderLow sexual desire, or decreased libido, is one of the most prevalent sexual complaints in females. Menopause is defined as the physiologic cessation of menses brought on by a decrease in ovarian function and is established once menses have been absent for at least twelve months. Perimenopause refers to the period shortly before as well as the twelve months after the last menstrual period. The duration of perimenopause varies greatly and signs and symptoms usually begin appearing during a woman's forties. A longitudinal study conducted in Seattle showed that women experienced a significant reduction in sexual desire during the late perimenopausal and early postmenopausal stages, with the biggest decline in sexual desire occurring from three years prior to two years after the final menstrual period. Despite being a prevalent female complaint, currently no standard treatment for low sexual desire exists. Homeopathy may offer a safe and effective solution for this common problem, however limited research has been conducted to date. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of individualised homeopathic treatment on low sexual desire in perimenopausal females using detailed case studies, the desire and arousal subscales of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) as well as Item 13 of the Female Sexual Distress Scale - Revised (FSDS-R).

Effects of Tribulus Terrestris in Postmenopausal Women With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
MenopauseSexual AbstinenceHypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder ( HSDD ) is very common in postmenopausal women due to a reduction in circulating androgen levels. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of Tribulus Terrestris in premenopausal women with HSDD.

Extracoporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) for the Treatment of Detrusor Underactivity/ Underactive...
DetrusorUnderactive1 moreTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of ESWT for the treatment of patients with DU/UAB

Safety and Efficacy of LibiGel® for Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Surgically...
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThis study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center study of the safety and efficacy of LibiGel 300mcg in the treatment of HSDD in surgically menopausal women.

Strength Training and Medication Effects in Parkinson Disease Effects on Hypokinesia in Parkinson...
Parkinson DiseaseParkinson disease is a degenerative neurologic condition characterized by slowness of movement, tremor, and loss of balance control. It results in significant degrees of disability for affected individuals. Exercise and medication management are two treatments frequently used to treat Parkinson disease, and although some individuals benefit from these treatments, by what effect exercise works is presently not known. We will examine muscle structure and movement control responses to strengthening exercises and compare them to the therapeutic response observed as a result of medication intake. This process will allow us to better understand the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of strengthening exercise for persons with Parkinson disease.

Study of Transdermal Testosterone Patches in Surgically Menopausal Women With Low Libido
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThis study is designed to evaluate efficacy and safety of a testosterone patch as treatment for low libido in surgically menopausal women who are taking estrogen therapy.

Testosterone in Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThe success of sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction has led to efforts to find similar treatments for prevalent disorders of female sexual dysfunction. Daily transdermal testosterone has been shown to improve sexual function in women after oophorectomy (Shifren et al, Transdermal testosterone treatment in women with impaired sexual function after oophorectomy, New England Journal of Medicine, 343; 682-8, 2000). In laboratory measures of sexual arousal, a single application of transdermal testosterone enhanced vaginal blood and increased erotic fantasy in normal volunteer women in the laboratory setting, four hours after application (Tuiten et al, Can sublingual testosterone increase subjective and physiological measures of laboratory-induced sexual arousal?, Arch Gen Psychiatry, 59;465,2002). We therefore planned a study of transdermal testosterone (25mg) marketed as Androgel in female hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Patients are recruited from the sexology clinics at Soroka Hospital and the Beersheva Mental Health Center. They are randomized to Androgel or placebo and given 10 packets and instructed on application to the abdomen and shoulders, four hours before planned intercourse. Patients unable to discuss planned intercourse with their partner are offered psychosexual counseling and those still unable after three sessions are excluded. After one month patients on active Androgel are crossed over to placebo or vice versa. Patients self-rate sexual response after each intercourse using the Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women, and Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX)-Female and are rated in interview at the end of each month of treatment using the Sexual Function Questionnaire (SFQ-V1). Our prn technique avoids the androgenizing side effects of continuous daily treatment.

Effects of Tribulus Terrestris in Women With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisfunctionHypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is the most prevalent female sexual dysfunction in society and is strongly linked to the quality of life of women. The androgen hormones decline over age in the premenopausal period, which occurs around 20 years. Tribulus terrestris is a plant native to India, recommended in the treatment of infertility, low libido and impotence. Its main active ingredient is the protodioscin, which has been attributed to an increase in testosterone levels and improved sexual function. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of Tribulus Terrestris in premenopausal women with HSDD.

Lybridos in Pre-and Postmenopausal Women With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderA double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-finding study to investigate the safety and efficacy of Lybridos in the domestic setting in healthy female subjects with hypoactive sexual desire disorder and maladaptive activity of sexual inhibitory mechanisms. This is a 2-arm placebo and Lybridos (0.5 mg testosterone + buspirone 10 mg) extension to study EB90 (Clinical Study Protocol EB90a, version 3.0, 07 June 2013). In the present study, the efficacy of Lybridos will be evaluated in the domestic setting in healthy female subjects with HSDD and maladaptive activity of sexual inhibitory mechanism(s). Sexual satisfaction and other aspects of sexual functioning will be measured within 24 hours after each sexual activity. The following hypotheses will be tested: Lybridos, as compared to placebo, will significantly increase the number of satisfying sexual events. Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of Lybridos as compared to placebo in increasing the number of satisfactory sexual episodes in healthy female subjects with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) and maladaptive activity of sexual inhibitory mechanisms To identify the optimal dose of Lybridos to take into phase 3 clinical development To confirm that Lybridos has superior efficacy as compared to testosterone alone and to buspirone alone To evaluate the effect of Lybridos as measured by scales of sexual satisfaction and/or sexual desire/arousal To evaluate the safety profile of Lybridos

Study of Transdermal Testosterone Patches in Surgically Menopausal Women With Low Libido
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThis study is designed to evaluate efficacy and safety of a testosterone patch as treatment for low libido in surgically menopausal women who are taking estrogen therapy.