Phase 3 Study of Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human)IVIG-SN™ in Subjects With Primary Immunodeficiency...
Immunologic Deficiency SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) IVIG-SN™ in subjects with primary immunodeficiency diseases.

A Study of the Neurological Effects of Adding Maraviroc to HAART Regimen in Patients With HIV (HANDmac)...
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND)HIV related cognitive impairment still occurs despite highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). HIV disease affects the brain in 20-40% of patients with advancing HIV disease; leading to varying degrees of cognitive impairment, recently termed HIV associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). HAND may occur in patients who are virally suppressed in both blood and CSF. Patients with HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND) who are virally suppressed in both their blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), whilst on a highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimen may have significant cognitive improvement with HAART intensification with the medication Maraviroc; compared to those who remain on their existing regimen. This study will be a prospective, interventional, randomised and unblinded controlled clinical trial. The aim of this study will be to determine whether HAART intensification with the medication Maraviroc, leads to significant improvement in HIV associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). Patients with the recent progression (within 6 months) of HAND (validated by neuropsychological assessment) on HAART, who are virally suppressed (<50 copies per ml) in blood and CSF will be randomised to have their existing HAART regimen intensified with Maraviroc, or not. The control arm will remain on their medication regimen as prescribed. The target is to enrol 70 patients into the control group, and 70 patients into the Maraviroc intensification group. Patients will undergo baseline neuropsychological testing, MRI, blood tests, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tests (via a lumbar puncture). The methods used to determine the effectiveness of adding Maraviroc, will include further neuropsychological assessment at 6 months, and neuropsychological assessment, MRI and CSF assessment again at 12 months. Neuropsychological testing completed at 6 and 12 months will be completed by a "blind assessor", in that they will have no knowledge of which arm (treatment or control) the participant is enrolled in. An evaluation (neuropsychological testing) will be performed should the patient deteriorate during the course of the study, as recognised by the patient's managing physician. At the end of the study protocol (12 months) the patient's HAART therapy will be managed by their primary physician.

Safety and Efficacy Study of Serostim® Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Adipose Redistribution...
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Adipose Redistribution SyndromeIn Serono Study 24380, the antecedent protocol to Study 25373, patients were randomly assigned in a 3.0-to-1.0 ratio to Groups A and B. All patients in Group A received recombinant human growth hormone (Serostim®) 4 mg daily (the "induction" phase) for the first 12 weeks, and then were re-randomized to receive either placebo or Serostim 2 mg on alternate days (roughly equivalent to 1 mg daily) during Weeks 12-36 (the "maintenance" phase). All patients in Group B initially received placebo from baseline to Week 24, and then received Serostim® 4 mg daily from Weeks 24 to 36 (Grunfeld, 2007). In the follow-up Study 25373, any subject who was enrolled in Serono Study 24380 and was assigned to Group A, who fully completed all study visits without a major protocol violation, was eligible to enroll to receive re-treatment with Serostim at a dose of 4 mg daily for 12 weeks. During study 25373, safety was monitored by recording of adverse events and measurement of urinalysis and laboratory blood tests to assess fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and routine biochemistry and hematology parameters. At Week 12 or at the time of study termination, subjects underwent re-assessment of body composition via anthropometry measurements and dual photon absorptiometry (DXA) scanning. In addition, at study termination, measurements of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), insulin-like growth binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3), fasting lipid profile, and oral glucose tolerance testing were obtained.

A Clinical Trial Comparing the Tolerability of Etravirine to Efavirenz in Combination With 2 Nucleoside/Nucleotide...
HIV InfectionHIV1 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the neuropsychiatric adverse event profiles of etravirine 400mg once daily versus efavirenz 600mg once daily, in combination with 2 N(t)RTIs, in approximately 150 treatment-naÃ-ve HIV-1 infected patients. Safety, tolerability and efficacy of both treatment arms will be assessed throughout the study.

Safety and Efficacy Study of Flebogamma 5% DIF IGIV in Pediatric Subjects
Primary Immune Deficiency DiseaseThis is a multi-center, open-label study to assess the efficacy and safety of Flebogamma 5% DIF in the pediatric population.

CD4 Cell Recovery in HIV-1 Patients Comparing 2 Treatment Regimes
Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeHIV InfectionsTherapy guidelines recommend the use of either the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) efavirenz or a ritonavir-boostered protease inhibitor (PI) plus 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) as first-line treatment regimes of HIV-1 infection. Recent clinical studies suggest potential advantages of NNRTI- over PI-based regimes in therapy initiation due to lower rates of virologic failure and less metabolic side-effects. In contrast, PI regimes were claimed to cause greater increases in CD4 cell count than NNRTI regimes, which has been attributed to intrinsic antiapoptotic effects of the PI. However, it is still unclear whether the immunological response to a PI-containing regime is greater than to an NNRTI-containing regime, whether there is a difference in the extent of reduction of apoptosis between PI and NNRTI regimes and whether a difference in apoptosis is associated with a difference in CD4 cell recovery. We conducted a controlled, long-term, random matched pair design study in HIV-1 infected individuals under sustained virologic suppression to evaluate in head-to-head comparison the clinical effects of a constant PI-based or NNRTI-based regime on CD4 cell recovery and the underlying molecular, biochemical and functional mechanisms.

Stem Cell Transplant for Immunologic or Histiocytic Disorders
Hemophagocytic LymphohistiocytosisX-Linked Lymphoproliferative Disorders4 moreThis study tests the clinical outcomes of a preparative regimen of fludarabine (FLU), anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG)/or Campath, and melphalan; followed by hematopoietic stem cell transplant, and a post transplant regimen of Cyclosporin A (CsA) in patients with immunologic or histiocytic disorders. The researchers hypothesize that this regimen will have a positive effect on post transplant engraftment and the incidence of graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD). Patients will be randomized biologically into one of 3 arms based upon donor availability: (a) human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypic matched sibling donor, (b) HLA phenotypic matched unrelated peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donor, (c) two HLA 0-2 antigen mismatched unrelated cord blood donors (double cord).

Ig NextGen 10% in Patients With Primary Immune Deficiency (PID)
Primary Immune Deficiency (PID)This study aims to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of Ig NextGen 10% in patients with primary immune deficiency currently being treated with Intragam P. Eligible patients will switch from 3 to 4 weekly intravenous Intragam P therapy to receive seven cycles of Ig NextGen 10% treatment administered intravenously at three- to four-weekly intervals. Patients will be monitored on the study for up to 36 weeks.

Rapid Infusion of Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) In Primary Immunodeficiency Patients
Immunologic Deficiency SyndromeAgammaglobulinemia3 moreThe objective of this study is to determine if the safety and tolerability of Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% caprylate/chromatography (IGIV-C)purified is similar when infused at two different infusion rates. The primary objective is to compare the incidence and severity of all infusion related adverse events when IGIV-C, 10% is administered at a rate of 0.14 mL/kg/min compared to a rate of 0.08 mL/kg/min after a single daily infusion.

Vicriviroc in HIV-Treatment Experienced Subjects (Study P04405AM5)
HIV InfectionsAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeVicriviroc (vye-kri-VYE-rock) is an investigational drug (not yet approved by Government Regulatory Authorities for commercial use) that belongs to a new class of drugs, called CCR5 receptor blockers. This group of drugs blocks one of the ways HIV enters T-cells (the cells that fight infection). Previous smaller studies in HIV treatment-experienced patients, have shown that vicriviroc is safe and effective. The purpose of this study is to confirm the previous findings in a larger phase 3 study over a 48-week period, and show that when taken in combination with other appropriate HIV drugs, vicriviroc can decrease the level of HIV (viral load) in the blood and that it is well tolerated.