
Active clinical trials for "Intraabdominal Infections"

Results 21-30 of 121

Evaluation of Regional Ventilation Distribution in Patients Affected by Abdominal Sepsis After Emergent...

Abdominal SepsisAcute Respiratory Failure2 more

The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate regional ventilation distribution in patients admitted to the intensive care unit after emergent laparotomy due to abdominal sepsis. The main question it aims to answer is: • evaluate if patients admitted after an open abdomen strategy have a different regional ventilation distribution compared to patients in which abdomen is closed at the end of the procedure Participants will undergo non-invasive monitoring (esophageal pressure and electrical impedance tomography) and an blood gas analysis samples. Researchers will compare open abdomen group and closed abdomen group to see if the ventilation distribution pattern is different.

Not yet recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Safety,Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of CAZ-AVI With Metronidazole in Children Aged...

Complicated Intra-abdominal Infections

This study will assess the safety , efficacy and pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime avibactam and metronidazole versus meropenem in paediatric population (from 3 months to less than 18 years of age )with complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAIs)

Completed39 enrollment criteria

Determine the PK and Safety and Tolerability of ATM-AVI for the Treatment of cIAIs in Hospitalized...

Complicated Intra-Abdominal InfectionscIAIs

Determine the PK and safety and tolerability of aztreonam-avibactam (ATM-AVI) in the treatment of hospitalized adults with cIAI

Completed41 enrollment criteria

Efficacy and Safety of Imipenem+Cilastatin/Relebactam (MK-7655A) in Japanese Participants With Complicated...

Complicated Intra-abdominal InfectionComplicated Urinary Tract Infection

The study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of imipenem+cilastatin/relebactam (IMI/REL, MK-7655A) in Japanese participants with complicated intra-abdominal infection (cIAI) or complicated urinary tract infection (cUTI).

Completed17 enrollment criteria

Sulopenem Versus Ertapenem for Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection (cIAI)

Intra Abdominal Infections

This is a prospective, Phase 3, randomized, multi-center, double-blind study of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of sulopenem followed by sulopenem-etzadroxil/probenecid versus ertapenem followed by ciprofloxacin-metronidazole for treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in adults.

Completed53 enrollment criteria

A Study to Learn About the Study Medicine Zavicefta After it is Released Into the Markets in Korea...

Complicated Intra-abdominal InfectionComplicated Urinary Tract Infection1 more

The purpose of this study is to learn about the safety and effectiveness of Zavicefta once released into the markets in Korea. This study is to learn about Zavicefta in patients with difficult types of infections in the abdomen, urinary tract and pneumonia which could have come from hospitalizations. This study was required by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) of Korea's regulations.

Not yet recruiting9 enrollment criteria

Continuous Topical Instillation for Open Abdomen in the Septic Patients With Complicated Intra-abdominal...

Wound Infection

The closed systems, such as conventional negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), were usually avoided in infected or critical colonized wounds. To our observation, the additional continuous irrigation tube attached beside the suction tube in the NPWT system could provide the effective drainage by reducing the occlusion of suction tube, enable effective debridement by diluting infected/necrotized tissues and decrease the incidence of fistula by providing relatively moist ambient. At our institutions, the modified system combined with a "triple-tube" device to allow a continuous instillation became more active and efficient. The study is to investigate if a continuous triple-tube instillation and suction could improve the outcomes of acute severely infected open abdomen.

Completed14 enrollment criteria

Compare Ceftazidime-Avibactam + Metronidazole vs Meropenem for Hospitalized Adults With Complicated...

Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Ceftazidime Avibactam plus Metronidazole compared to Meropenem for treating hospitalized patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous CXA-201 and Intravenous Meropenem in Complicated...

Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection

This is a Phase 3, multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind, double dummy study of CXA-201 Intravenous (IV) infusions (1500mg q8h) and metronidazole (500mg q8h) versus meropenem (1000mg q8h)for the treatment of adults with Complicated Intraabdominal Infections (cIAI).

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Safety Study of Meropenem in Young Infants With Intra-abdominal Infections...

Necrotizing EnterocolitisIntra-abdominal Infection

Meropenem is an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat serious infections. Although it is used in premature and young infants, the correct dose is not known. The purpose of this study is to determine the correct dose and the safety of meropenem for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in these young babies.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

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