The Effect of Therapeutic Neuroscience Education on Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainOngoing fear and catastrophization in people with chronic low back pain (CLBP) causes increased pain, disability and kinesiophobia, and decreased endurance of trunk muscles. Nowadays, recurrent low back pain complaints are increasing day by day. Besides the use of electrophysical agents and exercise in the treatment of chronic low back pain, education methods used to reduce the negative effects of psychosocial factors are important for healing. Although there were studies about the combination of Therapeutic Neuroscience Education (TNE) with exercise in CLBP, there are no studies that combine electrophysical agents, exercise and TNE methods in the literature. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate whether TNE combined with physiotherapy consisting of electrophysical modalities and home program exercise is superior to only physiotherapy in patients with CLBP.

Ultrasound-guided Neuromodulation Percutaneous
Low Back PainChronic low back pain (LBP) is one of the most familiar musculoskeletal pains and alone has been the main origin of years lived with disability for the past three decades. LBP is identified as a nonspecific, painful or mechanical situation in the lower back, buttocks, or hips. Although an underlying origin in chronic LBP has been proposed to be due to a multitude of factors, a muscle hip disbalance has been recognized5. A limited hip internal rotation range of motion (IR-ROM) and hip abductor weakness were found in patients with LBP symptoms7 In the field of Physiotherapy, ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Neuromodulation (PNM) is defined as the application through a needle with ultrasound guidance of an electrical current at low or medium frequency, seeking a sensitive and / or motor response of a peripheral nerve in some point of its trajectory, or of a muscle in a motor point, with a therapeutic objective. However, authors hypothesize that neuromodulation (especially the US-guided PNM technique) may be used to obtain more therapeutic effects, including pain relief. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hip muscle strengthening by a simple single-shot procedure with the US-guided PNM technique in people with LBP. A second purpose was to discover if the stimulation point in the sciatic nerve territory may influence the change of strength in these patients Sixty subjects will be recruited, which will be divided into 3 groups: group 1 to which PNM will be applied to the sciatic nerve in the gluteus region; group 2 to which PNM will be applied to the sciatic nerve in the middle of the thigh; and group 3 to which PNM will be applied to the sciatic nerve before popliteus region. The PNM intervention with NMP will consist in the single application of an asymmetric rectangular biphasic current (250 microseconds, 3 Hz) during 90 seconds

Study Evaluating Dexketoprofen Trometamol/Tramadol Hydrochloride Analgesic Efficacy in Acute Low...
Low Back PainA randomized, double-blind, study to evaluate the analgesic efficacy and safety of Dexketoprofen trometamol and Tramadol hydrochloride combination versus placebo on moderate to severe acute pain in patients with acute low back pain.

The Effect of Telerehabilitation in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainTelerehabilitation enables patients to easily adapt to home exercise programs and to be monitored remotely by their clinicians. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the home exercise program, which is integrated into 8-week remote asynchronous video telerehabilitation sessions, on clinical status in terms of pain, functionality, quality of life parameters, as well as patient expectation, motivation, and satisfaction levels.

Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain
Low Back PainMechanicalThe purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on functional outcomes, pain, and pain-related anxiety in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain

The Effects of Lumbar Stabilization Exercises With and Without Jaw Movements in Non-specific Low...
Chronic Nonspecific Low Back PainCore Stability2 moreCore stability strength & coordination is necessary to perform smooth & coordinated upper & lower extremity movements & function. Altered core stability muscle strength, coordination & poor motor control can cause low back pain (LBP). Physical therapists especially those working with children having neurodevelopmental problems or adults with neurological disorders such as stroke are aware of the concepts of global movements. In this concept, alterations in one body segment may bring changes in other body segments. In neurological rehabilitation, the concept of Neuro-Developmental Technique (NDT) introduced by Bobath got worldwide recognition. This concept states that there are specific key points in the neck, & shoulders that can facilitate normal movements by enhancing the activity of core musculature in functional movements for instance, sit to stand & walking. This concept was further explored by Burnstein and suggested that biomechanically body joints and motor control works together as functional unit and not as single limb movement. Bobath and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) concepts further explained that movements of the eye, head and neck facilitate trunk movements. Electromyography studies have shown that both single and rhythmical jaw opening and closing movements not only produced well-coordinated jaw and head-neck movements but also produced atlanto-occipital and cervical spine joints movements. The author further concluded that mouth opening and closing in fetal yawning is associated with head extension-flexion movements indicating that functional connections between the jaw and head-neck is innate. A human jaw or masticatory system is connected to the motor system through cranial nerves unlike central motor system which is connected to the body through spinal motor system. Brainstem central pattern generator (CPG) control masticatory system through descending pathways and are involved in voluntary movements of the jaw such as mouth opening and closing. The higher brain centers cortical masticatory area and primary motor cortex control these movements. In the current back pain literature core stability exercises have been used in the management of chronic low back pain. The jaw is connected to the head-neck and neck is connected to the trunk. Therefore there is to study the effects of core stability exercises performed with and without jaw movements in the management of chronic low back pain.

Investigation of Immediate, Short and Long Term Effects of Mulligan Mobilization With Movement Techniques...
Chronic Low Back PainIntroduction: Although the effectiveness of many mobilization methods in chronic low back pain (CLBP) was shown, these effects were not monitored in the long term. The aim of this study was to identify the immediate, short and long-term effects of mulligan mobilization with movement (MWM) in terms of pain, range of motion (ROM), flexibility, endurance, functionality and disabilities in patients with CLBP. Methods: The study was designed in randomized-placebo controlled with 36 people randomly distributed into 2 groups. Sustained natural apophyseal glide (SNAG) was applied to the lumbar region, straight leg raise (SLR) with traction to the hip, and internal rotational mobilization techniques and home exercise program were applied in Group 1 (n=19); and the same techniques were applied as sham mobilization in Group 2 (n=17). The evaluations were made as post-intervention for immediate effect, and were also made at the 5th week, 3rd month, and 6th months for short and long-term effect. Evaluation was also made for pain in 12th month.

Paracetamol, Dexketoprofen and Ibuprofen In Non-Traumatic Acute Low Back Pain
Low Back PainMechanicalCurrently, paracetamol and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are widely used by emergency physicians in Turkey for the treatment of patients with Non-Traumatic Acute Low Back Pain The objective of the study is compare the efficacy of intravenous dexketoprofen,ibuprofen with paracetamol in the treatment of Non-Traumatic Acute Low Back Pain

Non Pain Contingent Spine Rehabilitation Therapy in Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe aim of study is to determine effects of non pain contingent spine rehabilitation in chronic low back pain.A Randomized controlled trial will be conducted at Railway general hospital. Sample size will be 32.Participants will be divided in two groups, 16 participants in group A will receive Non pain contingent spine rehabilitation (NCSR) therapy and 16 Group B will receive conventional physical therapy. The study duration will be six months. Purposive non probability sampling technique will be applied.

Effects of Back Muscles Endurance Training in Patients With Chronic Mechanical Low Back Pain
Mechanical Low Back PainParaspinal Muscles1 moreLow back pain is one the leading cause of disability and affecting many individuals. Chronic low back pain is associated with restriction in daily physical activities that ultimately leads to disuse atrophy of muscles. The objective of the study is to find out the effects of Back Muscles Endurance Training on pain, disability, endurance and Lumbar flexibility in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain.